the cat's away, the mice will work their little butts off."
- anonymous
What’s in the box this week: (content differences between Family
and Small Shares are underlined/italicized)
Family Share:
Strawberries (1 bskt)
Green cabbage*
Broccoli or cauliflower*
Baby carrots
Red Russian kale
Lettuce (2)*
Mustard greens
Summer squash
or cucumbers**
Small Share: Strawberries (Wednesday only, 1 bskt)
Broccoli or cauliflower*
Baby carrots
Red Russian kale
Lettuce (1)*
Spinach or Arugula
Summer squash**
*Lakeside Organic Gardens
**mostly from our farm, but some may be from Lakeside
Extra Fruit Option:
3 baskets of strawberries (Next
week you should start seeing blackberries! We’ll be alternating
weeks, starting with Wednesdays.)
Tues July 18
4 - 9pm
Forum on the Farm: "Integrating Spirituality with Building Sustainable Food
Aug 25, 26, 27
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
Sat. Sept. 23
Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm until dark
Sat. Oct 21
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza |
Hi Everybody! Tom’s away this week, taking a well-deserved vacation
(river rafting in Colorado with his son, nephew, and a good friend, away
from all connections to civilization), so Amy, Juan, and I are taking
charge while he’s gone. Guess who got to write the newsletter?
;-) In a few weeks (mid-July) the tables will turn and it is I who will
be gone for a week, leaving newsletter, membership management and packing
lists to Amy and Tom (I’ll be reminding you of this when the time
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind people that the “What’s
in the box” list at left will not always map exactly to
what you get in your shares. It is just the nature of the beast; Tom
does his best to determine what in the fields will be ready for harvest
later in the week, but circumstances in nature can change so very quickly – a
hot or cold snap, a pest invasion (one year we had deer chomp up a substantial
portion of our tender butter lettuce!). So if you think your share is
missing something based on the list, look and see if you don’t
have something else in your box that’s not on the
list. Tom will always try to see you get your value’s worth, even
though the contents might be different than you were expecting.
Meanwhile, ready for some amazing news? For the first time in our 11-year
CSA history (drumroll)... Live Earth Farm has sold out of CSA shares!
On June 1st we stopped taking new signups and started a waiting list.
at capacity now with 550 members, and so are only adding members if current
ones drop out or choose not to continue after their trial. I see this as
a testament to the power of knowledge; once people learn the truth about
where their food comes from and learn of the value of CSA, they seek out
a farm to belong to. Members come to us from so many sources now I’ve
lost count. And we’re not alone; Two Small Farms CSA is near capacity
too, and other, smaller CSAs have sold out long ago. I find it hopeful
and encouraging, because a greater demand for local, sustainable, organic
agriculture should compel more of our agricultural land to be converted
out of conventional production to this healthier model for all. So thanks
everyone, collectively you are making a difference! - Debbie
Crop Notes
Perhaps I had a bit of prescience when I mentioned purslane in last week’s ‘Debbie’s
Kitchen’ – because sure enough, Tom has chosen to put it in our boxes
this week! This is a fun veggie, very nutritious; here’s what he said about
it last year: “Ready for some ‘wild’ vegetables? Believe it
or not, many of the weeds growing in your garden are edible. In fact, there are
over one hundred species of edible weeds in the United States.... We could call
them ‘wild vegetables.’ I am convinced some kids who won't eat their
spinach might show some signs of interest. Ready-mixed baby lettuce in fact features
a line of ‘wild vegetables’ such as arugula and dandelion greens.
Some other ones you might have heard of occasionally are ‘vegetable amaranth,’ purslane,
lamb’s quarters, curly dock, and plantain. Many of our common vegetables
used to be weeds at one time. They were simply improved with breeding to make
them larger, more succulent, and more palatable. As in years past I would like
to introduce you to a ‘wild vegetable’ which has been eaten for centuries
in Europe, called purslane (or verdolaga), and which grows readily among our
other planted vegetables. Studies have shown that purslane is rich in omega-3
fatty acids and among vegetables, purslane has more omega-3 acids than any other
vegetable, and six times the vitamin E content of spinach. Purslane leaves have
a mild nutty flavor and are a popular salad ingredient in Europe. They are eaten
extensively in soups and salads throughout the Mediterranean. In Mexico and among
our workers, purslane is eaten in omelets, as a side dish, or in soups and stews.
Enjoy and don’t be shy to try!!! – Tom” 
Member to Member Forum
• From CSA member Suzanne Rosen, who is on the board of directors
of her son’s school: “The Monterey Bay Charter School,
a K - 8th tuition-free Waldorf methods school, located in Pacific Grove,
still has some openings for fall. The curriculum is developmentally
age-appropriate, incorporates the Arts throughout, and teaches children
to be responsible stewards of the earth. Call the office at (831) 655-4638,
or visit www.mbcharterschool.org.”
• From CSA member Heddi Craft: “Last fall I started the Educational
Resource Center, a lending library of educational toys, games, and learning
materials. Many of my friends and I wanted to get educational toys for
our children, but they were so expensive and they were quickly outgrown.
A few of us were also homeschooling (or planning to) and realizing how
many things were out there, like microscopes, that would be great to have
access to but not to own. Some informal sharing of toys between friends
gave me the idea of creating a resource center as a vehicle for building
a community of families living a learning lifestyle with their children,
pooling our financial resources, and sharing learning toys with each other.
The Resource Center works on a membership model, with families paying a
quarterly or yearly fee so they can check out up to five items for a month
at a time. (There are some work/trade scholarships available, too.) We
have everything from microscopes to board games to an inflatable solar
system to Spanish and French learning materials. We just moved to a permanent
location at 224 Walnut Ave. Suite A, in Santa Cruz, about a block from
the central branch of the public library. Hours are Wednesday and Saturday
from 10am to 1pm and Thursday from 2 to 5pm. Come by to check it out or
for more information, contact me, Heddi Craft, at 818-8178 or email info@edcentersantacruz.com.”

from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Purslane Notes
A little more than a third of our members are new this year, which means you
likely have never heard of, and never eaten purslane before. Purslane is a succulent-like
plant, with oval, silvery green leaves along a fleshy stem. See pictures on the
recipe database if you want, for reference. I like to pinch off the tenderer
end-of-the-stem clusters and toss them into salads. Both leaves and stems can
be eaten, raw or cooked. As with many things, I always recommend simply tasting it,
raw and plain, just to see what it’s like. Let that guide you. To my palate
I taste a hint of lemon. If you’re going to cook purslane, it doesn’t
require long cooking. Probably akin to fresh spinach in timing. It can be chopped
and added to scrambled eggs (sauté it with a little garlic or onion, maybe
some herbs or a little cheese thrown in at the end). Add it to stir-frys or quiches
or tomato sauces or what have you. Because of its succulent nature, I wouldn’t
recommend trying to freeze it for later use unless it were cooked into a dish
of some sort. I’d love to hear from past year members with any recipes
or ideas on how you like to use purslane. Email me so that I can share it with
everyone else, as I’m sure this won’t be the only time this season
we’ll get it in our boxes!
Heather Zimmerman sent me this recipe, saying, “In case anyone
else has more strawberries than they know what to do with here
is my mom's famous fresh strawberry pie recipe.” I bet if
you have frozen any of your berries, you could use the frozen berries
for the ‘mash’ and save your fresh berries for, well,
you’ll see. - Debbie
Fresh Strawberry Pie
9" pie shell, cooled
(Heather gets the roll up kind from the dairy aisle, very convenient,
easy, and good, she says)
2-3 baskets of fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
1 C sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1. Place the best looking strawberries whole into the baked pie shell
facing up. 2. Mash the rest of the strawberries with sugar and cornstarch.
3. Pour into a saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring often until
it becomes clear (rather than milky). 4. Remove saucepan from heat and stir in lemon juice.
5. Pour over strawberries in the pie shell. Let cool and then place in
the refrigerator until fully cooled. Serve with whipped cream. Best if
eaten no later than the second day.
Looks like we’re getting the first of the summer squash this week!
Here are a couple interesting recipes I found online, each modified somewhat
to suit our CSA shares.
Miso-carmelized summer squash
summer squash in half lengthwise (or in the case of pattypan, horizontally
through the middle). Combine miso paste with fresh herbs – summer
savory, tarragon, thyme, oregano, marjoram. Spread mixture thinly on
cut side of squash and place, miso side down, on a lightly greased baking
sheet (how about lightly oiled parchment on a baking sheet?) and bake,
uncovered, at 325 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes.
Grilled Thai Summer Squash
¼ C
chicken or veggie broth
1 tbsp. lime juice 1/8 tsp. dried mint leaves (or mince up a few fresh ones)
½ tsp.
chopped fresh basil
½ tsp.
finely chopped ginger root
½ tsp. finely chopped jalapeño (or crushed red chilies
if you don’t have jalapeños)
1 tsp. soy sauce A few medium summer squash, cut lengthwise in quarters
Combine all ingredients but
squash to form a marinade. Place cut squash in a baking dish and pour
marinade over them, letting them marinate 1 to 2 hours in the fridge.
Grill squash on a not-too-hot grill (or near the edges) for 10 to 15
minutes, turning and brushing with marinade a few times. Remove squash
from grill when golden brown and tender.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.