is something we are; not just something with which we relate.”
- Eric Alan, from 'Wild Grace'
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between
Family and Small Shares are italicized)
Family Share:
Bok choi
Fava beans
Green garlic
Green/young onions
Small Share:
Bok choi
Fava beans
Green garlic
Mystery item
Extra Fruit:
2 baskets of strawberries plus a small bag of oranges
Sat June 17
Summer Solstice Celebration
field tours 2 - 5
celebrations 5 - 9
with Kuzanga Marimba!
Aug 25, 26, 27
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
Sat. Sept. 23
Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm until dark
Sat. Oct 22
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza |
In most parts of the world the 1st of May is celebrated as "The
day of the Worker" and when I lived in Ecuador I remember it was
always a national holiday. Today we at the farm are taking the day off
in support of the millions of workers who are asking for their basic
rights, as workers and human beings, no matter where they are from or
what their immigration status is. In farming, the farmworker is all too
frequently unnoticed in the overall equation. Bringing social justice
issues to the center of the sustainable agriculture agenda is way past
due. The 700,000 farm workers in California are a critical work force
that is politically vulnerable, and frequently victimized. Although the
demonstrations are targeted specifically towards demanding a comprehensive
change in the flawed and untenable immigration policy of this country,
it is an opportunity to reflect on our own situation here at Live Earth
Farm. We are fortunate to have an incredibly talented, dedicated, and
hard working group of people who every day brings this farm alive and
grows the most wonderful food this land has to offer. The dignity of
farm labor is the key to having a healthy and thriving farm. When we
talk about the farm's organic production methods we also need to include
all the people involved, so they are as healthy and cared for as any
other aspect of the farm. What would be the point of farming organically
if the workers were underpaid, overworked or treated without respect?
We pay all our workers well above the minimum wage and make every possible
effort to offer year-round employment, based on year-round production and
cash flow. Over the last few years this has allowed our family of workers
to purchase their own home, creating a more stable and decent living situation
for all. Since none of our work is based on a piece rate (we pay at an hourly
rate), our employees don't scramble so fast that they risk permanent damage
to their bodies in the rush to make a few more dollars a day. To protect
the physical health of everyone is very important. Working on a farm is not
only more dangerous at times, but doing the same task repeatedly is both
boring and can be physically harmful. Given the diversity of crops and activities
we have here, everyone enjoys a variety of tasks during a given week. Harvesting,
weeding, pruning, planting, washing, packing, watering, plowing, delivering
the produce as well as selling at farmers markets are some of the many activities
that keeps the work very diverse. Working on a farm can be very strenuous,
so it is important to also try to have a good time, and recognize the importance
of good companionship and good humor. Finally, growing food for a known community
of members is more rewarding, giving more importance and recognition to all
the work performed here on the farm. Through your commitment as members in
our CSA you are directly participating in bettering the condition of our
farm workers. The responsibility of fairness and well-being is more integrated,
and not just resting with me, the farmer. We welcome your comments, and likewise
would welcome anyone’s help in our effort to continue offering better
opportunities for our workers. For example, we need people who could help
teach English as a second language, teach welding and construction skills,
and advise us on more comprehensive and affordable healthcare plans. Happy
1st of May! - Tom
Field Notes from Farmer
With the change in weather
we were finally able to plant potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, more lettuce
and broccolini, but I ask for your patience since these crops will not
show up in your shares for another 7 to 8 weeks. Next week we will have
carrots again, the cauliflower and broccoli will continue, and strawberries
should also become more abundant as the sun starts warming things up.
Our raspberries and blackberries are starting to bloom, so in another
4 to 5 weeks and we should see the first signs of them in the Extra Fruit
shares. I will continue to get oranges since they are really delicious,
and a local organic avocado grower has offered to sell us some of his
crop so you may see them in a future share as well. Rest assured I am
trying my best to keep your box exciting with new surprises every week! 
De-mystifying the “Mystery Item” in the ‘whats-in-the-box’ list
members are confused by this moniker in the veggie list. Some think we’re
testing you (“See if YOU can be the first one to identify the mystery!”),
or trying to keep something under wraps (“Just for fun, why don’t
we put something in the share but not tell them what it is!”),
or just plain befuddled ourselves (“We don’t know what this
is either. I know, let’s try it out on our CSA members!”).
But in fact, none of these is the case. “Mystery Item” just
means that Tom wants to put another item in the share, but is not sure
at the time we’re putting together this newsletter what it might
be, as often it may be one of any number of different veggies. Sometimes
Tom will grow something but there’s not enough to give to everybody,
so you may even have a different ‘mystery item’ in your box
as compared to other members! It helps the farm to be able to be more
flexible like this is all, and rest assured whatever your ‘mystery’ happens
to be, it will be fresh and good! And remember, if you ever get something
in your box that you can’t identify, I’ve got a pretty comprehensive
database of pictures on the recipe page of our website you can refer
to. Just click on the little camera icon next to the veggie’s name
in the list, and hopefully your mystery will be solved! - Debbie 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
probably going to have fava beans for the next few weeks, so I’ll
always try to include some recipes for these, but new on the radar this
week: kohlrabi, cauliflower and bok choi, so let’s see what I can
find to use these veggies as well! People have been great about sending
in recipes to share too. Our first recipe this week was submitted by
member Odile Wolf. Thanks Odile! - Debbie
Fava Beans with Cilantro
from Portugese Cooking, by Hjilaire Walden [Odile says, I cannot recommend this book enough. I have not had a bad recipe in it, and I have tried a lot of them.]
serves 4
oz. bacon cut into strips
1 onion, finely chopped
1 lb. shelled favas*
2 tomatoes, peeled seeded and chopped (this time of year, use canned)
¾ C chopped cilantro
*or if the fava beans are still young and tender, Id say dont shell them, just cut off top and tails and cut into bite-size pieces pods and all. See last weeks newsletter. - Debbie
Cook the bacon in a heavy saucepan until the fat runs. Stir in the onion and cook until softened. Add the beans, barely cover with water, and simmer until they are tender 6 to 15 min. depending on the age of the beans. [The farms beans are obviously very fresh; Id only cook em for 2 to 3 minutes if shelled; 5 minutes if youre using the pods too. Debbie] Stir in the tomatoes and seasoning, cover and heat gently, shaking the pan oc-casionally for a few minutes to warm the tomatoes. Stir in the cilantro and serve.
the uninitiated, that strange-looking pale-green orb with the leafy
stems sprouting from its sides is kohlrabi. See the recipe database
on our website for pictures. - Debbie
Kohlrabi Ideas from Mariquita Farm
Julia Wiley and Andy Griffin are neighbors of Live Earth Farm and also have
a CSA. Julia and I openly share each others recipes with our re-spective
memberships. I really like her list of ideas for kohlrabi, and think
you all will appreciate them as well! Debbie
A favorite way to eat truly fresh kohlrabi is to peel (like a potato; Andy doesn't
peel his but I like to) the kohlrabi, slice it like you would jicama or carrots
for a dip tray, and then eat the raw pieces plain or with lemon juice. The kohlrabi
is fresh so it's sweet, and has none of that strong cabbage smell old brassicas
can have. - Julia
Cooking tips:
Kohlrabi doesn't have to be peeled after cooking.
It's excellent cooked or raw. Try it both ways.
Grate kohlrabi into salads, or make a non-traditional coleslaw with grated
kohlrabi and radish, chopped parsley, green onion, and dressing of your choice.
Try raw kohlrabi, thinly sliced, alone or with a dip. Peel and eat raw like
an apple.
Steam kohlrabi whole, 25-30 minutes, or thinly sliced, 5-10 minutes. Dress
slices simply with oil, lemon juice and a fresh herb, or dip in flour and briefly
Sauté grated kohlrabi in butter, add herbs or curry.
Add sliced or cubed kohlrabi to heart soups, stews or a mixed vegetable stir-fry.
Chill and marinate cooked kohlrabi for a summer salad. Add fresh herbs.
Kohlrabi leaves can be used like other cooking greens. Store the leaves and
bulbs separately. The globe will last for a few weeks in plastic in the fridge.
Heres a brilliantly simple recipe I found online! Why didnt
I think of this? - Debbie
Rice Steamed with Bok Choi
from a cookbook called Simple Seduction in Three Courses by Lynn Rossetto
any recipe for cooking rice. In the last 5 minutes of cooking, fold
in some chopped up bok choi [and let it steam].
with fresh Cilantro
modified from a Middle-Eastern recipe found on
serves 4
1 head cauliflower, cut into flowerets
¼ C olive oil
6 scallions, thinly sliced (or use 1 fresh young onion from the box)
3 garlic cloves, minced (ditto green garlic, i.e. 1 good-sized stalk
would be a sufficient substitution for 3 cloves of garilc)
1 serrano chili, seeded and minced
½ C fresh cilantro leaves (Id use chopped leaves and stems myself. Dont waste
the stems; theyve got lots of flavor!)
1 tsp. harissa (or ¾ tsp. paprika + ¼ tsp. cayenne)
salt, pepper, and lemon slices for garnish
Cook cauliflower in salted water 6-7 min. Drain well. Heat oil in a pan
on med-hi, add cauliflower, garlic and chili and stir-fry 2-3 minutes,
being careful not to burn. Add scallions, cilantro, and harissa, stir well,
then season w/salt and pepper to taste. Serve with sliced lemon for garnish.
(Careful, this recipe is spicy!! Debbie)
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.