Life Is Starting To Change

As the oil crisis continues, widespread changes are starting to occur. Resources that were getting expensive are now becoming unavailable. Airlines are cutting flights, outages are beginning at local gas stations, people are being laid off and stores are closing. The changes are occurring most rapidly and severely to those goods and services that depended the most on cheap oil.

Part 1: Set the Stage

  1. Re-immerse yourself in the alternate reality: it's an oil crisis, there's not enough to go around.
  2. View three short videos:
  3. Read the following citizen reports about shortages:

Part 2: Take Action

Part 3: Lesson Activity
  1. Review the economic concepts of scarcity  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity  and opportunity costs  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opportunity_cost
  2. Create a chart on paper or on the computer with three columns - article title/topic, scarcity, and opportunity cost.
  3. Apply the concepts to some or all of the citizen reports from the first part of this lesson. 
  4. Share your group's findings.
  5. Discussion questions:
    • What choices will you have to make in the coming days?
    • How might your choices impact others - locally and nationally?
    • Are you looking out primarily for yourselves or the community as a whole?
Part 4: Reflect
Life is definitely changing for everyone in a World Without Oil.  Today you should focus your reflections on what commodities might become more scarce and what choices you and your family will have to make as resources are depleted. Use the following questions to help guide your reflection:

Part 5: Take It Further

Now that we are starting to feel the impact of crisis, it is time to start making some real world changes.  To take it further today, you are being challenged to take on one or more of the WWO Missions.

Make sure to record your feat on your blog, using photographs, drawings, or video to help illustrate your accomplishment.  Good luck!

Additional Resources



Independent Lens Electric Shadows Independent Television Service Corporation for Public Broadcasting Ken Eklund, Writerguy