is the ego gone to seed and institutionalized in the form
of the State.”
- Gary Snyder, from ‘The Practice
of the Wild’
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined/italicized)
Family Share:
Strawberries (1 bskt)
Red beets
3-4 Fennel (small bulbs)
Red Russian kale
Mustard greens
French breakfast radishes
3 summer squash
or 2-3 cucumbers
Small Share:
Strawberries (Thursday only, 1 bskt)
1-2 cucumbers
French breakfast radishes
2 summer squash
Mystery item
Extra Fruit Option:
2 baskets of strawberries and a basket of either blackberries or raspberries
Tues July 18
4 - 9pm
Forum on the Farm: "Integrating Spirituality with Building Sustainable Food
Aug 25, 26, 27
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
Sat. Sept. 23
Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm until dark
Sat. Oct 21
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza |
Back from the Wilderness. Debbie's well chosen quote last week
(When the cat’s away, the mice will work their little butts off)
made me laugh and appreciate the getaway I was able to enjoy with my
son and nephew. If there is one aspect of farming that I struggle with,
it is that I can't spend much free time with my son during his summer
vacation. Going on a river trip through the spectacular canyons cutting
through the rugged desert plateau of southeastern Utah was an incredible
adventure for us. Being in places where nature is still wild, undomesticated
and spared from human cultivation, one is reminded that one's existence
is temporary and insignificant in the greater scheme of things. We had
the opportunity to visit Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado
where the Anasazi or ancestral Puebloans had evolved into a fairly sophisticated
culture. Their sedentary and agricultural lifestyles, however, couldn't
be sustained by the rugged and fragile desert environment, forcing them
to abandon their cliff dwellings which they had inhabited for hundreds
of years. The more we domesticate and cultivate, which is the basic objective
of agriculture, the more we end up on the unforgiving razor's edge of
nature. I wonder if it is even possible to find a sustainable balance
between fields and wilderness; so often we’re caught up in the
economics of food production that wilderness is often left out of the
equation. On the river I was constantly reminded that I couldn't possibly
survive for more than a day; without water, and with temperatures well
over 100 degrees, the river was our lifeline. For 4 days we floated
along a
narrow riparian corridor which buffered us from the lifeless almost 1000
foot vertical canyon walls. Over millions of years wind and water has
created the most extraordinary canvas of colorful and intricately textured
rock formations, sandwiched together one on top of the other. This wilderness,
as foreign as it seems, is at the same time nourishing and strengthening.
Here on the farm I recognize the importance of our pond, the oak woodlands,
and the hedges bordering our fields. They fortify the land, serving as
home to many birds, frogs, snakes, bats, deer, rabbits, native plants
and beneficial insects. We can't quantify their economic value, although
they play an important role in reducing pests. But shouldn't these areas
exist anyway? They were here before us. The wilderness is what gave us
the fertile and rich environment we now farm. The importance of farming
with the wild may be the lesson I learned on this trip. ‘Can we
have both wild lands and organically grown food?’ may be the question
to solve. The world we live in is nature, and in the long run, always
wild. The wild is the very essence and process of nature, impermanent
and free. Happy 4th of July, and thank you to all the hardworking "mice" for
the opportunity to let me leave the farm for a week! - Tom
Field Notes from Farmer
Coming up next week we'll have a nice crop of tender green beans, plus freshly
dug potatoes, and the fruit shares should see more blackberries and raspberries,
with stone fruit coming in the near future. 
Mini Camp!
This year it starts Friday evening August 25th with a pot-luck (pot-luck
will start at around 7pm) and ends Sunday 27th before lunch. What is
Mini Camp? Since 1999, CSA members and their children have come to join
us for a weekend "camping" stay at the farm. This yearly event
is designed so participants can experience the farm's peacefulness without
the concern of having to drive at the end of the day. Equipped with baskets,
we spend our days harvesting, tasting and discovering the magnificent
diversity of fruits, vegetables and herbs growing on the farm, and then
prepare a meal from the bounty we harvested. This process is at the same
time ambitious and fun, compelling everyone to explore all corners of
the land. It is a time to enjoy being together, to meet other CSA members,
and to allow the children to set the pace. Farm games such as finding
the 'weirdest' most interesting, bizarre-looking fruit or vegetable are
popular, and so is pizza-making (in our wood-fired oven) with freshly
harvested crops. Our hide-and-seek by moonlight in the orchard has become
a tradition among mini-campers! Visits to the farm animals (chickens,
goats and our pony, "Peanut") are also a must, to make sure
that no living creature is left out of the party! Families and kids of
all ages are welcome!!
<> Cost is $40 per person (adults and children), to a maximum
of $120 per family, and you can pay during mini-camp.
<> You need to have been a CSA member for at least 2 months to
participate, and because space is limited, we only can allow CSA members
and their children, but not extended family members.
Sign up now, as space in this popular event is limited to 12 families!
Contact Constance at broz@baymoon.com or call 831.760.0435 to register,
and she will give you the remaining specifics on what to bring/what to
expect, etc.  |
from Debbies Kitchen .
. Have
a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Strawberry Muffins
this was a
solstice recipe,
but no member name was written on it, so I don't know who to credit this
Dry ingredients:
2 C flour
1 ½ C uncooked rolled
¾ C sugar
3 ½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
Wet ingredients:
1 ½ C milk or soymilk
¾ C butter or soy butter,
2 eggs, beaten
1 ½ tsp. vanilla
2 C chopped fresh strawberries!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Grease or line 18 regular-size muffin cups. Mix wet and dry ingredients
separately, then combine just until all is moistened (do not overmix).
Gently fold in strawberries. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups,
filling until almost full. Bake 15 – 17
minutes or until toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean. Remove
from pans and cool 10 minutes on wire racks.
Lemon and Basil shortbread
from March 2006 sunset magazine, modified
1 C butter, room temperature
½ C sugar
1 tsp. grated lemon peel
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 ½ C flour
6 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. minced fresh basil leaves
Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
In a food processor, whirl all ingredients until smooth. Press dough
into two 8-inch cake pans with removable rims [or just pat the dough
out into two evenly thick circles a cookie sheet like I do; I don’t have the fancy pans]. Pierce dough all over
with the tines of a fork, and (optionally) press tines of fork gently
all around the perimeter to make a pattern. Bake until firm to the touch
and slightly browned, about 45 minutes. Sprinkle hot rounds with 1 tbsp.
sugar each [I’d say this is optional too], remove pan rims, if
using, and while still warm, cut each circle into wedges [you
won’t be able to do this once they’ve cooled!]. Cool completely
while still on pan bottoms (or cookie sheets) set on a rack, then separate
wedges and serve or store airtight up to 1 week.
Beet, chickpea and almond dip
from an undated Bon Appetit clipping
1 large (8 oz.) [or a few
small] beet[s], peeled and cut into ¾” cubes
1 C drained canned garbanzos (chickpeas)
¾ C olive oil
¼ C slivered almonds
5 garlic cloves, peeled
1 ½ tbsp. (or more)
red wine vinegar
Cook beets in medium saucepan of boiling salted water until tender,
about 12 minutes. Drain; place in a food processor. Add garbanzo beans,
oil, almonds and garlic, and blend until smooth. Add vinegar and blend
again, then season to taste with salt, pepper and additional vinegar,
if desired. Serve with pita chips* or veggies for dipping.
*These can be made by cutting pitas into wedges, brushing lightly with
oil and sprinkling with a little salt and pepper, and baking on a cookie
sheet, 400 degrees, until brown and crisp (approx. 12 minutes).
Frittata with bacon, ricotta & greens serves
from an undated Bon Appetit clipping, modified
12 oz. bacon, cut into ½ - ¾ inch
1 C sliced shallots [or garlic or onion]
12 C packed assorted coarsely chopped greens (such as kale, chard or
12 lg. eggs
½ tsp. salt
1 C freshly grated parmesan, divided
12 oz. fresh ricotta (about
1 ¾ C)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cook bacon in 12” diameter ovenproof
skillet until crisp. Drain on paper towels, but leave about 2 tbsp. of
the fat in skillet (save the rest for later in the recipe!), and sauté shallots
in this until golden, about 4 minutes. Add half the greens and toss until
beginning to wilt, about a minute, then add rest of greens and sauté until
wilted, tender, and dry, about 15 minutes. Remove all to a dish to cool,
and clean your skillet. Beat eggs and salt to blend in a large bowl.
Whisk in ¾ C of the parmesan, then greens and half the bacon.
Stir in ricotta, leaving some clumps. Heat 1 tbsp. of reserved bacon
drippings in cleaned skillet over medium heat. Pour in egg mixture; spread
greens evenly. Sprinkle remaining bacon and ¼ C parmesan
over eggs. Cook until frittata is just set at the edges, about
10 minutes. Transfer to oven and bake until just set, about 20
minutes. Cut around frittata to loosen; slide out onto a platter.
Let cool 30 minutes. Slice into wedges and serve.
Curried red lentil and Swiss chard stew with garbanzo beans
yet another Bon Appetit clipping, modified
serves 6
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 lg. onion, thinly sliced
5 tsp. curry powder
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper’
3 14-oz cans vegetable broth
1 lg. bunch chard, stems removed, coarsely chopped (about 12 C)
1 lb. red lentils (about
2 ¼ C)
1 15-oz. can garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained
Plain yogurt
In a large heavy saucepan,
sauté onion in oil about 13 minutes,
mix in curry and cayenne. Add broth and chard, bring to a
boil, add lentils and garbanzos. Reduce to medium and cover;
simmer about 10 minutes until lentils are tender, stirring
twice. Divide stew among bowls and top with yogurt.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.