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29th Harvest Week | October 10th - 16th, 2005 |
not nature, she hath done her part; do thou but thine.”
What’s in the box this week: (stuff that’s in one size share that’s not in the other is at the top of its respective list so you can easily see the difference. Remember, small shares will generally have smaller quantities of the duplicate items. – Debbie) Family Share: Small Share: Extra Fruit Option:
CALENDAR Sat. Oct 22 |
More Political frustrations. There seems to be no end to the attacks on the longstanding and established legal structures protecting our environment. Again we are called upon to fight abuses, this time by greedy landowners and developers who want to undermine the public good for their own private gain. Last week it was the National Organic Standards that were being threatened, this week it's the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act is America's safety net for wildlife, fish and plants on the brink of extinction. Richard Pombo, a congressman from Tracy, California, successfully passed a bill that would eliminate many of the Act's protections for wildlife, including critical habitat protections. Last week by a vote of 229 to 193, the House of Representatives moved to undo some of the central provisions of the 32-year-old Endangered Species Act. Environmental groups believe that if enacted it will represent one of the most far-reaching reversals of environmental policy in decades. More information, as well as a form to contact your Representative, is available on the Defenders of Wildlife website at: www.saveesa.org. You can also call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be connected to your Representative. Get your Pumpkins at the Farm! On October 22nd we invite you to come
to the farm and pick up your Halloween pumpkin. We don’t deliver
pumpkins to your pick-up site, as there is just not enough room in the
truck for all the share boxes AND a bunch of big pumpkins! This is how
our ‘pumpkin day’ at the farm originally came about. I intend
to have less of a "Palooza" and more of a day-long, “Come-When-You-Can/Pick-Your-Pumpkin” Day.
Every CSA member gets a FREE pumpkin of choice and if you like to get
more there are plenty to choose from. Depending on their size, prices
will range between $2 to $5. We have beautiful orange cinderella pumpkins,
as well as Jack-O-Lanterns. The farm will be open all day Saturday. Activities
will take place throughout the afternoon. We'll have different ongoing
activities such as pressing apples into fresh cider, sowing cover crop
seeds, pumpkin carving and farm walks. It'll also be a chance to visit
the new chicken coop and the new flock of baby chicks, a mix of Auracana,
Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, and Bard Rocks. Not being a chicken
farmer, this new challenge has already asked us to evaluate our management
practices and learn more about the delicate mothering skills of baby
chicks. Over the weekend we lost many of them due to overheated conditions
in our brooder box. If you are interested in worm composting, right next
to the chicken coop you can check out Amy's large-scale worm composting
project. We seem to learn so much from nature; there is never an end
to the depth of it, whether it is the awe inspiring grandeur and beauty
of the night sky, the sprouting of a seed unfolding into a delicate little
seedling, or the more destructive realities of natural disasters. Experiencing
the seasonal cycles, and learning from their dynamic and changing conditions
is what makes farming a life's adventure – Tom |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Debbie. 1 large bunch Swiss chard Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 ½ inch deep dish glass pie plate. Trim off and discard end of chard stems. Sepa-rate stems from leaves, thinly slice stems and coarsely chop leaves. In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil until hot. Add sliced stems and cook 4 minutes or until tender, stirring frequently. Add green onions, salt, and pepper and cook 1 minute. Add chopped leaves to mixture in pan (in batches if they don’t all fit at once), stirring and moving around, until all are wilted and excess moisture evaporates, about 5 min-utes. In a large bowl, using a wire whisk or fork, mix eggs, ricotta, milk, parmesan and cornstarch. Stir this into swill-chard mix-ture. Transfer mixture to prepared pie plate. Bake fore 40 minutes, or until knife inserted 2” from center comes out clean. This next recipe is one sent me a while back by another "Debbie" in our membership. She says she’s tried it and that it is yummy! Orange Beets 6 medium-size beets, peeled and sliced Layer beets, bread crumbs, and sugar in a greased casserole dish. Mix lemon juice and orange juice together, and pour over the beets. Cover and bake at 350 degrees F for one hour. Sprinkle more bread crumbs on top and run through broiler. Here’s another chard recipe, this one sent to me by member Doña Bumgarner back in June, who says, “This week was our first week getting food from the farm, and I was a bit stumped by the chard, which I've never really cooked with before. I found this recipe on the internet and we loved it. This is the quick way to make "caramelized" onions, but if you have a bit more time, omit the sugar and cook the onions in butter instead of oil on low heat until the natural sugars come out and they get good and brown and melted.” Chard and Caramelized Onions 1 lg. yellow onion, sliced 1. In a cast iron skillet (if you have one, otherwise use a good, heavy-bottomed pan), cook onions in olive oil over medium-high heat until they begin to brown. Stir in brown sugar and continue cooking for a few minutes until brown and tender. 2. Add chard and olives to the pan and cook until the chard is slightly wilted. Stir in capers and salt and continue cooking until chard is completely wilted, about 3 minutes. Season with black pepper and squeeze lemon over top before serving. Lastly, an interesting radish recipe from a website sent to me by member Sara Calkins of San Jose. Lemony Rice Salad with Carrots and Radishes 2 tbsp. water Combine first 7 ingredients in a small bowl. Combine rice and remaining ingredients and toss with dressing. Serve warm or room temperature *Click Here* for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season. |