truth is that we never conquered the world, never understood
it; we only think we have control. We do not even know why
we respond in a certain way to other organisms, and need
them in diverse ways so deeply.”
- Edward O. Wilson
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined and italicized; items with a “+” in
Family Shares are more in quantity than in Small)
Family Share:
Broccoli +
Cucumbers or summer squash
Green beans +
Kale or chard
Lettuce +
Mustard greens
Radishes or cilantro
Winter squash (Butternut)
Small Share:
Green beans
Kale or chard
Radishes or cilantro
Winter squash (Butternut)
Extra Fruit Option:
Apples, pears, and strawberries
Nov. 15/16
Last shares of the season!
Nov. 29
First Winter Share delivery |
by the bombardment of negative news and information just before the election
I have this feeling of paralysis, witnessing a spectacle of political
chaos and a system that is completely out of touch and out of control.
Although one might question the integrity of the election process and
how much of a difference one vote can really make, I can't help but be
an optimist when I see so many people around me searching for ways to
live a life that integrates with and respects the earth and its cohabitants.
It may seem like a small step, but I see a CSA share as an opportunity
to slow down our ever-accelerating lifestyle of obligations and commitments.
I know it will take time to clean, prepare and cook the kale, carrots,
green beans, and potatoes in this week’s share, however watch what
happens in a moment when we are slowing down. Suddenly we appreciate
the lifecycle of these crops that started from a tiny seed or tuber.
The potatoes we planted in the spring come from an organic potato farm
in Colorado and have been in the ground for over 4 months; the kale was
sown and transplanted by hand; the carrots (which are still sizing up)
have been carefully watered to ensure good germination, as well as weeded
and thinned to ensure they will develop a nice size. Green beans, as
you well know, are the most difficult when it comes to picking: each
bean is carefully plucked from the plant so as not to damage the flowers
and other tiny baby beans still developing. I love to pay attention to
the texture, smell, shapes, and colors of vegetables; like a piece of
art they stimulate all my senses.
Having just finished a busy month of school tours here on the farm, I always
get inspired by how much more awareness and spontaneity children express
when exposed to nature. At our son's school, every class is studying the
Pajaro River Watershed. The effect is already apparent, as David is increasingly
becoming aware of the interconnectedness of things within this bioregion,
understanding that his life is also a part of this river. On a practical
level for him, suddenly picking up trash and understanding how human activities
such as farming can impact the Pajaro River make a lot more sense. There
are powerful and emerging actions that are making a real difference in our
families, communities, and around the world. If we listen carefully, the
faint melody that once was difficult to hear continues to grow, both in strength
and in clarity. Soon we will see assumptions that long ago seemed invincible – whether
they were social, economic, political, environmental, or spiritual – are
transforming and crumbling at the edges. When I vote, I trust I can make
a difference. I like to think that individually, every living being, including
me, is unique – with a function, voice, and certain power to make a
difference within this larger and interconnected whole. This way, life is
exciting and becomes a celebration. – Tom
Field Notes from Farmer
The majority of next season’s
strawberry plants are on hand but in cold storage, since they need a
certain amount of chilling before being planted out into the field. This
is really important, in order to ensure that the plants are productive
and vigorous over the course of next season. We are currently preparing
two acres of raised beds and will be planting approximately 55,000 plants
over the next two weeks. With last week’s rain we also have the
ideal planting conditions for next year’s fava beans and all our
winter cover crops. I was hoping to give everyone cabbage and cauliflower
in the last shares of the season, however they will probably not mature
in time. So it looks like the winter shares will benefit, by having bountiful
amounts of these two crops towards the end of November. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
This week, a few tried
and true favorites, and a few of my own. - Debbie
Debbie's Green Bean, Winter
Squash and Italian Sausage Pasta Sauce
This is really very easy. Serves 2-3, or more if you increase the ingredient
6 to 8 fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large delicata squash, peeled, seeded, cut lengthwise into quarters,
then crosswise into half-inch chunks
A bunch of green beans, stem end cut off, then cut into short segments
Half an onion, thinly sliced
1 uncooked Italian sausage
about 1 C chicken broth or stock
½ tsp. fennel seed
olive oil and salt
In a large skillet, start
sautéing onion and fennel seed in some
olive oil over medium-high heat. Squeeze sausage out of its casing into
pan, and break apart with a wooden spoon. Cook a few minutes, until sausage
is well broken up and cooked through. Add squash pieces, stir to distribute.
Sprinkle in some salt. Add tomatoes, green beans and broth, then cover
and cook over medium heat about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. At
about the 20 minute mark, start your pasta water. Once the squash is
cooked through, uncover the sauce and keep cooking to reduce liquid until
it’s reached the desired consistency. Serve over cooked pasta and
pass the parmesan cheese and grater!
Spicy Sardine & Broccoli
(originally run in 1999, Week 28)
I make this recipe often.
It is one of my husband’s and my
A bunch of broccoli or broccolini, florettes and stems cut into largish
but bite-sized pieces
1 tin of sardines, in olive oil
2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. oil from tinned sardines
1 tbsp. sugar
¼ tsp. hot red pepper
1 clove garlic, crushed
penne pasta
In a large pot of boiling
salted water, cook pasta until done, adding broccoli pieces during
the last 3 to 4 minutes of cooking time so they’ll
be done at the same time. Meanwhile, combine soy sauce, olive oil, sugar,
chilies and garlic in a small bowl or cup. Drain pasta/broccoli well,
dump back into pot, break up sardines into it then stir in sauce and
mix well. Serve hot, but is also good cold, as a ‘pasta salad.’
Butternut Bisque
(originally run in 1998, week 25) serves 6
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 C finely chopped onion
1 large butternut squash,
peeled seeded & cut into 1" chunks
2 med. pears, peeled, cored & cut into 1" chunks
1 med. tart apple (peel, core, etc.)
4 tsp. lemon juice, divided
1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
1 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. curry powder
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 14.5 oz. can chicken broth (or equivalent of homemade stock)
1 C apple juice
1 C water
1/4 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp. pepper
In a medium pan, sauté onion
in oil over medium-low heat, 10 min. Add all ingredients except 2 tsp.
of the lemon juice, and the pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover
and simmer for 30 minutes. Let cool slightly. With a slotted spoon,
transfer cooked solids to a blender or food processor. Puree until
very smooth. Stir back into remaining broth. Stir in remaining lemon
juice and the pepper. Heat through.
Deb’s Potato Gnocchi
(that’s pronounced “nyo-kee”)
(originally run in 1998, week 14)
about 1 lb. potatoes
1/2 tsp. salt
1 lg. or 2 sm. egg yolks
3/4 - 1 C flour
Scrub potatoes and boil in
their skins until tender (15 - 20 min.). Drain, allow to cool, then
mash or rice them. (Note 1: do NOT use a food processor or potatoes
become gluey! Note 2: I am a big fan of potato skins -- they're tasty
and nutritious, so I leave them on. If you don't care for them, feel
free to peel.) Add yolks and salt to mashed potatoes and mix well.
Work in about 3/4 cups of the flour, kneading into a dough. Add additional
flour to make a firm, smooth dough that does not stick to your fingers.
Divide dough into 2 or 3 parts. On a floured surface, roll each into
a rope about 1/2" in diameter. Cut into 1" segments.
Round up segments with your fingers, then roll under the tines of a fork
to create ridges (optional). At this point, you can either cook 'em or
freeze 'em. To freeze: place on wax paper on a cookie sheet (close together
but not touching) and freeze. Remove from sheets, store in ziploc bags
in freezer. To cook: drop into ample boiling salted water (do not crowd
them). They are ready when they rise to the surface. Remove w/slotted
spoon. Serve any number of ways: with your favorite sauce, with melted
butter, minced parsley and parmesan, or with broccoli in a cheese sauce,
Strawberry Carrot Cake
(originally run in 2002, week 23)
for cake:
2 1/2 C all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 C oil
1/2 C plain yogurt
1 1/2 C packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1/3 C water
1/2 C chopped pecans
1 C finely shredded carrots
1 C chopped strawberries (or other tangy fruit like pineapple,
kiwi, mango...)
for strawberry-cream cheese glaze:
(or use your favorite cream-cheese frosting)
2 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 tbsp. mashed strawberries
1/2 tsp. vanilla
3/4 C powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 12-cup bundt cake
pan or two 9-inch layer cake pans. (Note: layer cakes come out most
easily if pans are greased, then the bottoms lined with waxed paper,
then greased again and floured.) Sift together the first six ingredients.
In a separate bowl, blend together the oil, yogurt and brown sugar.
At low speed, blend in eggs, then water. To this mixture add the dry
ingredients, and beat at medium speed for 2 minutes, scraping the sides
of the bowl occasionally. By hand, stir in the pecans, carrots and
strawberries until just blended. Pour batter into the prepared pan(s).
Bake the bundt cake for 45 to 55 minutes, or the cake layers for 30
to 35 minutes, or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes
out clean. Cool for 7 minutes then remove from pan(s). Cool completely.
Frost as desired and refrigerate.
To make strawberry-cream cheese glaze:
Beat softened cream cheese, mashed strawberries and vanilla in a small
bowl on low speed until blended. Gradually beat in powdered sugar.
That's it!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.