we do not love, we will not save." - Wendell Berry
This love, as Dennis Rivers proposes in her quote below, is a journey
into our hearts...
"Reverence for life that lives within us; reverence for life that
unfolds between us; reverence for life that surrounds and sustains us;
rever-ence for life of the future; reverence for the source of all life."
Whats in the standard share:
Warren pears
Veggies and herbs:
Chiogga beets
Collard greens or dino-
saur kale
Sweet corn
Parsley or cilantro
Yellow Finn potatoes
Mystery item
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Apples, pears, pineap-ple guavas... and maybe strawberries!
Last box of the season is Weds. Nov. 19th/Sat. Nov 22nd
Believe it or not, thanks
to slugs, bugs and insects we actually grow healthier food. Most of you
have seen all sorts of pecks and holes in your veggies, and the excuse
has always been 'oh, this means its organic.' A peck, a hole, or
a little blemish has always served as 'certification' to our customers
that we are striking a balance with the creepy crawlies in the field.
Recently though, curious ivory tower scientists are proving what organic
farmers have said all along that looks are deceiving, and it's
what's inside that's good for you! According to studies by a food scientist
at UC Davis, organic produce boasts up to 50% more antioxidants than conventionally
grown produce. Turns out plants fight off insects and disease by naturally
producing phytochemicals (plant chemicals) such as flavanoids to protect
themselves a process similar to the human immune system. What this
means is that conventional crops which are doused with pesticides are
not only laced with toxic chemicals, but also lack the antioxidants, because
there is no pest pressure to induce the response! Veerrrry interesting.
And although the concept may not work as a marketing strategy when I try
to sell bok choi at the farmers' market which shows the clear battle marks
of a successful fight against flea beetles, it is still a fun way to make
people aware of their choices.
Mainstream organic: All of a sudden a type of farming which for the longest
time seemed to have gone unnoticed (often considered 'below the radar'
or 'fringe') hit the mainstream news. Last week's Time Magazine published
an article about Community Supported Agriculture! I thought the article
was well written, and gave a well-rounded overview of Community Supported
Agriculture. It explained that CSAs "are not just about economics
but something deeper: a sense of common good uniting those who plant and
those who eat." One of the CSA members is quoted saying, "When
you help the people who grow your food, it is spiritually as well as physically
nourishing." To read an article about Community Supported Agriculture
in Time Magazine shows we are living in exciting times, where changes
are happening fast. The industrial culture the world we were born
into is the world we know. However everywhere we look we see this
world crumbling, almost on the brink of collapse. Of course the collapse
of something we know and are familiar with is scary, and fills us with
uncertainty. Fortunately, we have the ability to make choices that nurture
life, that will not alienate, but rather move us closer to remembering
that human beings are integral members of the Earth Community. For us
farmers, feeling connected to the people we grow food for is what lies
at the heart of Community Supported Agriculture, and confirms our efforts
to respect and care for the larger community of life. Tom
from the Field
Winter arrived in a hurry.
Cold and wet, we scrambled to lay our fields to rest by sowing our winter
cover crop seeds. We worked hard Saturday and Sunday to beat the next
rain, and we hope you'll understand that, although we were excited to
offer you sweet corn last week, this turn in weather stopped it from maturing
completely. So you will find that some of the ears are still a little
about our Gift Certificates
and Early Registration
Both the Gift Certificates
and Early Registration will help us greatly to continue a strong CSA program
in 2004. As CSA members you are our very best advocates. We hope you agree
that a CSA Gift Certificate is a wonderful and creative way to offer a
nourishing and unique gift, and at the same time help us reach out and
introduce CSA to our community. Also, if you know you want to be a member
again next year, please take advantage of our early registration. You'll
not only enjoy a discount, but also secure a confirmed spot when we start
next March. This is the earliest we have ever started. Just think: fresh
artichokes... the earliest strawberries... tender salad greens... hmmmm,
do I need to keep enticing anyone? It is your commitment now that will
help us purchase seed and plant your crops for the spring, so please sign
up early! And if you didn't get a flyer for either the gift certificates
or for early registration, we'll leave extra copies inside the back cover
of your pick-up site binder. Or if you miss those, contact us and we'll
send you one! 
Goat Cheese Special
Lynn Selness of Summer Meadows
Farm (our local provider of hand-crafted goat cheeses) has a special offer,
for people who don't want to go without during our 'off' season. She has
been making and freezing extra chevre, and says if kept frozen, it will
keep well for at least 6 months without degrading. So if you want to stock
up for the winter, she is offering it at $10/lb. (instead of $12), OR,
the bonus discount of $45 for 5 lbs! Call Lynn at (831) 345-8033 to place
your order soon, as there are only 3 weeks left to our season!
Also, a polite reminder from Lynn: she says, "PLEASE return jars!"
Those of you who have been getting yogurt from her in glass quart jars...
she needs them back for re-use. You should be returning them to her (leave
them in the cooler where you pick up), not recycling them. Call her if
you have questions. 
Almonds or Goat Cheese
Almonds from Anderson
Almonds are currently not available through the CSA as they are
busy with the fall harvest. See their website www.andersonalmonds.com
for the latest info.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from
Live Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk cheeses, milk and now yogurt!
Cheeses are chevre, ricotta, and a queso blanco (made with vegetable
rennett). Milk and yogurt are by the quart. Yogurt is cultured with
acidophilus. Your cheese, milk and/or yogurt orders are left in a
cooler under an ice pack at your pick-up location (chevre is sometimes
delivered frozen but this does not affect quality). Prices: Chevre
and ricotta are $6 per half-pound. Queso blanco is available in 5"
round 'bricks' about a pound each for $12 (or get a 'half brick' for
$6). A quart of milk is $3, and a quart of yogurt is $4 (please remember
to return empty jars to the cooler at your pick-up site the following
week! Lynn re-uses them). Supply is somewhat limited. Contact Lynn
Selness at (831) 345-8033 to place an order, then mail a check to
Summer Meadows Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Fellow member and friend Sue Burnham called me with the following recipe
which uses several of this week's box ingredients. Sue is a frequent contributor,
and always has insightful comments about her experience with a recipe,
so I will include them along with the recipe. Debbie
Beet Soup with 3 Legumes
modified slightly from a recipe in "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone"
by Deborah Madison
The original recipe called for dried beans and included all the instructions
for cooking them, but Sue says she simply used canned, and doubled the
quantities accordingly (i.e. cooked, beans are about twice the volume
they are dried).
1 C canned kidney beans (save juice)
1 C chick peas (save juice)
1/3 C dried brown or green lentils
4 medium beets, peeled and diced (if they're small, use more)
2 C chopped beet greens or chard
1 bunch scallions, including the greens
2 C coarsely chopped spinach (Sue substituted more chard)
1 small bunch parsley, finely chopped
3 tbsp. butter
1 onion, cut into 1/2" 'squares'
1/4 tsp. tumeric
1/4 tsp. cayenne
1/4 C chopped fresh mint (Sue says you can use 1/8 C dried, or a mix of
1/2 C plain yogurt
To make the soup: put beets, lentils, and 7 cups of water in a soup pot,
bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer, partially covered, for 25 minutes.
Add kidney beans and chick peas, plus the liquid from their cans, the
beet greens, and 2 tsp. salt (Sue used only 1 tsp. and thought it was
plenty). Cook for 5 minutes, then add scallions, spinach and parsley.
Cook this just until spinach is wilted and still bright green, taste for
salt, turn off heat.
To make garnish: sauté onion, spices and mint in the butter until
the onions are soft.
To serve: place soup in bowls, top with a dollop of yogurt and a spoonful
of the garnish mixture.
Additional comments from Sue: She says she added a little black pepper
to the soup, but notes that the garnish is quite hot with the cayenne.
She says the soup tastes 'Old World Italian.'
Since there's not a lot of room left (in the paper version of the newsletter),
rather than a short recipe, let me refer you to some of my favorites from
our online database, ones I would make with this week's ingredients (for
you online folks, I just added the links so you can go there directly!):
<> North
African Roasted Cauliflower I love this recipe! So much so I even
took a picture and included it with the recipe. (note: you have to scroll
down on the page -- it's the last recipe)
<> Pasta
with Greens and Feta (this popular favorite is from 1998 the
was the first recipe from the first season I started doing recipes for
the newsletter! It is also good without the pasta, just as a veggie side
<> for potatoes, my favorite recipes (ones I make most often) are
the Gnocchi,
the Pasta
with Clams (and potatoes and carrots and parsley), and the Pan-fried
Garlic Breakfast Potatoes (scroll down it's the 3rd recipe
on the page). Although since we are getting corn, the Corn,
Potato and Cheddar Chowder is reeeelllly yummy too...!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.