you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and
magic in it. Begin it now."
- Goethe
Whats in the standard share:
Veggies and herbs:
Green beans
Kale or Chard
Peppers (see Notes
from the Field)
Summer squash
Mystery Item
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Strawberries, blackberries, and pears or melons
Sat. Sep 20 - Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm - 9pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 26 Halloween Pumpkin Palooza
all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will play here too!
I can feel summer drawing
to a close and the whole farm, like a living organism, changing in anticipation
of a new season. Although the weather is warm, the light is more brilliant;
the harvest moon seems twice normal size as it rises over Mt Madonna to
light up the night sky. By following the progression and change of crops
through the year, our sense of time here on the farm is more cyclical
connected more closely to the seasonal dance of the earth we work
with, rather than the chronological ticking of the watch.
Since late winter we've been continuously preparing the earth, planting,
caring for, and harvesting crops... like an ongoing and ever-turning wheel.
Now the time has come when nights are getting colder and days shorter.
The first pumpkins are donning their colorful orange dresses, and some
trees, like our river birches, are turning yellow. Twice a year time is
in balance the days are just as long as the nights. These events
are known as Equinoxes, and mark the beginning of Spring and Fall respectively.
In the Spring we celebrate the beginning of our planting season, and with
the coming of Fall we acknowledge and celebrate the land's generosity,
and the harvest received from our plantings. Every year we celebrate the
seasonal changes, so we invite everyone to join us Saturday September
20th for our Fall Equinox Celebration 3pm 'til dark. The Banana
Slug String Band will share their humor and creative spirits through their
wonderful earth inspired music. There will still be strawberries and blackberries
available for picking, and we'll bake bread and press the first harvested
apples into cider. Bring a dish for our traditional potluck, and we recommend
a blanket to sit on and something warm to wear in the evening. The children
will help light our traditional bonfire to welcome the new season. Hope
to see you all on the 20th. Tom
are excited by the results of our survey to see so much interest in a
Winter Share. I am committed to offer approximately 100 shares, and am
currently in the process of planning and figuring out the details. Producing
a winter share is challenging and conditions can be more unpredictable.
I am contacting other farmers who have a year-round CSA and arranging
sources of fruit and vegetables which could complement and diversify what
we would have to offer. In the next few weeks we will send everyone a
description of the winter program and a list of items you can expect to
Notes from the Field
This week's peppers will mostly
be green peppers instead of red and yellow. The reason for their "greenness"
is because this year our plantings got delayed due to unfavorable growing
conditions both in the greenhouse and in the field. Currently the plants
are loaded with green peppers, and in order to reduce the stress on the
plant we will "thin" the fruit load to ensure less spoilage.
You will find a mix of peppers in your share including green bell peppers,
our popular pimento or "apple peppers" (some of which are starting
to turn red), and a few Italian "corno di toro" which as their
name implies are long and horn-shaped. 
Ordering Almonds or
Goat Cheese
In both cases, contact
the seller directly to place your order and to pay (do not order through
Live Earth Farm). We will deliver your order (usually) the following
week with your share.
From Anderson Almonds, a certified organic, small, family-owned
and operated farm, you can get almonds or almond butter. Almonds are
available raw, roasted, or roasted and salted. Almond butter comes
in 15 oz. jars. Prices: 5 lbs. almonds + 1 jar almond butter,
$32; Almonds only (5 lbs.), $25. Almond butter only, $10, or a 6-pak
of jars for $32. A case (25 lbs.) of almonds (raw only) is $120.
Contact Mele (rhymes with 'jelly') Anderson at (209) 667-7494
or go to their website at www.andersonalmonds.com.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from
Live Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk cheeses (and milk!).
Currently available are chevre, ricotta, and a queso blanco. Cheese
and/or milk are left in a cooler under an ice pack at your pick-up
location (chevre is sometimes delivered frozen but this does not affect
quality). Prices: Chevre and ricotta are $6 per half-pound. Queso
blanco is available in 5" round 'bricks' about a pound each for
$12 (or get a 'half brick' for $6). A quart jar of milk is $3 (please
remember to return your empty jar to the cooler at your pick-up site
the following week!). Supply is somewhat limited. Contact Lynn Selness
at (831) 345-8033 to place an order, then mail a check to Summer Meadows
Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Two people sent in recipes of their own creation this week! - Debbie
Vegetable Delight Sandwich Filling
from member Azalyne SkyeOlson
"Here's a recipe I just made up that turned out surprisingly delicious
and utilizes many farm veggies. Don't hesitate to add what-ever other
veggies you have lying around; cucumber or celery would be great."
4 share-size carrots (or 1 large), grated
half a red onion, diced (add the whole onion if you like onions a lot)
4-5 radishes, diced
3 really ripe small-med. tomatoes, diced
half an avocado, mashed
a handful of fresh cilantro, parsley or thyme, minced (I used cilantro
as that is what we had in the share this week, but the others would be
fine as well)
1-2 tsp. of Dulse Flakes (flaked seaweed available in bulk at most health
food stores)
2 tsp. of Braggs Amino Acids (tamari would work fine as well)
1 tbsp. of perilla seed oil, flax seed oil, or hemp seed oil (all are
high in EFA's)
1/4-1/2 C of Wildwood's Vegan Garlic Aioli (John Maschino asked a few
newsletters back for a good mayo alternative: this is it!)
dash of cayenne
Toss all the above in a large bowl and mix together. It's great as a sandwich
filling or on crackers. You could also run this mixture through your food
processor and make a yummy spread. Enjoy!
Potage aux tomates
from Denise Lapierre
"My sister, member Nicole Pullman, insisted that I send in this recipe
of mine. I've been picking up her share every week for her, and with the
recent bounty of beautiful tomatoes, thought other shareholders might
like to try this recipe for tomato soup."
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
5 tbsp. cold pressed olive oil
4 tbsp. flour
4 C soy milk
4 C chopped tomatoes
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. sugar
few tbsp. chopped thyme (optional)
Sauté onion and garlic in the oil until translucent, then sprinkle
the flour over the mixture, stir in, and let that cook for a couple of
minutes. Add soy milk and let cook a few minutes more, until it thickens
a little. Then add the chopped tomatoes, salt and sugar, and optional
thyme. Let that cook until the tomatoes are well done, then put mixture
in a blender and puree, and voila! A succulent "potage aux tomates."
Here is an absolutely delicious recipe with a truly novel concept
a quiche-like dish with a hash-brown potato crust instead of regular pie
crust! I love it because it gives me all sorts of ideas for variations
(and because it helps me to use up those potatoes)! I would use the hash-brown
crust concept with any number of quiche-type recipes. And you could use
any number of veggie combinations, in a custard with cheese and... oh
I can't wait to try this other ways! Naturally I played fast and loose
with the recipe (as I often do when I cook), but I'll give you the original,
with my notes added in parentheses. Debbie
Chard and Feta Pie
from "Your Organic Kitchen" by Jesse Cool
2 C shredded potatoes (I used more!)
2 green onions, minced (I chopped up the light green stalk of the fresh
3/4 tsp. salt
6 eggs (I only used 4)
1/4 C unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 bunches green or red chard or spinach, coarsely chopped (I used mixed
mustards and beet greens, but would also easily substitute kale or other
1 1/2 C (8 oz) crumbled feta cheese
1 C milk (I used much less)
2 tbsp. chopped fresh oregano (I didn't have fresh and so used dried;
you could've used the marjoram we got last week!)
1/2 C toasted bread crumbs (I toasted 'em in a toaster oven -- worked
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a 9" deep-dish pie plate
(I just used a regular glass 10" pie-plate). Place potatoes and green
onions in a colander and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. of the salt. Drain for
5 minutes, gently squeezing out any excess liquid. Place in a medium bowl
and add 1 of the eggs, the flour, and pepper. Stir until well blended.
Press into the prepared pie plate to form a crust. Brush with 1 tbsp.
of the oil. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the crust is browned. Meanwhile,
heat the remaining 1 tbsp. oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the red onion and cook for 4 minutes, or until soft. Add the garlic
and chard or spinach (or other greens) and cook, stirring often, for 3
minutes, or until the greens have wilted. Remove from heat, drain off
excess liquid, and cool slightly. In a large bowl, combine the remaining
5 (or in my case, 3) eggs, 1 C of the cheese, the milk, oregano, remaining
1/4 tsp. salt and greens mixture. Pour into the baked crust. Sprinkle
the top with the bread crumbs and remaining 1/2 C cheese. Reduce heat
to 350 degrees and bake for 35 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the
center comes out clean. Let stand for 15 minutes before cutting.
Fresh Tomato Juice
from "Chez Panisse Vegetables" by Alice Waters
(I edited this down somewhat to fit the paper version of the newsletter;
here is the full text - Debbie)
Wash about 4 pounds of ripe tomatoes and cut out their stem ends and any
blemished parts. Cut the tomatoes in half and put them into a stainless
steel saucepan. Cover, bring to a boil, and simmer until the tomatoes
are soft and juicy, about 30 minutes. Strain the juice through a sieve
into a pitcher, shaking the strainer to force a little of the pulp through.
For thicker juice, let the juice stand so the thicker juice settles, and
pour off the clear liquid. Pass the un-strained pulp, skins and seeds
through a food mill twice to make a purée. For very thick juice,
add the purée to the strained juice in the pitcher.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.