have everything we need to begin solving this crisis, with
the possible exception of the will to act. But in America,
our will to take action is itself a renewable resource.”
- Al Gore, in the documentary film "An
Inconvenient Truth"
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined and italicized; items with a “+” in
Family Shares are more in quantity than in Small)
Family Share:
Strawberries (2 bskts)
*Armenian cucumbers (“snakecukes”)
Green beans
Kale or collard greens
Summer squash
Small Share:
Strawberries (1 bskt)
Chard or Kale
*Armenian cucumbers (“snakecukes”)
Green beans
Potatoes Tomatoes
*see new picture in recipe database!
Extra Fruit Option: 2 bskts. of strawberries,
1 bskt. of raspberries, and a melon* or bag of plums*
Aug 25, 26, 27
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
***sold out***
Sat. Sept. 23
Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm until dark
Sat. Oct 21
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza |
My nephew Matthias who spent 3 summers here on the farm is in his 2nd
year of culinary school in Germany. At last week’s family reunion
to celebrate the baptism of our daughter, Elisa, Matthias said, “You
know Tom, I appreciate all the food I prepare so much more, knowing the
incredible physical effort that goes into it before it shows up in the
kitchen.” I thought about everyone working on our farm and their
commitment and dedication, especially during the really hot days. It
is the agricultural workers, legal or not, who we rely upon to have food
on our plates. I think many of us are apprehensive as we watch our government
intensify border crackdowns against migrant laborers instead of implementing
a immigration reform that honors their incredible contribution to the
well being of our community. Many farmers, especially the ones dependent
on contractual labor agreements (which are most of the larger farms in
California) are suffering from labor shortages. The well-being and relationships
of our workers have always been the highest priority on the farm, and
it is the unity of our particular group which is its greatest strength.
Ultimately though, it is Mother Nature who determines the sustainability
of our food system. This is becoming more undeniable by the minute as
my family and I watch the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and
observe the recent heat waves everywhere around the world. I have been
so impressed (and shaken) by the message of this film that I highly recommend
it to everyone who hasn't seen it yet. [I second that! – Debbie]
If you see only one movie this year, see this film. Maybe several times!
Breaking down longstanding barriers and conflicts that divide our human
community... this is the necessary outcome as we are forced to come together
to solve the urgent problem of Global Warming. Community Supported Agriculture
is a wonderful way to make a difference. Not only does food bring us
together as a community, but eating locally grown, in season food is
a way to fight global warming with our knives and forks by reducing the
number of miles food has to be transported (on average 1200 miles) before
it reaches our plates. Although we are taking many small steps on the
farm to reduce our CO2 emissions such as implementing more efficient
and renewable energy practices (i.e. solar power, spading machines, biodiesel),
we have a long list of "opportunities" to reduce the impact
even more. Adopting sustainable agriculture practices can simultaneously
improve the way we farm and feed ourselves in this country, and reduce
the CO2 load on the atmosphere. I love to quote other people in moments
like these, to keep us inspired, and Al Gore in his book "An
Inconvenient Truth" does just that in his introduction: "This
is a moral moment, a crossroads. This is not ultimately about any scientific
discussion or political dialogue. It is about who we are as human beings.
It is about our capacity to transcend our human limitations, to rise
to this new occasion. To see with our hearts, as well as our heads, the
response that is now called for. This is a moral, ethical, spiritual
challenge. We should not fear this challenge, we should welcome it. We
must not wait. In the words of Dr. King, ‘Tomorrow is today.’ ” -
Field Notes from Farmer
Last week's heat wave did indeed burn the raspberries and blackberries (strawberries
were unscathed), so that's why we had to scramble to compensate some of you with
different fruit than was on the list. This week we'll continue to mix up the
fruit shares in order to adjust for the production loss. This means some will
get tomatoes, others melons or plums, others berries. Please make sure you look
carefully at what's indicated on the checklist next to your name. We are busy
sowing for our fall harvest, and the pumpkin patch is developing nicely on the
hillside behind our house. Pears and apples will be very late this year; probably
mid-September we'll have them available. 
Stock up on strawberries!
Time to make jam and pies,
or just freeze ‘em for the winter! Strawberries are plentiful right
now; call or email Debbie at the farm to order. They’re $18/flat
(a flat = 12 baskets). We can deliver them to you with next week’s
CSA shares. 
Chickens now available
closer to home
Good news for our members
on the peninsula and in the south bay: Jim Dunlop and Rebecca “Becky” Thistlethwaite
of TLC Ranch are starting a bi-weekly ‘drop off’ in Los Gatos,
so if you want fresh, tasty, pasture-raised, organically-fed meat chickens
but don’t want to drive all the way out to Las Lomas to get them,
now’s your chance! The location will be at our Los Gatos/University
Avenue CSA drop-off, on the same day of the week as our CSA. So every
other Thursday, starting with next week (Aug. 24th), Jim will be bringing
a delivery of chickens to Los Gatos. Pick-up time will be limited to 4
to 7pm (picking up earlier rather than later is preferred). Important:
bring your own cooler with ice (the chickens are fresh, not frozen), and
your checkbook! Chickens are $4/lb. (and weigh in at around 4 lbs. each).
If you are interested in getting chicken, please email* TLC Ranch – tasteslikechickenranch@yahoo.com.
Place your order no later than Tuesday 8/22 so they know how many chickens
to butcher on Wednesday for delivery Thursday. And most importantly: also ask
to be put on their e-list. That way you’ll be notified about
future chicken sales, and also pork (they are raising pastured pigs as
well). One last thing: consider carpooling or teaming up with other CSA
members in your area to make the run to Los Gatos so we’re not all
driving individually to get there. Remember, every little bit helps.
If you’re in Santa Cruz or Monterey County, depending on where you’re
located, you can either pick up in Los Lomas (it’s just south of
Watsonville) or come over the hill to Los Gatos. Again, carpool if you
*Jim’s preferred method of contact is email, that’s why I’m
not publishing his cell phone number (they don’t have a land line).
If you don’t use email, call me (Debbie) at the farm and I’ll
connect you to him.
Lynn has baby goats for
Lynn Selness, of Summer Meadows
Farm (the lady who does the goat milk/cheese share some of you are getting)
says she has lots of baby Nubian goats, and will be selling them, if anyone
is interested. Some people buy them to keep as brush control, others as
pets, others to milk them themselves (any 4-H-ers out there?). For more
information, contact Lynn at 831.786.8966 or try emailing her (she’s
pretty new to email, so be patient) at summermeadow7@yahoo.com  |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Terry Gladek wrote me last week saying, “I tried the dandelion
green pasta recipe you shared in your newsletter and it was terrific.
We also used some of the peppers in the dish which added a little zing
- yummy.” This is true CSA cooking – modifying recipes to
suit what you have in your share. I can’t encourage that kind of
thinking enough! - Debbie.
Potato-Kale Soup
sent in by Maureen
Porras, who says, “I added the
carrots and sausage to the original recipe.”
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 C finely chopped onion
3 garlic cloves, chopped
7 C broth
1 C chopped carrots
4 C coarsely chopped potatoes [peel if you like; I prefer leaving the
skin on – Debbie]
1 large precooked sausage (your choice), chopped
1 bay leaf
6 C chopped fresh kale (about 1/4 pound)
1 tsp. dried basil
9 tbsp. (2 oz.) Gruyere cheese
Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, cook 8 minutes
or until tender, stirring frequently. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds, stirring
constantly. Stir in broth, potatoes, sausage, carrot, salt and bay leaf;
bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat and simmer about 15 minutes or
until potatoes are tender. Stir in kale and basil. Cover and simmer
10 minutes or until kale is tender. Discard bay leaf. Partially mash
potatoes with a potato masher until thick and chunky. Ladle into bowls
and top with cheese (1 1/2 tbsp. per bowl).
Makes about 6 servings (1 1/2 C each)
Hoisin roasted green beans
from “Fresh Every Day” by Sara Foster, modified only slightly!
(found recipe in SJ Mercury News)
1/3 C hoisin sauce
Juice of 1 orange
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 ½ lbs. green beans, trimmed
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp. chopped fresh chives or parsley [or cilantro! It’s in
the box this week – Debbie]
1 tbsp. sesame seeds, lightly toasted
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Stir hoisin sauce, orange juice, soy sauce and olive oil together in
a large bowl. Add green beans, toss to coat, and season with salt and
pepper (hoisin and soy sauces are very salty, so be careful not to over-salt).
Spread beans in an even layer on a baking sheet with sides and roast
for 15 to 20 minutes, until they are soft and slightly shriveled. Sprinkle
beans with chives [parsley, or cilantro] and toss gently. Transfer to
a serving dish, drizzle with pan juices, and sprinkle with the sesame
seeds. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Broccoli Slaw
sent in by member Heather Zimmerman
3 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
pinch of sugar
salt and pepper, to taste
3 tbsp. sweet onion, finely chopped
3 C broccoli florets, chopped
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and let sit 10 or more minutes
for flavors to blend. Serve cold or room temp.
And as Heather says, "good for a hot day -- no cooking involved!"
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.