like all forms of family and community, needs to be as constant
as the faithful stars.”
- Eric Alan, from‘Nature
as a Spiritual Path’
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined/italicized; items with a “+” in
Family Shares are more in quantity than in Small)
Family Share:
Strawberries (1 bskt)
Golden beets
Cucumbers +
Green beans +
Summer squash +
Small Share:
Strawberries (1 bskt)
Green beans
Summer squash
Extra Fruit Option:
1 basket of strawberries, 1 basket of blackberries or raspberries, and
1 basket of Sungold cherry tomatoes!
Aug 25, 26, 27
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
***sold out***
Sat. Sept. 23
Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm until dark
Sat. Oct 21
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza |
seems no end to this extreme hot spell; the cool, foggy marine layer
which typically hugs our coast this time of year has not materialized
in any significant way this season. Just like we need to keep our bodies
constantly hydrated, our water pumps are running around the clock to
deliver this life giving liquid to all our crops. Watering is the most
important task right now. It requires the person responsible to enter
into a very intimate relationship with all living organisms on the farm,
constantly monitoring and providing on a timely basis the right amount
of water. Tanks need to be filled, valves need to be opened or closed,
pressure and quantity of water flow are continuously monitored, and supply
lines are always repaired to avoid any loss and delay of water to our
crops. It is during extreme heat periods that we become conscious of
the importance of water and how adapted our food systems are to specific
niches in the environment. We are all becoming aware of the dangers and
impact of global warming, and farming and food production in general
will change as the climatic conditions shift. Small, diversified farming
systems will most likely be more resilient, because they are more quickly
able to change their cropping patterns. Personally I am convinced we
need to be creative and experiment with new technologies that mimic nature’s
techniques for adapting to the ever increasing extremes in our environment.
We can't change the weather, so as daunting as the task seems, we all
need to do our part. All over the world, new and effective initiatives
are springing up that offer industries, corporations and individuals
the capacity to radically scale back their net contributions to global
warming. This means changing one’s transportation habits, planting
more trees, reducing the amount of tillage... the list goes on. Our small
acts of defiance against the intransigence of institutional climate change
may not win the war against global warming by themselves, but they can
and will make a difference. They always do!! - Tom
Field Notes from Farmer
The potatoes will be ready for harvest next week. We decided to leave them in
the field a few more weeks so their skins can cure a little more which minimizes
damage from peeling and bruising. So next week, everyone will get freshly dug
potatoes. The potato’s cousins, the tomatoes, are also being harvested.
With all this heat, their ripening has been accelerated. Armenian cucumbers,
which look like striped English cucumbers, are sizing up and we have a nice and
large enough stand to supply everyone with them. 
In this heat...
A note on keeping your veggies
fresh: Because of the heat, I recommend picking up your veggies as close
to the delivery time as possible, and then cooling them down as fast
as you can by refrigeration. [Note from Debbie: you can perk up limp
greens – arugula, kale, chard, broccolini – by soaking them
in a sink of cold water for a while. Be sure to spin or otherwise drain
well, then blot dry or wrap in a cotton towel (or paper towels), place
in a plastic bag, and refrigerate.] We harvest and then cool your veggies
here on the farm, however our delivery truck is not refrigerated, so
during these hot days we recommend that you avoid letting them sit outside
too long at your respective delivery sites. 
Mini Camp is sold out
Tom’s wife, Constance,
has asked me to inform everyone that this year’s Children’s
Mini Camp is completely sold out. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
doggie, it’s hot!! This is our umpteenth consecutive day of 90+
degree indoor temperatures at the hottest part of the day
(we don’t have AC). Needless to say, I’ve been trying all
sorts of ways to minimize using heat in cooking, and to have cool/cold
things to eat using what’s in the box. I can’t do anything
to make the heat go away, so here are some insights into how to cope,
at least foodwise! - Debbie
Planning ahead
I’ve found is that there are lots of ‘cold’ recipes
out there that involve some initial cooking, followed by refrigeration.
So plan ahead and do the cooking step early in the morning, or at night,
before you go to bed, so that come mealtime, your recipe is nice and
satisfyingly cold.
I’ve been pre-cooking
broccoli, green beans, and greens (kale, collards, whatever you have),
then running them under cold water to cool quickly, draining away the
water well (you can literally squeeze the water from the cooked leafy
greens, then chop them for easy later use), then refrigerating them.
Combine cooked chilled greens with any number of dressings and treatments.
Note that this is somewhat different than many recipes which call for
dressing the cooked greens while warm and then refrigerating
them (like bean salad, for instance), and the latter is better for ‘marrying’ the
flavors, but I find that greens and broccoli go olive-colored when the
dressing is acidic. And the former method allows more of the veggie’s
flavor to come through, rather than just the dressing. No one way is
necessarily better than the other, I’m just making you aware of
your options!
Quick cooling
you are cooking something that you need to cool, then refrigerate (like
a cold soup, for example), there’s a quick way to cool it
down so it doesn’t radiate any more heat into your kitchen than
necessary. Under normal circumstances, simply letting it sit out until
it cools to room temp is perfectly fine. But in this heat, I have a better
solution. [And by the way, don’t put hot things directly into your
fridge; not only will it strain to cool them down (and warm other things
in your fridge in the process), but also it will generate a lot more
heat in your kitchen as your refrigerator’s condenser coils put
out heat as they work to cool its contents.] Here’s the trick:
put 3 to 4 inches of cold water in your sink (maybe even add a few ice
cubes) and immediately set your hot pot in this, lid off, stirring. The
cold water will conduct the heat away from the pot’s contents in
a few minutes. It’s a great science demonstration for your kids
too – show them how cold the water is before you start, then have
them feel the water after you’ve been stirring the contents of
the pot for awhile. The water will warm up and the pot will cool down,
eventually coming to equilibrium. The cold water conducts the heat away
much more quickly than air, and since what we’re trying to do here
is NOT heat the air any more than we have to... it works great. Then
let the warm water down the drain (or if you can recycle it somehow,
all the better!), and put your pot in the refrigerator to finish chilling.
Take the heat outside
you have a grill or outdoor burner, this is the time to use it! Grill
those summer squash, grill that fennel! I actually like cold grilled
meats and veggies the next day. In this heat, don’t bother reheating
leftovers – eat ‘em cold! (Really!)
Easy Lentil-Veggie Salad
was something I made up last week, two variations, and it could easily
be modified to work with what you have in the box. It’s
good leftover the next day too. No cooking necessary! It has essentially
three parts: the lentils, the veggies, and the dressing.
Canned lentils, rinsed and drained
Feta or chevre (optional)
Veggie options:
grated carrots
grated cucumber (or summer squash)
broccoli nubbins (cut off the very top green parts of broccoli, making
tiny tiny florets)
cold cooked chopped greens
(see ‘planning ahead,’ above)
cold cooked green beans, cut
crosswise into small (1/4”) pieces
The dressing, variation 1:
crushed clove of garlic
grated zest of a lemon or lime
juice of same lemon or lime
olive oil
ground cumin
minced fresh cilantro
salt, to taste
optional hot sauce like Tabasco or such
The dressing, variation 2:
crushed clove of garlic
grated zest of a lemon
juice of same lemon
olive oil
a bunch of chopped fresh basil
salt, to taste (or use some soy sauce)
Combine all parts – lentils, veggies, dressing – and eat
(or refrigerate and eat later). I served this either on a bed of lettuce
leaves, or with a wedge of cool, crisp green cabbage. Use the lettuce
or cabbage as ‘scoops’ to eat the salad with.
Chilled Curried Carrot Soup
submitted by member Isabelle Magnin, from Bon Appetit magazine originally,
she says
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or olive oil
1 lb. carrots, thinly sliced
1 med. onion, chopped
1 lg. shallot, sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 heaping tbsp. minced fresh ginger (Isabelle used powdered and said
this was fine)
1 tsp. ground coriander
3/4 to 1 tsp. curry powder
3 C broth (veggie or chicken)
1/2 C coconut milk
1/2 tbsp. fresh lime juice [errata:
printed version says 1 tbsp; got the correction from Isabelle later, though
I don't think it'd be the end of the world if you used 1 tbsp! - Debbie]
fresh cillantro leaves for garnish
toasted pepitas or pine nuts for garnish
Heat butter or oil in a big
pot over medium heat. Add carrots, onions, shallots and cook about
6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic, ginger, coriander, curry
and salt. Cook until fragrant for another minute. Pour in broth, cover
partially and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer gently until
veggies are very soft, 25-30 minutes. Cool, then puree. Stir in coconut
milk and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Let chill,
serve with the garnish. You may need to add more liquid if it’s
too thick.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.