do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
- Native American proverb
Whats in the Family share:
Cabbage (red or green)
Chard or kale
Dandelion greens
Fava beans
Green garlic
Lettuce (romaine and red leaf)
Strawberries (3 baskets, weather permitting)
and in the Small share:
Lettuce (romaine or red leaf)
Fava beans
Chard or kale
Green garlic
Strawberries (1 or 2 baskets, weather permitting)
extra fruit...
starts next week!!!
Sat. June 4 Permaculture workshop #1 - Water mgmt; swale design/construction
Sat. June 18
Summer Solstice Celebration, field tours 2-5pm, celebration 5-9pm with
Kuzanga Marimba again!
July 29, 30, 31
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun. (curious? see details in
2004's Week 15 newsletter!)
Sat Aug 6
Permaculture workshop #2 - Design methods; ecological observation and
site mapping
Sat. Sept. 24
Fall Equinox Celebration
3-9 pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 8
Permaculture workshop #3 - Polycultures & agroforestry; food forest
design and installation
Sat. Oct 22
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza
My son David reminded me last
Friday on his way to school that it was Earth Day. At school they kept
the classroom lights off, each student donated a dollar towards reforestation
efforts in Russia, and the entire Elementary School gathered in a circle
around an Earth Flag to acknowledge and honor the importance of their
relationship to the Earth. On the farm we have the opportunity to directly
experience the impact of our cropping practices and how over time they
may or may not prove sustainable. It's scary to ask oneself such existential
questions every season. How do we produce enough food while following
ecological principles which, as caretakers of the land, promote a healthy
and diverse environment of abundant life forms? Although the magnitude
of change required of us to stop this illusionary belief of endless progress
is enormous, my son's reminder of Earth Day leaves me hopeful that we
are paying attention to nature's demands to cease our industrial assault
and live an earth-friendly life. - Tom
Notes from Farmer Tom
and Rutabagas. The carrots you've been receiving every week were sown
in early December and have been growing slowly throughout the winter months.
They are now fully mature, but their tops are not as nice and green and
showy as the upcoming crop of spring carrots will be. Also, the winter
rains have compacted our heavier soils making the fragile tops prone to
breaking off when pulled from the ground. Consequently, we harvest, top,
and bag them, rather than bundle them like we will do with our spring
crop. The winter carrots are "Chantenay," which are stocky and
tapered and make a good storage carrot, and "Nantes," which
are more cylindrical with blunt ends. Nantes have weak tops and brittle
roots; another reason we don't offer them with their tops on right now.
Rest assured though that you are getting freshly harvested carrots, not
stored carrots.
The rutabagas are a different story. I got them from another local organic
farmer who had an abundance of them, and these have been stored for a
few weeks since he pulled his entire winter crop before it started to
bolt. With the rains affecting our spring harvests, we've been using the
rutabagas to help fill out your weekly shares.
Other Farm News: Last week our first two baby goats were born, one boy
and one girl, almost all white like mom, and nursing happily. If you visit
the farm don't forget to pay them a visit. We expect one more goat to
give birth in the next few days, so in about a month we'll be on a daily
milking schedule again. Joe, who lives here on the farm, is also raising
20 little chicks who will be turned loose in the pasture in what's commonly
known as a "chicken tractor." We are experimenting to see how
much these live 'tractors' can help cultivate and fertilize the soil under
the fruit trees.
Permaculture Workshops
at Live Earth Farm
Barth, who has come to the farm to expand both our educational efforts
and to design and help implement strategies that may help us to become
even more sustainable in our use of resources, will be leading a series
of three workshops on Permaculture, along with co-teacher Lydia Nielsen.
Permaculture, for those unfamiliar, is a philosophy and set of practical
strategies for designing ecological systems that fulfill the material
and non-material needs of humans in a sustainable way. The course material
will be useful for any of you wanting to deepen your understanding of
the landscapes in which you live and gain some practical techniques for
better stewarding the land, while producing a useful yield. There will
be 3 workshops. Each is all day on a Saturday. The dates are June 4th,
August 6th, and October 29th. Cost is $60 each, or $150 for all three,
and includes materials and lunch. Each day will be split between the theoretical
framework in the morning and practical hands-on activities in the afternoon.
The first workshop will focus on balanced water management in the landscape,
the second on ecological observation and design methods, and the third
on polycultures and agroforestry. Each will include a basic introduction
to the principles of Permaculture and a tour of current permaculture projects
at the farm. For more info or to register, contact Brian Barth at (831)
566-3336 or email him at edenfruits2002@yahoo.com. There will also be
flyers in your CSA binder that you are welcome to take, and our website
will be updated in a few weeks. 
A movie all CSA members
should see
soon to the Santa Cruz Film Festival: "The Real Dirt on Farmer John."
It is a winning documentary about the life of farmer John Peterson; an
epic tale of a maverick Midwestern farmer who transforms his traditional
family farm with a revolutionary form of agriculture. Castigated as a
pariah in his community, Farmer John bravely resurrects his farm amidst
a failing economy, vicious rumors, and arson. He succeeds in creating
a bastion of free expression and participating in a revolutionary form
of agriculture in rural America. Tom saw the movie a couple of months
ago and it had a great impact on him. It truly captures the plight of
the farmer and the spirit and heart of the organic, biodynamic, and CSA
movements. Mark your calendars for Thursday May 5th, 7:30 pm at the Del
Mar Theatre in Santa Cruz. Hope to see you there! 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
This week Im turning the entire column over to one member (who
wishes to remain anonymous). I am also going to include here a recipe
she sent me that is not in the paper version of the newsletter because
there wasn't enough room. So online readers... you get a bonus!
What I'd do with this week's
I love getting a big box of veggies on my porch each week. Its like
a birthday present; I never know whats going to be in it, or the
fun Im going to have playing with it all! Sometimes I follow a recipe
with whatever I receive in my box, and sometimes I just make one up with
whatevers available. This week its a little of both.
a bunch of greens (whatever you have on hand: kale, chard, dandelion,
beet), cleaned and coarsely chopped
2 heads of green garlic, chopped
2 tsp. olive oil
1/3 C sun-dried tomatoes, rehydrated in a little water and then chopped
1 1/2 C cooked fava beans (see last weeks newsletter), or a can
of small white beans
2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. brown sugar
Salt, pepper, and grated Parmesan or Romano cheese to taste
Sauté the garlic in oil until soft. Add greens and stir-fry until
just wilted. Add the tomatoes (and their liquid) and simmer until the
greens are cooked. Add beans, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, and salt/pepper.
Simmer a minute or two to warm up the beans and meld the flavors. Serve
in bowls with some cheese sprinkled on top.
Sweet and Sour Cabbage
from New Indian Home Cooking by Madhu Gadia
1 medium head cabbage (about 2 lbs.), quartered, cored, and cut into 1/4"
2 carrots, peeled and julienned
1 tsp. vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. brown mustard seeds
6 to 8 curry leaves (get these at an Indian market, if you cant
find them itll still work)
1 hot green chile (serranos are good)
1/4 tsp. turmeric
1 1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. coriander powder
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)
1/2 C water
1 tsp. tamarind concentrate (the kind in a jar, not the brick of tamarind)
2 tbsp. firmly packed light brown sugar
Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and curry
leaves, cover, and cook a few seconds until seeds stop popping. Add cabbage,
carrot, and chile. Stir, then add turmeric, 1 tsp. of salt, coriander,
and cayenne (if using). Stir, cover, and heat through. Reduce heat and
stir periodically until cabbage is tender, 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat
and remove lid.
To prepare the tamarind sauce, boil the water in a small saucepan. Add
the tamarind concentrate, brown sugar, and 1/2 tsp. salt. Simmer 5 minutes,
then add to cabbage mixture and stir to combine.
this as a side dish, or over rice as a main dish.
Salad with Raspberry Dressing
whatever veggies are left (and whatever other veggies may be in the fridge),
I will make a green salad. Typically this will include lettuce, sliced
carrots, shredded beets, radishes, thinly sliced celery, sliced green
onions, tomatoes
whatever Ive got. If I have edible flowers
blooming in the yard, they go in too (nasturtiums, violets, rosemary blossoms,
borage flowers). I try to chop up veggies for salads all at once, and
put them in little containers in the fridge; this way when I get home
from work I already have my own mini-salad bar ready.
For the dressing:
1/8 C of white wine vinegar
1/8 C of olive oil
1/4 C of raspberries (fresh if you can get them) [you could thaw and
use frozen Debbie]
1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
Combine in a bowl, mashing berries as you stir. Toss w/salad and top w/optional
feta cheese and maybe some pine nuts. Voila!
(the bonus recipe!)
and hull the berries, then cut into halves or quarters to make them bite-sized.
Put in bowl and mix in 1 Tbsp. of balsamic vinegar and 1 tsp. of brown sugar per each pint
(basket) of strawberries. Toss, and let sit for a few hours for the flavors to meld. They are good over
ice cream, or over a slice of cake, or just straight out of the bowl. They are just as good, and perhaps even
better, the second day!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.