despite their artistic pretensions, their sophistication and their
many accomplishments owe their existence to a six-inch layer of
topsoil and the fact that it rains."
- author unknown
Whats in the standard share:
1 basket of strawberries
Veggies and herbs:
Red cabbage
Carrots (lots!)
English peas or broccoli
Radicchio (red or sug-arloaf)
Summer squash
Next week: green beans!
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
1 basket of strawberries, a bag of plums and apricots, and six fresh peaches!!
July 30, 31, Aug. 1
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun. (see details in Week 15
Sat. Sept. 25
Fall Equinox Celebration
3-9 pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 23rd
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza
Mini-Camp is full. This year's Childrens Mini-Camp
has been filled, so if you were planning to sign up, we are sorry,
but we will have to put you on a waiting list and contact you if there
is a last minute opening. Thanks for all the interest though. We are
looking forward to another fun camp! |
Soil is alive! When 5 year
old Truxton asked his mom whether soil ever sleeps, he must have been
wondering how dirt can create such a wonderful, ever-changing playground
of living toys, tasty treats, and countless different playmates without
getting tired. David Suzuki, in his book 'The Sacred Balance,' gives a
vivid description of soil. "Imagine a giant tomato with a diameter
of 70 meters (210 feet) but skin no thicker than that of an ordinary tomato.
That thin outer layer corresponds to the fine wrapping of soil that covers
the surface of our immense planet. The constant renewal of life on Earth
occurs in that thin layer; we, like all other terrestrial life forms,
depend on it, directly or indirectly, for our food." So, Truxton,
it looks like soil never sleeps! Every cubic inch of it teems with billions
of microorganisms that play many different parts in the soil's cycle of
fertility. Worms, ants, termites, springtails, protozoa, fungi, and bacteria
ranging from the visible to the unimaginably minute perform important
functions, and as a farmer I sometimes see my focus on growing soil as
more important than growing crops. The healthier my soil, the healthier
the crops I can grow. It is the microorganisms that drive most of the
activity in the soil and the transfer of nutrients to the plants. Many
conventional, so-called "modern" methods of farming have depleted
productive soils by overuse. Sterilized and contaminated by pesticides
and synthetic fertilizers, the soil life is reduced, limiting the microorganisms'
activity, which in turn limits the nutrient and mineral availability to
the plants... and ultimately to all of us. John Robbins in his latest
book "The Food Revolution" quotes a study published in the Journal
of Applied Nutrition that analyzed the mineral content of organically
and conventionally grown apples, potatoes, pears, wheat and sweet corn
over a two year period. Organically grown crops had a 63 to 390 percent
higher content of essential minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium,
iron, potassium, iodine, chromium and selenium. The Banana Slug String
Band, also members of our CSA, wrap it all up in one great song, "Dirt
Made My Lunch," in which they so wonderfully praise dirt, i.e. soil,
as the fundamental substance and source of our nourishment. "Thank
you dirt, thanks a bunch...!" Tom
Pick-up Protocol Announcement!
that we have a larger diversity of fruit we ask everyone to please
read the pick-up list and only take the quantity and type
of fruit specified beside your name. Please refrain from taking more
(or something different) than has been indicated, since this causes another
member to be short of their allotted amount. Your cooperation will keep
this wonderfully functioning honor system working for all of us.
Thank you 
Membership Drive
We can really use your help.
CSA shares are still available, and so we would like to increase membership
if possible. Please continue to spread the word and let friends, neighbors,
co-workers know about our CSA program. We try to always make brochures
available in the inside back pocket of your pick-up site binder, so feel
free to take a few to give out, or call us and we can send you a flyer
to post in your neighborhood's local shop or bulletin board. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Im so excited Toms growing English peas this year
a first in our CSAs history. Weve always had sugar-snap peas
in the past, and although I love those too, there is nothing like freshly
shelled green peas! If you dont get peas this week, dont despair,
as he will swap it around so that everyone gets them eventually.
What Debbie'd do with fresh peas
To be honest, unless we get peas for more than just a few weeks, I will
probably never make it beyond simply shelling and eating them raw. There
is nothing that compares to eating fresh, tender, raw green peas. They
are so sweet and delicious! And if you have children, shelling peas is
a great way for getting many hands involved. If we get enough of them
over the weeks to sate my eat-em-raw urge, then Id use them
in recipes where they are cooked minimally. They can be tossed into pasta-and-cheese
type dishes near the end of cooking. Put em raw into tuna salad,
or other cold pasta or rice salad-type dishes. Thats probably what
Ill do with my peas. Below is a won-derful sounding fresh pea soup
recipe from Deborah Madison (famous vegetarian chef and cookbook author,
if you havent heard of her), that utilizes the pods in making the
broth. I like the sound of that!
Elixir of Fresh Peas
serves 4 to 6 as a first course
Chef Deborah Madison says, "This pale green froth of a soup is the
essence of fresh peas. Peas can travel in every flavor direction imaginable,
but this soup needs nothing, although a few drops of truffle oil are intriguing.
Plan to make it just before you serve it, unless you want to serve it
chilled. The light, fragrant stock is made while you shuck the peas, and
cooking time for the soup is about 4 minutes."
1 bunch scallions or 2 small leeks, incl. 2" of the greens, thinly
5 lg. parsley stems, with leaves
Salt and white pepper*
1 1/2 lbs. fresh English pod peas
1 tsp. unsalted butter
1/2 C thinly sliced fresh onions [we got those this week!] or young leeks
1/2 tsp. sugar
Truffle oil, a few drops per bowl [I deduce, based on her quote above,
that this would be optional!]
Bring 1 qt. water to a boil. As it's heating, add the scallions, parsley,
and 1/2 tsp. salt. Add about 3 C of pea pods as you shell them. Once the
water comes to a boil, lower the heat. Simmer for 20 minutes, then strain.
[i.e. strain out and toss the veggies; keep the stock!]
Melt butter in a soup pot and add sliced onion. Cook over medium heat
about a minute, then add 1/2 C of the stock so that the onions stew without
browning. After 4 to 5 minutes, add the peas, 1/2 tsp. salt, and the sugar.
Pour in 2 1/2 C of the stock, bring to a boil, and simmer for 3 minutes.
Transfer soup to a blender. Drape a towel over the lid, and give a few
short pulses to make sure it won't splatter [remember my past lectures
about hot stuff in blenders and heed her warning!]. Then puree at high
speed for 1 minute. Pour into small soup bowls and serve immediately,
adding a few drops of truffle oil to each bowl [optionally].
noticed (when making this recipe for dinner tonight 7/5/04) that everywhere
I found this recipe online, the preparation instructions neglected to
tell you to add the white pepper anywhere! So anyway, I just added a dash
along with the peas in the last cooking step before pureeing. Just a bit
goes a long way!
Green Peas and Rice Amandine
(modified from orig. recipe found on the web)
serves 4 as a side dish
2 tsp. butter or ghee
1 C freshly shelled green peas
1/4 tsp. ground cardamom
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pinch freshly-ground white pepper
1 pinch ground cloves
1 C cooked rice
2 tsp. slivered almonds
Melt butter in medium skillet over medium heat. Add peas, cardamom, cinnamon,
pepper and cloves. Cook and stir a few minutes or until peas are tender.
Add rice. Cook until heated through, stirring occa-sionally. Sprinkle
almonds evenly over servings.
Grilled Radicchio and Prosciutto
from Debbies kitchen
Turns out we havent seen the end of the radicchio after all, so
if you want a hands-down easy, guaranteed-to-taste-fabulous way to cook
it, try this:
I used the sugarloaf (oblong, light green) radicchio last time I made
this, but would do it with regular red also. All you do is get some slices
of good prosciutto from a deli (not quite as thinly sliced as you would
for prosciutto and melon... a little thicker). Get one slice per serving
if using red radicchio, two per if using the sugarloaf (its bigger).
For sugarloaf, remove outer/loosest leaves and slice head in half lengthwise.
Wrap each half in 2 slices of prosciutto and secure with a long wooden
skewer (with red radicchio, cut in quarters, wrap each quar-ter in 1 slice
of prosciutto and secure with a toothpick). Grill over a medium/low fire
only a minute or two per side; watch it, you dont want it to char,
just to get browned and a little crispy! Thats it!! Id grill
up some summer squash at the same time (slice in half, coat lightly with
olive oil, sprinkle with good salt, and grill about 4 minutes per side),
and serve them together with rice. Make a salad to go with and add a glass
of wine and youve got yourself a meal!
Basil Beets
(also modified from something I found on the web) serves 4 as a side dish
4 medium beets, including greens
1 C fresh basil leaves, shredded
4 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt and pepper to taste
Cut leaves from beets, leaving about 1" of stems at top of beets
(save leaves). Steam, boil, pressure cook or roast beets until done, then
peel and cube. [If you dont know how to cook beets, check out the
recipe database or your favorite cookbook. If times an issue, pressure
cooking only takes about 10 minutes, but best beet flavor comes from roasting.]
Sort through leaves, keeping fresh-looking ones; wash well and cut off
stems. Steam or boil leaves in salted water until tender, up to 5 minutes
or so. Set aside. In a pan add butter and shredded basil. Add olive oil,
garlic, salt and black pepper. Simmer gently a minute or two. Arrange
beet leaves on a serving platter. Spoon beet cubes onto leaves. Drizzle
all with the basil butter oil.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.