you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and
magic in it. Begin now."
- Goethe
Whats in the standard share:
Broccoli or sugar snap peas
Green beans
Radicchio (red or sugarloaf)
Winter squash (Delicata and Sweet Dumpling)
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Apples, pears and pineapple guavas (see "Crop Notes")
no more events this season!
It always surprises me to
see how quickly children enjoy the freedom of being able to roam, discover
and explore the land here. The rain on Saturday did not stop us from having
a wonderful gathering. Apples were crushed into sweet cider, the bonfire
got an early start to keep us warm, pumpkins turned alive with creative
expressions, and as most of our bodies started to chill we gathered in
the barn to eat, and enjoy the Banana Slugs wonderful music and
lyrics. We got to hear first hand the latest tunes from their newest CD,
a collection of original lullabies entitled "Wings of Slumber."
Our littlest was lulled asleep with the first song they played. As always
Doug, Larry and Steve captured the children's energy as they gathered
to listen, laugh, dance, and sing to their songs.
The tables were covered with delicious food, giving expression to the
generosity and loving creativity of this community. Thank you to everyone
who brought a dish, and also a special thanks to my nephew Matthias for
baking the bread, not an easy task. He was outside in the rain shaping
loaves and feeding them into Toastie's hot belly ("Toastie"
is our wood-fired cob oven) so theyd be ready in time for dinner.
As light gives way to darkness, we tend to turn inwards. I like to reflect
on the season's developments and experiences and save them like precious
seeds to be planted again next season. One seed I always treasure and
hope to plant from season to season is the energy, magic, and joy that
children sprinkle all over this farm.
I wonder sometimes why we keep children cooped up in buildings to learn
about life, when just outside their door is a classroom filled with genius
and wisdom. As Janine Benyus says in her book Biomimicry, "When we
stare deeply into nature's eyes, it takes our breath away... we realize
that all inventions have already appeared in nature in a more elegant
form and at a lot less cost to the planet." I hope that we always
encourage that spontaneous sense of wonder, play, and magic when we step
into nature's classroom. From all of us Live Earth Farm we wish you another
wonderful and magical Halloween!! Tom
your commitment to CSA for 2005
I mentioned in last weeks newsletter, your commitment as members
is our greatest support; it helps us towards achieving our ecological,
social and financial goals. As the season comes to a close, we ask you
to pledge your support by registering early for the upcoming 2005 season.
This will allow us to pay our bills through the winter months and offer
our workers year-round employment. As an added incentive, if you sign
up before the end of this season you will lock in the equivalent of this
year's rates - a $75 savings because next year we will have to
increase the standard share price by $2 - from $23 to $25/week (see instructions
by Debbie, below, on how to register early). 
2005 Early Registration
Our website should now updated
to include '2005 Early Registration.' You can either register online,
or print a form, fill it out, and mail it in to us with your deposit for
$175 (which doubles as your payment for March and April's shares). By
registering before the end of this season, you will get next November's
shares completely free! That's a $75 savings! If you don't have internet
access, call me at the farm and I'll set you up by phone (keep in mind
I'm only on the farm on Tuesdays and Thursdays; mornings are best). Act
soon, as this offer and its accompanying discount expires with the end
of this season (aka Saturday November 20th). No extensions! Debbie

Crop Notes
are two kinds of winter squash in your share this week: the long ones
are 'Delicata' and the round ones are called Sweet Dump-ling.
Both are known as 'Delicata type' among farmers, and are white with blue-green
stripes. They make wonderful soups or are great just baked in the oven.
Check out Debbie's recipes for more inspiration.
In the extra fruit share you will find some strange-looking green round
or oval fruit. These are pineapple guavas, also known as "Fei-joas."
They grow as dense shrubs or small trees next to our fields and are brothers
to the round, yellow tropical guava we find in Ha-waii. Their aromatic
flowers and fruit are both edible and taste a little like pineapple. Keep
them at room temperature, but don't peel, since the rind is also edible
and contains high levels of vitamin C. See Debbie's recipe for 'how
to eat pineapple guavas' in her recipe database. Of course if you
decide the rind is too tough for your taste, just cut it in half and spoon
out and eat the juicier flesh inside. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Believe it or not, I got some fan email for my recipe database from some
folks who are members of a CSA in Easton, NY! The first recipe is a contribution
from them. Thanks Bob and Linda! Debbie
Chard with Rice, Mint and Walnuts
from 'A Vegan Taste of North Africa' by Linda Majzlik (modified slightly)
1 C long grain rice
1 bunch Swiss chard, finely shredded
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 1/2 C vegetable stock
1 tbsp. fresh mint, finely chopped
1 tbsp. fresh dill, finely chopped
black pepper
1 oz. walnuts, finely chopped
Fry the Swiss chard, onion and garlic in the olive oil until soft. Add
the rice, stock, mint and dill and season with black pepper. Stir well
and bring to the boil, then cover and simmer gently until the liquid has
been absorbed. Remove from the heat and stir in the walnuts before serving.
[I notice there is no salt in this recipe. The stock may have sufficient
salt in it, but taste it for salt in the end and add more if needed.
And here are
a couple of recipes submitted a while back by member Catherine Barale:
Pickled Carrots and Garlic with Cumin
from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison
4 lg. carrots (or 8 small)
1 sm. head of garlic
1 jalapeno chili, sliced into rounds
3/4 C apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. cumin seeds
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. black peppercorns
Peel the carrots and slice them diagonally about 3/8 inch thick. Separate
the garlic cloves and peel them. Don't use any that are bruised or sprouting.
Boil the carrots in salted water to cover for 3 minutes, then drain. Combine
the remaining ingredients plus 3/4 cup of cold water and 1/2 teaspoon
salt in a bowl. Stir to dissolve the salt and sugar and then add the carrots.
Refrigerate overnight before serving. These spunky little pickles will
keep, refrigerated, for several weeks.
Catherine says, "I mixed everything in a quart jar and then kept
the jar in the 'fridge. These are great snacks to have while we're preparing
Pear Pudding
with Almond Topping
from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison
butter for dish
3 eggs
1/3 C sugar or 1/4 C honey
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg OR cardamom
1 1/2 C milk
1/3 C flour
4 firm but ripe large pears or 6 small
1/2 C crushed amaretti (Catherine says she used crushed almond biscotti)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Generously butter a 2-quart gratin dish.
Combine the eggs, sugar, extracts, salt, nutmeg, milk and flour in a blender
and puree until smooth. Scrape down the sides and blend for a few seconds
more. Set aside until ready to use.
Peel, halve and core the pears, then slice thinly into the baking dish.
Pour the batter over the top, add the crushed amaretti, and bake in the
center of the oven until puffed and golden, about 50 minutes. Serve warm,
accompanied by a pitcher of cream.
Lastly, heres
a recipe I put together for you which was inspired by a flavor combination
I found on the internet. I liked it because it stuffed the squash with
fruit and veggies instead of rice (not that I have anything against rice
stuffings, it was just different!) - Debbie
Simple Stuffed Sweet Dumpling Squash
inspired by a recipe I found on the internet
2 Sweet Dumpling squash
1 to 2 tbsp. butter
1 medium onion, minced
2 apples, cored and cut into small pieces [peel if you like; I leave the
skin on]
1 stalk celery, diced
1/4 C raisins [golden, if you have them]
You can either stuff them whole (cut a lid off, like you would
when carving a jack-o-lantern), or cut them in half (stem to blossom)
and stuff the halves. Either way, cut open and scoop out and discard seeds
(or toast em if you like!).
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place squash cut-side down on a foil-lined
baking sheet (or brush cut edges with oil) and bake 15 minutes or so,
while you prepare the filling.
Meanwhile, in a medium skillet over medium heat, sauté the onion
in the butter for a few minutes, until softened. Add the apples, celery
and raisins and continue to cook, stirring often, until the apples are
soft, about 5 to 6 minutes.
Remove squash from oven, turn right-side up, and divide the filling among
them. Return to oven and bake until the squash is soft (you should be
able to squeeze them gently with your fingers and they should give) and
the filling is lightly browned. Id say this could take another 20
to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the squash.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.