"Every being has at least three rights: the right to exist, the right
to habitat, and the right to fulfill its role in the ever-renewing process
of nature."
- Thomas Berry
Whats in the standard share:
Greens (chard, kale or collard),
Green onions
Red radicchio
Summer squash
Stir-fry mix
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
1 basket of golden raspberries OR black-berries and 3 baskets of strawberries
Sat. June 19
Summer Solstice Celebration
field tours 2-5pm
celebration 5-9pm
with Kuzanga Marimba!
July 30, 31, Aug. 1
Children's Mini-camp, Friday eve. to noon Sun.
Sat. Sept. 25
Fall Equinox Celebration
3-9 pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 23rd
Halloween Pumpkin Pallooza
Heirlooms and Seed Saving.
We typically harvest fruits and vegetables before they complete their
lifecycle and produce seeds. The edible parts: roots, shoots, leaves,
flowers and fruits are harvested before the plant reaches full maturity.
Unfortunately, as a vegetable farmer my focus is on growing vegetables
for food, and I end up not saving my own seeds. Every year (mostly in
the winter) I look through tons of catalogs to choose my seeds for the
upcoming season. For thousands of years our ancestors saved seeds
a critical step in assuring food self-sufficiency. Historically, humans
selected and improved a huge diversity of vegetable varieties by the simple
act of selecting seeds for replanting. In this country we are blessed
by a cornucopia of vegetable varieties as immigrants brought their cherished
vegetable seed with them when they came. Seeds provided them a living
reminder of their past and ensured continued enjoyment of foods from the
old country. Not until recently though have some of these "family
heirloom varieties" been available commercially. I like to experiment
with heirloom vegetables since they carry flavors, colors and shapes not
found in commercial hybrids. Although they usually yield less or are more
difficult to pick/handle/grow, many heirlooms especially toma-toes
have become very popular. Over the season youll find heirlooms
in your share such as Magda, a mid-eastern, light green, bottle-shaped,
thin-skinned summer squash, or the Italian ribbed type called Romanesco
(Debbie has pictures of these in her recipe database), or heirloom varieties
of radicchio, peppers, tomatoes, lettuces, broccoli, and potatoes. Alas
over the last decade small seed companies have been going out of business
due to either consolidation or to multinational companies' interest in
controlling the genetic pool of seeds (and replacing them with more profitable
hybrids and patented varieties). Like other natural resources we take
for granted, we somehow believe that seeds will always be available. Seed
saving is another item to add to our already long list of challenges to
achieving sustainable farming. In the past, being self-sufficient was
a way of life, and saving seeds was part of it. In the future we need
to support efforts by organizations dedicated to collecting and distributing
heirloom seeds. As farmers we may need to become seed savers to avoid
losing important vegetable varieties, and, even more importantly, to continue
to have access to an ample and diverse non-genetically modified seed supply.
Solstice Celebration coming soon!
Mark Your Calendars:
Saturday June 19th we celebrate the solstice, the beginning of summer.
Join us on the farm to celebrate with music, food, games, a bonfire and
much more for our 9th Summer Solstice Celebration. Don't miss it! We will
have a lot of surprises and new things to show you and your family. Everyone
can run around, pick berries and flowers, and the little ones get to ride
Peanut our pony, explore this year's new straw bale castle, check out
the baby goats, and help us plant our pumpkin patch! Kuzanga Marimba will
again be playing music for us. Bring a dish to share for our traditional
potluck (read Debbie's note on this, below), a sweater, maybe a blanket
to picnic on, instruments, stories... but most importantly bring yourselves!

Important Potluck Request
Since some members of our CSA
community have food allergies and other limitations about the food they
eat, it would greatly help if everyone labeled their dishes as to whether
they contain wheat (or are gluten free), dairy, nuts or nut oils. A label
indicating whether a dish is vegan or vegetarian would also help for our
veggie-eating-only members. We will try to have cards and a pen handy
so that you can label your dish when you arrive if you didnt do
so beforehand. Thanks! - Debbie 
New pick-up site in Sunnyvale!
Yes folks, it has finally happened!
We are starting a new pick-up site on our Wednesday route, due to the
request of many in the Los Altos/Cupertino/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara area.
The new location is about halfway between 280 and 101, off Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road from 280 (which is Mathilda if youre coming from 101). The
first pick-up at this location will be Wednesday June 23rd (2 weeks from
now). If you wish to switch pick-up locations, please call or email Debbie
at the farm. She can make the switch and give you the directions and details.
Feel free to tell others about this, and well try to update our
website with the new info as soon as possible. 
CSA Cookbooks for sale
still have 10 copies of the new CSA cookbook (which came out last year)
entitled Recipes from Americas Small Farms Fresh Ideas for
the Seasons Bounty. This book is organized well it starts
with basic techniques and basic recipes followed
by chapters sorted by families of produce such as luscious leaves,
seeds and pods, roots and tubers etc. and has
a comprehensive resource list and index at the end. It includes recipes
and stories from several CSAs across the country (including ours!), as
well as from farmers and chefs dedicated to cooking with organic and locally
grown seasonal fruit and vegetables. If youre interested in getting
one of these cookbooks, send a check to Live Earth Farm [PO Box 3490,
Freedom, CA 95019-3490] for $12 (it sells for $17 at the bookstore!).
Well put it in an envelope with your name on it and deliver it to
your pick-up location the following week. Be sure to note on your check
that it is for the cookbook. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Dont miss the Summer Solstice Celebration! It is worth the trip,
even if you have to drive over the hill from San Jose (like
I do!). Okay, lets see... whatve I got this week? How bout
another member-submitted recipe plus a few from my collection?
Korean Kale
from a recipe member Sumit Sen found in Sunset Magazine. "I modified
it slightly by adding chile flakes and reducing the soy," says Sumit.
1 bunch kale
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1-2 tbsp. Asian sesame oil
1/2 tsp. chile flakes
Remove stems, chop kale into 1.5 inch strips. Add to boiling water and
cook for 4 minutes until just tender but still slightly crunchy. Drain
and cool. Squeeze water out of kale and then add remaining ingredients.
Mix and serve.
Sweet-and-Sour Radicchio
from an undated Bon Appetit clipping
serves 6
2 tbsp. unsalted butter
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 lg. onion, thinly sliced [or equivalent in smaller farm onions!]
2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 C apple cider vinegar
2 lg. heads radicchio cored, each cut into 8 wedges [just halve the recipe
if you only have one head of radicchio]
1/3 C raisins
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
2 tbsp. toasted pine nuts
Melt butter with oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add
onion and sugar. Sauté until onion is lightly browned, about 7
minutes. Add vinegar; stir to blend. Add radicchio, raisins, salt and
pepper. Cook until radicchio is just wilted, about 5 minutes. Transfer
to serving dish; sprinkle with pine nuts.
Chilled zucchini-mint soup
from an undated SJ Mercury News clipping
serves 6
1 tbsp. butter
1 C diced onion
4 C sliced zucchini
1 C chicken broth, vegetable broth, or water
1/3 C chopped fresh mint leaves, plus sprigs of mint for garnish
1/2 tsp. salt
2 1/2 C buttermilk
In a medium-size saucepan, melt butter over medium-high heat. Add onion
and sauté until softened, 3 to 5 minutes. Add zucchini and broth.
Cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes, until zucchini is soft. Remove from
heat and cool slightly. Process soup in a blender or food processor until
smooth. [remember: hot stuff in a blender or food processor can explode
as the heat expands rapidly, so be sure to cool adequately before doing
this!]. Add chopped mint and salt; process to mix. Pour soup into a large
bowl; stir in buttermilk. Chill soup, covered, in refrigerator for several
hours. Serve chilled, garnished with mint sprigs. Note: the soup must
be eaten the day it is prepared or the bright green color will be lost.
Cucumber Agua Fresca
Bon Appetit, May 2003
8 servings
4 1/2 C coarsely chopped seeded and peeled cucumbers (about 4 medium)
4 C cold water
2 C ice cubes
1 C sugar
2/3 C fresh lime juice
2 large pinches of salt
Combine all ingredients (in 2 batches) in blender and blend until sugar
dissolves and mixture is smooth but slushy, about 2 minutes. Serve in
tall glasses over ice. [Note: I find sugar doesnt dissolve in cold
water well; I recommend bringing 1 C of the water to a boil and dissolving
the sugar in that (this way the sugar stays in suspension), and then either
cooling it down before blending, or substitute more ice for the remaining
water when blending. Debbie]
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.