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With extraordinary speed the Canary whirls about. In only a moment, Tomas is on deck, then Kerry, then the last crew member, Jan, shaking off sleep. Yet by the time the Celeste hoves into view again, it is already noticeably lower in the water.

"Terry!" you shout. He is nowhere in sight. Something astern of the boat catches your eye. The "monster" surfaces again, and now you see what it is - a dark metal shipping container.

The Canary drives upwind, straight for the stricken Celeste. The crew scrambles to trim the sails. You unclip a boathook and scramble to the bow.

No sign of life aboard the Celeste. "Terry!" you shout again.

And then there he is, thrashing his way up the flooded companionway into the cockpit, something cradled in one arm.

You stand solid and extend the pole. As the Canary's bow looms near, Terry vaults to the deck, up on top of a railing stanchion, and then grasps your pole. With one big heave, you haul him aboard.

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