lying all around, with such beauty and such affection for
her children; and yet we are so early weaned from her breast
to society, to that culture which is exclusively an interaction
of man on man.”
- Henry David Thoreau
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined and italicized; items with a “+” in
Family Shares are more in quantity than in Small)
Family Share:
Dandelion greens
Fennel +
Green beans +
Kale or chard
Sweet peppers +
Winter squash (butternut and sweet dumpling) +
Small Share:
Dandelion greens
Green beans
Kale or chard
Sweet peppers
Winter squash (butternut and sweet dumpling)
Extra Fruit Option:
Apples, berries, and either concord grapes or pineapple guavas
All of October:
Members Only Early Registration
(click here to
sign up)
Sat. Oct 20
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza
Nov. 15/16
Last shares of the season!
Nov. 29
First Winter Share delivery |
Get your Pumpkins at the Farm! On Saturday October 21st we invite
you to come to the farm and pick up your Halloween pumpkin. We don’t
deliver pumpkins to your pick-up site, as there is just not enough room
in the truck for all the share boxes AND a bunch of big pumpkins! This
is how our ‘pumpkin day’ at the farm originally came about.
I intend to have less of a "Palooza" and more of a day-long, “Come-When-You-Can/Pick-Your-Pumpkin” day.
Every CSA member gets a FREE pumpkin of choice, and if you would like
to get more there are plenty to choose from. Depending on their size,
prices will range between $2 and $5. We have beautiful orange Cinderella
pumpkins, as well as Jack-O-Lanterns. The farm will be open all day that
Saturday between 10am and 6pm. Different ongoing activities will take
place throughout the afternoon such as pressing apples into fresh cider,
sowing cover crop seeds, pumpkin carving, farm walks, and tractor rides.
If you are interested in worm composting, seed saving, the use of solar
and renewable energy, solar drying, or would simply like to relax and
enjoy a few hours on the farm, mark your calendar and then come join
us for this season's last community gathering! – Tom
What's Up on the Farm
Farming bugs to grow food. Last weekend we hosted an Agroecology class
from UC Berkeley. One of their primary interests was to understand how
we manage our soils and how we manage insect pests in our crops. As we
walked through our flowering buckwheat, professor Miguel Altieri of UC
Berkeley (well known in the field of Agroecology) explained the dynamic
relationships between beneficial insects and pest insects, and how as
farmers we can enhance our ability to control insect pests by attracting
beneficial predatory insects such as ladybugs, lacewings, mites, flies,
and certain wasps by simply increasing their habitat. In this case, we
could see how the flowering buckwheat was teeming with them. So one way
we combat pest insects is by trying to establish a resident population
of beneficial insects by planting flowering buckwheat, growing perennial hedgerows
of different flowering plants right next to our fields, and by growing rows
of alfalfa and clover among the rows of strawberries.
also sometimes combat pest insects by introducing beneficial insects
directly into the fields, i.e. by purchasing them and releasing them
ourselves. Last week we released approximately 60,000 ladybugs into a
field of cucumbers and summer squash to control an outbreak of black
aphids. We released them at dusk (best time to do so, to avoid their
flying away) by sprinkling them over the plants. By the time we were
done, they were crawling all over us and we looked like a bunch of lunatics
running through the fields in the dark, shaking and brushing ourselves
clear of ladybugs.
Yet another way of controlling certain insect pests is by confusing
them in their mating cycle by releasing pheromones into the air. This
is commonly done to control codling moths in apples and pears. All we
have to do is hang these little plastic twistie things in our orchards,
every third tree or so. The twisties contain the pheromones and release
them into the air, confusing the males because they are attracted to
the scent but then can’t find any females to mate with. The trick
is in knowing exactly when the moths are flying to lay their eggs, and
timing the release of these pheromones accordingly.
We never stop learning from nature, whether it is through the world of
insects, the sprouting of a seed unfolding into a delicate seedling, or
simply by watching this weekend's full moon rising over the Santa Cruz
Mountains. Nature's book is a fascinating read and, best of all, we are
all in it.  |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
I acted on my intuition last week and tried making a soup with the sweet
dumpling squash and tomatoes... and it came out great! So I’ll
give you my recipe for that, because everyone is getting more of both
this week. Also, I received a request from a member: someone brought
homemade pakoras to the potluck for the Equinox Celebration, and she
said they were so wonderful, she was hoping that whoever brought them
might share his/her recipe. So if you read this message and you made
those pakoras, and are willing to share the recipe, please email me and
I’ll put it in a future newsletter. - Debbie
Maple-curry Sweet Dumpling
by member Kirsten Nelson
Kirsten says, “Here’s another of my non-recipes (it’s
too simple to call a recipe).” Cut (carefully, they're hard to
cut) the squash in half and remove seeds. Cut each half into 4-6 pieces.
Drizzle a little maple syrup over the squash and shake on a little curry
(we used mild) powder. Bake at 350 until soft (40 minutes-ish).
A different “Crispy
submitted by member Odile Wolf
Odile says, “this arcane recipe was passed along to me by someone
in my moms’ playgroup. It sounded very cool...” [I call it ‘different’ because
we ran a recipe earlier this year for a ‘crispy kale’ which
is made in the oven, not in a dehydrator, which this recipe calls for.
- Debbie]
Wash and tear leaves from
1 bunch kale into large pieces (they shrink in the dehydrator). Drain
well or blot dry. In a large bowl, combine the juice of 4 limes, ¼ C wheat-free tamari [or soy sauce], and
about 1 tbsp. cold-pressed olive oil. Add kale to mixture and massage
with hands thoroughly. Put a heavy plate or something on top of the kale
to ‘squish’ it into the marinade and let sit for 4 hours.
Remove plate and massage kale/marinade mixture again to squeeze out excess
liquid, then spread leaves out onto teflex sheets for drying in a dehydrator
(Teflex sheets are often sold with dehydrators; they’re a flexible,
reusable, non-stick sheet that is safe to heat). Dehydrate at 105 degrees
for 5 hours or so then remove from Teflex sheets and dehydrate another
5 hours or so until crispy and delicious. [I imagine the taste would
be something like toasted nori.] “Don’t worry about the amount
of time in the dehydrator; you can’t ‘overcook’ it.
It’s foolproof,” Odile says.
Pineapple Guavas
This is not so much a recipe
as info about these yummy fruit! Some of you may be getting them
in your fruit share this week. This fruit is more-or-less egg sized and
shaped, and dark green (see picture
in recipe database). Some of
the ones you receive may yet need a bit more ripening before they’re
ready to eat. Just let them sit out in a fruit basket or bowl. They are
ripe and ready when they are slightly soft to the touch, and perfumey
(they have a very distinct, wonderful fragrance). To eat them, I use
Tom’s technique: just roll them between your fingers
to soften a bit, then break the skin slightly with a thumbnail and
break the fruit in half, opening like you would a cracked egg. Then eat
the fruit, skin and all, only tossing the stem (flower?) end. They are
very delicious and packed with vitamin C!
Deb’s Sweet Dumpling
Tomato Soup
makes about 7 to 8 cups of soup
2 Sweet Dumpling squash
about 10 small-to-medium tomatoes
1 large onion, peeled and chopped
1½ C chicken stock
(homemade is best)
Really good olive oil, or some plain yogurt
Sea salt
Halve squash (like Kirsten
says, be careful as they’re pretty
hard), remove seeds, and place cut-side down on an oiled baking dish
(I used glass). Bake in a moderate oven (350 – 375 degrees) until
soft, 30 to 40 minutes. While the squash is baking, peel your tomatoes:
cut an X in the bottom of each tomato then drop into a pot of boiling
water for 10 to 30 seconds or so, until the skin splits. Transfer with
a slotted spoon to a bowl of ice water. The skin will now come off easily.
Core and chop peeled tomatoes and set aside. When the squash is done,
spoon the pulp out of the skin and discard skin (you should end up with
2½ to 3 C pulp). In the pot you plan to cook the soup in, sauté onion
in some butter and olive oil until translucent. Add stock, tomatoes and
squash pulp, stirring to kind of mix everything. Bring to a boil then
cook over medium heat until tomatoes fall apart (about 10 minutes). Cool
enough so you can purée in a blender without it exploding all
over the place (that’s what hot stuff in a blender will do; I know
from experience!). Purée in batches, then transfer back to the
pot and heat through. Serve hot, with a drizzle of flavorful olive oil
and some coarse sea salt scattered on top (the hot soup makes the olive
oil really fragrant and wonderful! Randy, are you listening??). [Randy
is Randy Robinson, owner of Vino Locale, a wonderful restaurant and wine
bar in Palo Alto that focuses entirely on local wines and food made from
local ingredients; they get many of their ingredients from Live Earth
Farm! But Randy is also an olive oil enthusiast (that’s putting
it mildly!) and last time I was there I bought a bottle of this really
fine olive oil from him – and it was absolutely exquisite on the
soup!] Alternatively, you could serve with a dollop of plain yogurt on
top (and salt to taste).
Of course an alternative way
to make this soup would be to halve, seed, peel and cut up the squash,
then cook it in the pot with the sautéed
onion, stock, and tomatoes until tender (instead of baking the squash
separately). Just remember to cook it until the squash is soft, probably
(again) 30 to 40 minutes. Then purée, etc. as above.
What about that fennel?
Oooohhh, I love fennel! With
its delicate, anise flavor and fragrance, it can be used so many
ways! I have several recipes
in the database for fennel, but I’ve
always wanted to try the ‘shaved’ technique,
i.e. with a mandoline (if you have one), shave fennel crosswise
into paper thin slices (I don’t have one, so I’d use a sharp
knife and just slice it as thin as I could). Then serve it any number
of ways: how about with some shaved Parmigiano-Romano cheese, some kalamata
olives, some bite-sized pieces of fresh orange and a drizzle of olive
oil? Maybe some slivered mint? In the San Jose Mercury News earlier this
year, a recipe suggested making a lemon-Dijon vinaigrette (Meyer lemon
juice, salt, Dijon mustard, olive oil), tossing the shaved fennel with
this, then serving topped with some smoked salmon. Yum!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.