forget that nature is, quite simply, the universal continuum, ourselves
inextricably included..."
- - Theodore Roszak
from "Where the Wasteland Ends"
Whats in the standard share:
Pears (inside your box)
Veggies and herbs:
Kale or chard
Mustard greens
Fingerling potatoes
Dry-farmed tomatoes
Heirloom tomatoes
Mystery Items
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Apples, pears and strawberries
Sat. Oct 23rd
Fall Equinox Celebration AND Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza (combined)
3pm unitl dark
Our Fall Equinox Celebration, originally scheduled for Sept. 25th,
will be postponed to Saturday Oct. 23rd due to the up-coming birth
of our daughter Sept. 17th (see last week's
newsletter or our website's Calendar of Events for details). |
"Deer" Friends -
Wild farming continues: I appreciate the calls and e-mails I received
last week in response to my considering having a couple (2) of deer shot
in order to reduce the impact this particular deer family has on our crops.
Several members were strictly op-posed to the notion of shooting the deer,
which led me to reassess the practical alternatives and reflect upon my
own farming philoso-phy. My initial intention was to limit my immediate
economic loss by removing the deer, but your feedback allowed me to step
back for a moment and see the farm as part of the larger surrounding landscape
and not just an isolated enclave. As an organic farmer, I am challenged
to transcend my dualistic mentality of producing as much as possible in
one part of the landscape while trying to preserve as much as possible
in its natural state somewhere else. In order to support and increase
the native biodiversity of the region I have to take farming in harmony
with nature to the next level, which includes all living organisms. So
rest assured I will not shoot the deer, but find ways to coexist. For
the time being, keeping a dog around and putting up a temporary fence
has kept them away. Thanks for all your suggestions, and I will keep you
posted of my success. Meanwhile, you all get to "bear" the deer
burden with me in the form of no lettuce in your shares for a while.
Organics Save the Farmily Farm?
Coleman [September 2004]
A groundbreaking essay by one of the nation's foremost organic growers
and writers. Here is a section about soil which I excerpted for you, as
I thought it was interesting. You can read the entire article online at
"Thor Heyerdahl's classic adventure story, The Ra Expeditions, has
a lesson for agriculture. Heyerdahl wanted to prove that ancient Egyptian
sailors could have reached the New World in traditional boats constructed
of bundled papyrus stalks. He and his crew studied fresco paintings, three
to four thousand years old, on the tomb walls of pyramids for instruction
on the size, shape, and style of the crafts. In the paintings there was
one rope represented, from the stern's curled-in tip down to the afterdeck,
for which they could discern no purpose suggested by modern physics, and
in the ensuing construction it was left out. Ra I collapsed in mid-ocean
for lack of that rope. Their second attempt, Ra II, with the newly appreciated
rope in its assigned place, completed the voyage without a hitch.
"In the story of agriculture's transition from the traditions of
the past to the realities of the present, there is a missing element that
is the rope's equivalent an unappreciated detail without which
the worldwide agricultural system will eventually fall apart. That crucial
element, found in healthy, viable dirt, is called "soil organic matter."
Many organic farmers realized that they needed to return to pre-chemical
practices, and improve them if possible, rather than reject them in favor
of chemical shortcuts. They believed this was the direction they needed
to go if the health of the soil, the health of the produce, and the health
of the human beings consuming the produce were to be maintained.
"The organic pioneers wrote and spoke about their realization that
the farm is not a factory, but rather a human-managed microcosm of the
natural world. Whether in forest or prairie, soil fertility in the natural
world is maintained and renewed by the recycling of all plant and animal
residues which create the organic matter in the soil. This recycling is
a biological process, which means that the most important contributors
to soil fertility are alive, and they are neither farmers nor fertilizer
salesmen. They are the population of living creatures in the soil. The
number of these creatures is almost beyond belief. It was often said that
a teaspoon of fertile soil contains at least one million live microscopic
organisms. Hard to believe as that may be, that number is now considered
far too conservative. Once you begin to understand that the soil is a
living thing rather than an inert substance, a fascinating universe opens
in front of your eyes.
"The idea of a living soil nourished with organic matter also helps
cast light on the difference between a natural and a chemical ap-proach
to soil fertility. This approach is usually called feeding the soil rather
than feeding the plants. The idea that we could ever sub-stitute a few
soluble elements for a whole living system is a lot like thinking an intravenous
needle could deliver a delicious meal.
"Through the years, as organic farmers have worked with this world
of nature, they have developed harmonious farming practices that are outstandingly
productive. The general level of expertise today among the best organic
growers allows them to equal chemical agri-culture in yield while far
surpassing it in quality. Coincidentally, they discovered that this approach
to farming could save not only their soil, but the family farm itself
- especially from the crushing onslaught of petrochemical agribusiness."

from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
This week, a selection from my extensive clippings file. - Debbie
Pears and Bleu Cheese
This is not really a recipe, just a recommendation: When Toms pears
are ripe, cut them into wedges and serve them with a really good bleu
cheese. Just eating a bite of pear-and-bleu together is sublime. If you
havent tried it, do it now. Debbie
Cold noodle salad with cucumber and spinach
from an undated SJ Merc. clipping, with a recipe credit for Helen Haining
serves 4 as a side dish
"Refreshing cold noodle salads are popular in Bejing," says
the author, who always seasons hers simply with sugar, black vinegar,
salt and sesame oil. "Adjust amounts and proportions to your taste,
but try to keep the sugar and vinegar roughly equal."
About 2 oz. bean thread* noodles (1 small bundle)
1/2 medium cucumber, seeded if desired and cut into matchsticks
1/2 bunch spinach, cut into thin ribbons
1/2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tbsp. Chinese black vinegar
1 tbsp. sesame oil
Pinch salt
Bring a pot of water to a boil.
Meanwhile, soak noodles in a bowl of hot tap water until soft, about 5
minutes. Use scissors to cut them to a manageable length, 4 to 6 inches.
Drain noodles and add them to boiling water. When water returns to a boil,
they will be done. Drain and immediately rinse with cold water. Drain
again. Toss noodles with vegetables. Dress all with sugar, black vinegar,
sesame oil and salt.
*sometimes called cellophane noodles or green
bean noodles. Choose medium-thick noodles for this dish.
Eggplant Caviar with Fresh Tomato Coulis
from a Bon Appetit magazine clipping
serves 4
1 large eggplant (about 18 oz.) [or an equivalent amount of smaller ones]
1/4 C plus 1 1/2 tbsp. good olive oil
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 lbs. tomatoes (about 6 medium)
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp (scant) ground white pepper
4 fresh basil sprigs, for garnish
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Pierce eggplant several times with a fork
and place on baking sheet. Bake until very soft and skin wrinkles and
cracks, about 45 minutes [less if eggplants are smaller]. Cool slightly.
Cut eggplants in half lengthwise and peel off skin. Place flesh in a sieve
and let drain 45 minutes, then chop finely.
Whisk 1/4C olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in medium bowl to blend.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add eggplant; toss to coat.
Bring medium pot of water to boil. Add tomatoes to boiling water and blanch
30 seconds. Using slotted spoon, transfer them to a bowl of cold water
and cool. Using a small sharp knife, pull skin off tomatoes, then core,
cut in half crosswise, and squeeze out seeds. Transfer tomatoes to a food
processor and blend until smooth. Transfer puree to a bowl, mix in remaining
1 1/2 tbsp. olive oil, salt and white pepper. Let coulis stand until any
air bubbles have popped, stirring occasionally, about 45 minutes.
Spoon 1/2 C tomato coulis into center of 4 shallow bowls. Using 2 large
soup spoons, form eggplant mixture into an oval shape and set atop coulis.
Repeat, placing 3 ovals in each bowl. Garnish each with 1 fresh basil
sprig [or cilantro, or parsley, if you dont have basil].
Marinated Kale
(quick! raw! vegan!) from this months Whole Foods magazine
[says serves 6 but only looks like enough for 4]
1 bunch kale
3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. finely minced garlic
1 tsp. sea salt
Wash and spin-dry kale; strip leaves from stems and slice into 1"
strips [or chop]. In a bowl, combine rest of ingredients and whisk to
blend. Add kale and toss until well coated. Serve immediately or store,
covered and refrigerated, for up to 1 day.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.