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"I have to confess, I never much liked that boat," Terry says. You are all staring at where the Celeste used to be.

"The Elliotts are going to be furious," you say.

"Nah," Terry says. "Truth is, they never much liked it either."

"Kerry. Tomas. Jan. Get below," Jackie orders, and they go.

"So, Terry," you say. "Did you find out anything? On the radio. Get hold of anyone?"



"Oh, yeah," he says, running a hand over his face. "Got a great connection with the esteemed ship's physician on board the Rani Royal, a cruise ship about two hundred miles from here."

"And?" Jackie's face is expressionless.

"And he thinks the flu is rampaging through your boat. A little annoyed that I bothered him, actually."

"The flu?" Jackie furrows her brows. "Did you tell him about Tomas? And Alistair?"

"Something about dehydration. But then we were, uh, interrupted," Terry says, and turns away from the rail.

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