that is not given is lost."
- Anonymous
Whats in the standard share:
Warren pears
Veggies and herbs:
Collard greens
Green beans
Fingerling potatoes
Mystery item
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
strawberries, apples and pears
Sat. Oct 25
Halloween Pumpkin Palooza all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will be playing!
At the market last Saturday,
customers were "ooh and aah-ing" the sweetness and flavor of
our Warren pears, and when one con-gratulated me on growing such fine
pears I realized that as farmers we are more like facilitators who simply
learn how to listen to nature, however imperfectly. Nature continually
tells us what she needs and we enter into a call and response relationship.
We add compost and grow green manures (cover crops), and nature turns
them back into nurturing soil. Nature brings the winter rains and colder
temperatures which allows trees to go dormant and rest their energies.
In winter we prune the trees, which keeps them invigorated, and as spring
turns the orchard into a sea of white blossoms, both insects and human
hands help in the pollination to ensure good fruit set. Every crop has
its own specific way of growing. As we listen ever more closely we are
taught to dance together with all living and non-living things, and become
more deeply aware of respecting rather than exploiting the natural world,
of which we are an integral but only modest part. And as we are praised
for our work as farmers, I realize that we also have a function through
our work to praise nature. As a farmer I am continuously challenged to
practice and learn about stewardship rather than ownership of the land.
Decisions need to be based on an ecological ethic; progress cannot be
viewed as short-term economic return by gobbling up all the goodies for
ourselves. Instead we must give a thought for those guests who are to
come. In recognizing that we are just guests on this beautiful planet,
I understand why traditional cultures' rituals and belief systems consider
land and nature to be sacred. In truth we dont own any of it; the
crops we grow are but a gift for us to enjoy. Although we get all caught
up in buying and selling things we consider our property and thinking
that ownership is progress and economic growth is the ultimate indicator
of well being, it would seem less stressful and less violent to view ourselves
as the ones who belong to the land, instead of living under the delusion
that the land belongs to us. Tom
Registration for 2004, and... CSA Gift Certificates!
By now you all should have
received a green two-sided sheet inside your box with information about
how to sign up for next season and take advantage of our $50 discount
for early sign up. If for any reason you missed this or did not receive
a copy, please click here for a
printable pdf of the form (or call us and we'll pop one in the mail
to you if you do not have a printer).
Also new for this year Live Earth Farm will be offering
CSA Gift Certificates! A perfect holiday gift for friends or loved ones
you can purchase a colorful gift certificate good for a 4-week
trial standard share for only $90. Start thinking about it now, as we
will have information about it in your boxes very soon. Stay tuned!! 
What's Up on the (somebody
else's) Farm
Our intern Linnea Beckett reports:
Last weekend marked the annual Hoes Down festival held at Full Belly Farm.
Early Saturday morning all the interns piled into a car and journeyed
north, to the Capay Valley, to celebrate on their land... and, wow! I
have never seen anything like it! Plump pomegranates hung heavy from trees
lining the entryway that led to a hay bale archway decorated with cornstalks,
pumpkins, and purple ribbons which waved welcome to guests in the fall
wind. I couldnt imagine what this place would look like through
the eyes of a child. There was an obstacle course, a makeshift waterslide,
a straw bale pile equipped with tunnels (the structure was the size of
a small castle), ice cream making, pony rides and the list goes on. The
kids' area was a wonderland of excitement, exploration and beauty that
used the raw materials of the farm. Venturing out to the river and investigating
the rest of the land, I ran across workshops in the orchards with a group
of people sitting around and observing a tree, touching the leaves and
feeling the soil. Others were gathered around a compost pile, adding straw
to the decomposing fruit and vegetables while the workshop's leader described
various soil 'recipes' useful for growing different kinds of plants. And
through it all through the farm tours, the workshops I heard
the same commentary, "We dont know all the answers." "We
are learning to be good observers, and love to share what we discover."
It is the land that speaks to the people who listen, and everyone who
spoke submitted their authority to the land. The whole experience was
a brilliant breath of fresh air, something I would recommend to people
from all places and of all ages. On Saturday evening, while drifting to
sleep in the almond orchard with stars twinkling above accompanied by
occasional distant laughter and thousands of images of the day running
through my head, I hoped that the energy and inspiration necessary to
put together such a celebration would be passed on, not only to the hearts
of the people that work Full Belly Farm, but also to all that celebrated
last weekend. Thank you Full Belly Farm!
Almonds or Goat Cheese
Almonds from Anderson
Almonds are currently not available through the CSA as they are
busy with the fall harvest. See their website www.andersonalmonds.com
for the latest info.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from
Live Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk cheeses, milk and now yogurt!
Cheeses are chevre, ricotta, and a queso blanco (made with vegetable
rennett). Milk and yogurt are by the quart. Yogurt is cultured with
acidophilus. Your cheese, milk and/or yogurt orders are left in a
cooler under an ice pack at your pick-up location (chevre is sometimes
delivered frozen but this does not affect quality). Prices: Chevre
and ricotta are $6 per half-pound. Queso blanco is available in 5"
round 'bricks' about a pound each for $12 (or get a 'half brick' for
$6). A quart of milk is $3, and a quart of yogurt is $4 (please remember
to return empty jars to the cooler at your pick-up site the following
week! Lynn re-uses them). Supply is somewhat limited. Contact Lynn
Selness at (831) 345-8033 to place an order, then mail a check to
Summer Meadows Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Deborah Madison and Jesse Cool... where would we be without their in-sightful
cookbooks? - Debbie
Lacquered Tofu Triangles with Green Beans and Cashews
from "This Can't be Tofu!" by Deborah Madison
serves 4
1 carton firm tofu [Deborah's 'cartons' are never defined by size -- by
context (and by trying one of her recipes from this cookbook), I've decided
that her 'carton' of Tofu is the larger size... not the smaller 10 oz.
packages now available. - Debbie]
1 red bell pepper (or one of Tom's red peppers would work fine)
1/4 lb. green beans
1/2 tsp. Szechuan peppercorns
1 tbsp. mushroom soy sauce
3 tbsp. regular soy sauce
2 tbsp. light brown sugar
3 garlic cloves, minced or pressed
5 tsp. roasted peanut oil
5 scallions, incl. the greens, sliced diagonally into 1/3" pieces
1/4 C toasted cashews
1. Drain the tofu. Cut it crosswise into slabs about 1/2" wide. Cut
each slab in half lengthwise, then cut into triangles. Blot well with
paper towels. Cut the bell pepper in half lengthwise, remove the veins
and seeds, then cut each half into three long strips. Cut each strip into
triangles. Tip and tail the beans and cut them into 2" lengths. Toast
the Szechuan peppercorns in a dry skillet until aromatic, then grind to
a powder and set aside.
2. Combine the next 5 ingredients in a small bowl and stir to dissolve
the sugar.
3. Heat 1 tbsp. of the oil in a wide nonstick skillet over medium-high
heat. Add tofu and cook, without disturbing, until firm, about 5 minutes.
Turn and cook the second side. The tofu should be golden, but still tender
to the touch. Remove and set aside.
4. Add another teaspoon of oil to the pan and, when hot, add the green
beans. Stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes, then add bell pepper and
cook for another 5 minutes or so. Return the tofu to the pan and season
with a few pinches of salt and the Szechuan peppercorns.
5. Pour in the soy-sauce mixture and cook, moving the pan back and forth
rap-idly to coat the tofu and peppers. Turn off the heat before it reduces
too much. Top with cashews, and serve over rice.
Cornmeal-crusted Cod with Garlicky Spinach
from "Your Organic
Kitchen" by Jesse Cool
serves 4
"The combination of cod, cornmeal, and spinach in this recipe is
wonderful. A few drps of hot sauce can really pull it all together. Allow
about one bunch of fresh spinach per person."
[Since we never
get that much spinach in our box in any one week, I'd feel free to supplement
with chard or kale! - Debbie]
4 cod or scrod
fillets (~4 oz. ea.)
1 1/2 C buttermilk
1 C cornmeal
3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley (I'm sure cilantro would do if you don't
have parsley - Debbie)
1 tbsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. dried thyme
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1/4 to 1 tsp. ground red pepper
4 tbsp. olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 lbs. fresh spinach, steamed
Juice of 1 large lemon
1 tbsp. soy sauce
Zest of 1 lemon
The night before serving, place the fillets in a bowl and pour the buttermilk
over all. Toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate.
Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees F.
In a pie plate, combine cornmeal, parsley, oregano, thyme, salt, black
and red pepper. Remove fish from buttermilk, shaking off any excess. Dip
in the cornmeal mixture, turn-ing to coat completely.
Heat 1 1/2 tbsp. of the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 2
fillets and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, turning once, or until browned and
the fish flakes easily. Place on a baking sheet and keep warm in the oven.
Repeat with 1 1/2 tbsp. of the remaining oil and 2 fillets.
Wipe the skillet clean and heat the remaining tbsp. oil over medium heat.
Add the garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Add the spinach, lemon juice, and
soy sauce and cook for 3 minutes, or 'til heated through. Place on a serving
platter and top with the fillets. Sprinkle with the lemon zest.
Collards with Potatoes [and Bacon]
from "Local Flavors" by Deborah Madison
serves 2 to 4
"Bacon, made without nitrates and from wholesomely raised pigs is
superb, especially with these greens, but just leave the bacon out if
you're not a bacon eater."
2 bunches collard greens or a mixture of collards and kale
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
3 medium yellow-fleshed potatoes, scrubbed and coarsely diced
3 or 4 strips bacon, cut into small pieces, optional
2 tbsp. peanut or olive oil
1/2 onion, finely diced
2 plump garlic cloves, finely chopped
good pinch of red pepper flakes
hot pepper sauce or vingegar for the table
1. Strip the collard leaves from the stems and wash the greens. Bring
a few quarts of water to a boil. Add salt and the greens, then simmer
for 10 minutes. Scoop them into a bowl. Add the potatoes to the cooking
water and simmer until tender, 7 to 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat
until browned. Set it on paper towels to drain, discard the fat, and wipe
out the pan.
3. Return the pan to the heat, add the oil, and when it's hot, add the
onion. Cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes.
4. Coarsely chop the cooked greens, then add them to the pan along with
the garlic and pepper flakes. Scoop some of the potato water into the
pan as well so that everything cooks in a little moisture, adding more
water as needed.
5. When the potatoes are tender, scoop them out and add them to the greens.
Add the bacon, then toss everything together. Taste for salt and season
with pepper. Keep everything distinct or mash the potatoes into the greens.
It's messy-looking this way but especially good. Season with pepper sauce
or vinegar to taste.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.