all, what good is a country and
a flag if there is no more fertile soil, no ancient forests, no clean
water, no pure food? If you really love your country, protect and restore
some wildness. Sup-port local agriculture. Plant a garden. Those who work
to protect and restore these things are the real patriots."
- Michael Abelman
Whats in the Family share:
Large bunch of basil
Green garlic
Mustard greens
and in the Small share:
Small bunch of basil
Green garlic
(items in the small share may be less in quantity than in the family share)
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Strawberries plus rasp-berries or blackberries*
*this week Weds members get the raspberries/blackberries, next week Thurs/Sat
members get them (see field notes from Farmer Tom). Everyone gets strawberries.
Sat. June 4 Permaculture workshop #1 - Water mgmt; swale design/construction
Sat. June 18
Summer Solstice Celebration, field tours 2-5pm, celebration 5-9pm with
Kuzanga Marimba again!
July 29, 30, 31
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun. (curious? see details in
2004's Week 15 newsletter!)
Sat Aug 6
Permaculture workshop #2 - Design methods; ecological observation and
site mapping
Sat. Sept. 24
Fall Equinox Celebration
3-9 pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 22
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza
Sat. Oct 29
Permaculture workshop #3 - Polycultures & agroforestry; food forest
design and installation
What's a bunch of carrots
worth? Without a doubt, bringing young people closer to the land and letting
them experience the art of growing food is one of the most inspiring things
here on the farm. Schools, especially at the elementary level, are increasingly
searching for effective ways to use school gardens to enliven their lessons
in science, art and literature. I've been able to participate in a garden
project where a parking lot at the brand new Martin Luther King Elementary
School in Salinas has been transformed into an astonishing little Garden
of Eden. This spring I helped plant strawberries with the 4th graders
and last week the same kids, sixty of them, came out on a field trip.
Once they were released from the bus they couldn't wait to explore "Farmer
Tom's fields," especially the one filled with red, ripe strawberries.
Free to run up and down the long rows, the kids harvested and ate until
their faces were covered in red and their stomachs bloated by strawberries.
We divided into smaller groups and I headed out into the carrot patch
where our objective was for each kid to harvest one bunch to take to our
afternoon market in Capitola. Before they got going I made one demo-bunch
and asked what they would charge if they had to sell that particular bunch
of carrots at the farmers market. I got a range of answers mostly between
50 cents to $1.50. It was time to let them dig! The soil was not moist
enough to just pull the carrots out by hand but instead the carrots had
to be dug out with shovels. It took a good hour to dig, sort, tie, wash
and pack approximately 50 bunches. When the freshly washed shiny orange
carrots all laid stacked on top of each other on the washing table you
could see the kids admiring them. Again I took a bunch and asked the group
what I should charge for them at the farmer's market and suddenly none
of them would sell it for less than $2 and some even suggested as high
as $5 a bunch. I was happy! They experienced with their own body, mind
and spirit the real value of food. I remember Michael Abelman's words,
"To me, you cannot talk of land preservation without talking about
young people. Unless they are inspired to come back into this profession,
unless we give them a reason to, unless they can make a living at it,
then to talk about land preservation is a joke. You can preserve the land
but you wont have the people to work it." Abelmans ultimate
goal is to return a sense of honor to what is often seen as a menial job.
"If we are ever to bring young people back into this profession,
we must replace the sense of drudgery that this has obtained, and allow
them to see it as a complex, sophisticated art that requires a lot of
skill, craft and thought." Michael Abelman is the founder and director
of the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens near Santa Barbara.
He is the author and photographer of "From the Good Earth" and
"On Good Land" two wonderful and inspiring books about good
farming, good food, and surely an example how one small farm can make
a difference. - Tom
Notes from Farmer Tom
are starting to see a few summer crops such as zucchini, however the basil
in the box this week is thanks to a bumper crop at Mariquita farm, part
of 'Two Small Farms,' which is another CSA in this area. I ran into Andy
last week, and he said he was so inun-dated by basil he could cut everyone
an armful, so I couldn't resist and added it to this weeks share. Andy
does most of his growing in the warmer inland area around Hollister, so
thanks to him we are getting a preview of summer. The raspberries are
having a small flush right now; this is not the main crop yet, so we will
stagger the harvest over a two week period Wednesday's extra fruit
shares will get some this week and Thursday/Saturday's extra fruit shares
will get them next week. A note on the lettuce: this week we are harvesting
from a trial field where we planted several different (including heirloom)
varieties such as red bibb, deer tongue, and baby romaine. They will be
either loose or bagged depending on their size. 
Mini Camp
had such a great response for this year's Mini-Camp that it's already
filled up! If you are still interested we can place you on a waiting list
in case someone drops out. We are considering also organizing a bread
oven rebuilding/farm camping event later in the season, so maybe whoever
couldn't make for the Mini-Camp can participate then. We are looking at
mid- to late-September [did you hear that Charles?!???!!!]. We'll keep
you posted. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
People are emailing me recipes all the time now; Im accumulating
quite a wonderful variety. Thanks to everyone! Here are a few. - Debbie
Shallot Vinaigrette
from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison
Member Jennifer Golden sent me this favorite salad dressing and says,
"I highly recommend this cookbook! Loaded with ideas on how to use
any and all vegetables, from the woman who brought us the Greens cookbook,
its like Joy of Cooking for vegetarians (and those who eat like
em)! This is my most utilized cookbook."
1 1/2 tbsp. sherry vinegar
2 shallots (or substitute leeks from box)
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
6 tbsp. olive or walnut oil (or mixture of two)
Combine vinegar, shallots, and 1/4 tsp. salt in a bowl, and let stand
for 15 min. (this sweetens and softens shallots or leeks). Stir in the
mustard, then whisk in oil slowly, until dressing is thick and smooth.
Season with pepper. Taste and adjust if necessary.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here are two recipes from new member Odile Wolf who says, "Green
chard grew wild in my grandma's garden in France. These family recipes
were favorites of all my families kids." One recipe uses the
leaves, the second uses the stems. - Debbie
Eggs stuffed with Chard leaves
Steam or boil chard leaves (save the stems for other recipe) until tender.
Drain well, set aside. Meanwhile, hard boil some eggs and peel them. Cut
them in half and arrange the whites in a gratin plate. Combine cooked
yolks with chard leaves, and mash the mix. Stuff the whites with the chard/yolk
mix. Cover (lightly) with white sauce (I usually put something pungent
in there, like mus-tard or cayenne, as it can be a bit mild), and grated
cheese. Bake in a medium oven until golden brown.
Chard Stems in Tomato Sauce
If chard stems are particularly large, you can peel them to remove strings.
Cut stems into 1 inch pieces.
Add some tomato sauce with garlic and bay leaf and cook for about 30 minutes.
The stalks will still be firm.
Serve with grated cheese.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another random chard note: I was talking with a fellow CSA member while
picking up my share the other week, and she says that chard leaves are
excellent stuffed (think stuffed cabbage or grape leaves [dolmates], only
use chard leaves instead!). I think this is an excellent idea! So dig
up your favorite recipe for either and have at it! Debbie
here is a recipe submitted by another new member, Carmel Weifert, who
says,"When walking past the aromatic garlic [on a recent field trip
to the farm with my son's class] I was reminded that I should share this
recipe with you all. We look forward to this soup every spring!"
Green Garlic Soup
adapted from a Cooking Light recipe
3 C green garlic, sliced
2 C chicken or veggie broth
fresh rosemary or thyme
1 tbsp. flour
2 C milk (Carmel likes to use 1%)
dash of ground nutmeg
2 tsp. butter
1/2 tsp. grated lemon rind
1. Simmer the green garlic and herb in the broth, covered, for about 10
minutes. Blend in blender or food processor until smooth.
2. Put the flour in a pan and whisk in the milk. Add the garlic pureé
and nutmeg, stir. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about
5 minutes, stirring constantly.
3. Add the butter, more herbs (if you like), and the lemon zest.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.