a tree torn from the soil, as a river separated from its source, the human
soul wanes when detached from what is greater than itself. Without the
holy, the good turns chaotic; without the good, beauty becomes accidental."
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
Whats in the standard share:
Veggies and herbs:
Green beans
Winter squash (spaghetti)
Stir-fry mix
Thyme or basil
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Apples and pears
no more events this season!
By the time you receive and
read this newsletter we will likely know the election results (Im
writing this Monday morning). Most of us will probably have a slight election
hangover given the intensity, with its bombardment of ads which we've
had to endure from the media over the last few months. Fortunately we
all got a little breather this weekend celebrating Halloween; a reminder
that the world has many realities. Halloween is a time when we sense that
the barrier between our world and other worlds is especially thin. We
acknowledge briefly for one night that politics, science, and economics
don't always have to influence and shape our world-view. Stepping out
for a moment to experience the magic of Halloween we may see in the "irrational
or chaotic" refreshing new possibilities. It seems no matter how
different and opposing our beliefs and values are, we have to transcend
politics in order to secure an environment that our children and grandchildren
can enjoy. For different political parties, the importance of the environment
depends on their priorities and their agenda. So like tax rebates, the
war on terrorism, servicing the debt or fixing our healthcare system,
the environment is subsumed by politics. In my mind, the fundamental importance
is that we get to a point in our relationship with the natural world were
we value the environment as something so fundamental to our survival and
existence that it transcends politics. So, no matter who our president
is, we have to define a bottom line that everyone can support in order
to save our environment from destruction. We can't afford any longer to
battle over clear-cut logging, chemical pollution and so on, where one
side is invariably pitted against the other. In each conflict the beliefs
and values held by opposing sides are strikingly different, and under
these conditions the choice becomes jobs vs. air pollution control, the
environment vs. the economy, etc., and the result is, there is always
a loser. The environment, the web of life, the air, the water, soil and
sunlight are fundamental elements of life, and to protect and ensure these
for future generations we can't afford losers. Tom
Early Registration
a bit of discussion with Debbie, I have changed my mind and decided to
extend the deadline for the 2005 Early Registration until the end of the
year, instead of the end of the season. Our objective is to get as many
members registered as we can. By committing this year for next season,
you will help us rent some additional land to both diversify and increase
or production for next year, and, as I mentioned before, help pay our
bills through the winter months and offer our workers year-round employment.
Thank you for your support! Tom
The nitty-gritty, from Debbie: You now have until Dec. 31st, 2004 to
sign up and still lock in the equivalent of this year's rates a
$75 savings since next year we will increase the standard share
price by $2 - from $23 to $25/week. Early registration is easy. Just
go to our website and click on 2005 Early Registration and
follow the (simple) instructions. Then mail us your deposit for $175 (which
doubles as your payment for March and April's shares) and youre
done! If you don't have internet access, call me at the farm and I'll
set you up by phone (keep in mind I'm only on the farm on Tuesdays and
Thursdays; mornings are best). Note: the website may still say register
before Nov. 20th but it should be updated before the end of the
season to reflect Toms deadline extension. 
Crop Notes
The spaghetti squash in your
shares this week is from our neighboring organic farmer, Billy Peixote
(pronounced "Pah-shote"). This is the same guy from whom many
of you received (and are still receiving!) the wonderful organic apple
juice this year. He told me he had a bumper crop of spaghetti squash,
and since we have not grown this before, I thought people might enjoy
having it in their shares as a nice variation on this years selection
of winter squash. See Debbies recipes for cooking ideas. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Spaghetti squash is fun! Im glad Tom scammed on some for everyone,
as I really like it, and if youve never had it before, I think you
will too! Debbie
Spaghetti Squash Info
just me
Spaghetti squash would be the butter-yellow-skinned obloid in your box,
about the size of a small football. The unique character of this particular
squash is that the flesh, when cooked, separates into spaghetti-like strands
when scraped with a fork. Spaghetti squash can be cooked by steaming,
boiling whole (!), microwaving, or baking (see below). Once the squash
is cooked (like any winter squash until the flesh gives gently
when squeezed, or until it pierces easily with a fork or skewer) and then
cool enough to handle, scoop out and remove the seeds (if you havent
already), then drag the tines of a fork crosswise to the grain
of the squash to separate the strands of squash from the shell. You can
then use this spaghetti in any number of dishes. Very simply,
it can be tossed with butter, minced parsley, salt, pepper and parmesan
cheese. Or maybe cut some fresh basil into strands and mix in. You can
also literally serve it like spaghetti, with your favorite pasta sauce
on top. It is very versatile.
To steam (from Jane Brodys Good Food Book): Set squash on
a steamer rack in a large pot over a few inches of boiling water. Cover
the pot, and steam squash for 35 to 40 minutes, or until tender when pressed
or pierced with a fork.
To boil (from Greene on Greens): Place whole squash in a large pot;
cover with cold water. Heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, covered,
until fork-tender, turning once, about 45 minutes.
To microwave (from The All New All Purpose Joy of Cooking): Pierce
generously with a knife tip to keep it from exploding, then place on a
turntable in a microwave and cook on high until tender when pressed with
your fingers or pierced with a thin skewer, about 15 minutes. If you do
not have a turntable, rotate the squash every 5 minutes during the cooking
time. Let cool 10 minutes before handling.
To bake (from Moosewood Cookbook): Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Halve the squash and scoop out the seeds. Bake face-down on an oiled cookie
sheet until it is easily pierced with a fork, about 30 minutes. [are you
seeing the pattern here?] Alternatively [this is just Debbie now], you
can bake it whole by piercing all over with a knife or fork, setting on
a baking sheet (it will ooze a little juice; you dont want this
in the bottom of your oven) and baking it until... you know the routine
now, I think!
Spaghetti Squash with Clam Sauce
modified from Jane Brodys Good Food Book
serves 4
Note: squash and sauce can be prepared as much as a day ahead and reheated
separately just before serving. And canned clams are sufficiently salty;
dont add more salt before youve tasted the complete dish.
1 med. spaghetti squash (~ 3 to 3 1/2 lbs.)
13 oz. canned minced [or baby] clams
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 lg. onion, minced (about 1 C)
2 tsp. minced garlic
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 C dry white wine
1/2 tsp. hot red pepper flakes
1/3 C minced fresh parsley
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. butter, if reheating squash (optional)
Cook the squash (per any technique in Spaghetti squash info
Drain clams, save the
juice; set clams aside. Heat oil in a skillet and sauté onion and
garlic 3 to 5 minutes, or until soft. Season with pepper, add wine, and
cook over moderately high heat to reduce liquid by half. Add reserved
clam juice, red pepper flakes, and cook to reduce liquid to about 1/3
C. Add clams, parsley, lemon juice, and more pepper if desired.
Split spaghetti squash lengthwise, and scrape out and discard the seeds
and dark orange pulp around them. With a fork, "comb" out the
pale yellow flesh, working from the cut edges toward the center to produce
long spaghetti-like strands.
Reheat the squash in the oven or in a covered pan on top of the stove,
stirring strands gently with butter. Heat clam sauce, but do not boil.
To serve, combine squash and sauce.
Asian-style Spaghetti Squash and Shrimp Salad
excerpted from Mariquita Farms recipe database
serves 6 to 8
4 cloves garlic
2 small red chilies or 1 12 tbsp.Vietnamese chili-garlic sauce
1 C warm water
2 tbsp. sugar
3 tbsp. lime juice (about 1 large lime)
12 C. fish sauce
1 medium Spaghetti squash (4 - 4.5 lbs.) yields about 9-10 cups cooked
1 cup loosely packed Thai Basil OR Mint
1 12 lbs. medium sized shrimp
To make the dressing: [First see note, below. If you want, you can proportionally
reduce quantites of dressing ingredients, since this makes way more than
you will need for this recipe. - Debbie]
Cut chilies into
small rings. Place chilies, garlic and sugar into a mortar and pound into
a coarse, wet paste. (If you don't have a mortar, just chop with a knife.)
Transfer to a small bowl and add the warm water, lime juice and fish sauce.
Stir to dissolve. Set the dressing aside.
Cook the squash (per any technique in Spaghetti squash info
above), cool, cut in half, then scoop out and discard seeds. With fork
"comb" out the squash strands.
While squash is cooking, boil the shrimp in lightly salted water. Drain
and rinse in some cold water. Peel and butterfly them after they cooled.
Chop the basil coarsely. Add both to squash and mix until the shrimp and
basil are evenly distributed.
Mix dressing into squash mixture right before serving. Mix in only as
much dressing as needed to your desired taste, because...
Note: There is more dressing here than is needed for a 4 lb. squash. The
remaining dressing can be used as a condiment for dipping meat, seafood,
and vegetables or for drizzling on plain rice. The dressing will keep
up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
Spaghetti Squash "Pancakes"
also excerpted from Mariquita Farms recipe database
Mix cooked spaghetti squash with a little egg and flour. Add fresh minced
ginger, white pepper and sliced green onions (but no salt). Fry like a
potato pancake and serve with soy sauce. Yum!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.