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"Rani Royal, Rani Royal, this is Terry Holt on the Celeste. We're requesting urgent medical advice."

"What's your position, Celeste?" After they exchange course and speed information, another voice comes on.

"Terry, this is Dr. Caulkin, ship's physician," a voice says. "What seems to be the trouble?"

Briefly Terry describes the situation. "Tell me what you know, patient by patient," Dr. Caulkin instructs. "From beginning to end."

Terry runs down the notes about Brendan. There is a pause. "All right. Next patient?"

Terry now runs down the notes for Kerry. The pause is longer, and now the voice is icy. "Hmpf. Celeste, sounds like you've interrupted my busy day for two cases of flu. Have you looked at the weather? Do you have any idea how many thousand seasick pills I must prescribe today?"

"Two more patients," Terry responds angrily. "One - sounds like shock. The other's got a nasty cough."

"Oh?" The doctor sounds intrigued. "Wol buggut zil dul shrak mumbum." Terry turns a knob on the radio ever so gently. "Rani Royal, Rani Royal," he says. "Dr. Caulkin! I'm losing your signal."

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