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"I repeat," the doctor says, "tell me about the shock victim." The signal is growing faint.

Shouting into the microphone, Terry describes what happened to Tomas. "Are these people drinking enough water?" the doctor responds. "Sounds like dehydration, maybe caused by overwork, maybe by fever.

"Now, about the patient widaa kog." Terry cranes his head close to the speaker as the radio signal begins to break up.

"Duh dis potentilly worry sirius. Duh dins du grrrer newmonia unn tuber rocus... sssduh kog rodukeff? Arduh sines of baktero infesssion? Effsho, amin ster robotics sassoon assssh poshble..." The voice fades into the static.

"Did you understand a word of that?" Terry asks. "I sure didn't." And then a cry goes up outside.Go To Next Page

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