are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth."
- Kahlil Gibran
Whats in the standard share:
Veggies and herbs:
Chiogga beets
Fresh onions
Fingerling and red potatoes
Summer squash
Regular red salad tomatoes
Heirloom tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Peaches, strawberries and blackberries
Sat. Sep 20 - Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm - 9pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 26 Halloween Pumpkin Palooza
all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will play here too!
A short escape. My
French family is all coming together to celebrate the baptism of three
of its youngest members, and I am the fortu-nate uncle "from across
the Atlantic" to witness and participate in this wonderful reunion
(the reunion is in Spain). I know its very unorthodox for a farmer
to leave his farm for a week in the middle of summer, however I am very
excited to be able to sneak away. Feeling guilty?? ....Not!!!
Although it doesnt have to be such a great distance to feel like
I'm really 'off the farm,' it is still a welcome break. I will join my
wife Constance and son David, who left a week earlier. But one thing is
for certain: I am grateful to be able to make this trip, knowing that
the farm is in good hands while I am away.
The baptism is taking place in the house that belongs to Constances
grandmother. Our son, David, was baptized in the same house nine years
ago. Its a beautiful place overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. I
have not been back in nine years, and I return with some anticipation.
According to my son, the olive tree we planted nine years ago is bearing
fruit. Our intentions at the time of his baptism were to plant a tree
that symbolizes peace, and also hope for a world where our children can
live in freedom from fear and violence. I write this after listening to
the radio all day reporting about the bombings and ongoing violence in
the Middle East.
Baptisms are a celebration, an affirmation. They are not unlike planting
a seed, then committing to see that it grows and flourishes. Baptisms
reaffirm our hope that someday we may live in a world of freedom and peace.
May our leaders take courage, and be inspired by moments like these to
remember the children of the world -- remember that they deserve these
basic human rights, and that their spirits need nourishing. Tom
from the Field
(Nothing this week while Tom is Away.) 
Membership Drive
Please continue to spread the
word and let friends, neighbors, co-workers know about our CSA program.
Although we are closer to capacity, shares are still available. We will
always try to make brochures available in the inside back pocket of your
pick-up site binder, so feel free to take a few to give out. Or if you'd
like, call us and we can send you a flyer to post in your children's school,
or your neighborhood's local shop or bulletin board. Thank you!!! 
Ordering Almonds or
Goat Cheese
In both cases, contact
the seller directly to place your order and to pay (do not order through
Live Earth Farm). We will deliver your order (usually) the following
week with your share.
From Anderson Almonds, a certified organic, small, family-owned
and operated farm, you can get almonds or almond butter. Almonds are
available raw, roasted, or roasted and salted. Almond butter comes
in 15 oz. jars. Prices: 5 lbs. almonds + 1 jar almond butter,
$32; Almonds only (5 lbs.), $25. Almond butter only, $10, or a 6-pak
of jars for $32. A case (25 lbs.) of almonds (raw only) is $120.
Contact Mele (rhymes with 'jelly') Anderson at (209) 667-7494
or go to their website at www.andersonalmonds.com.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from
Live Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk cheeses (and milk!).
Currently available are chevre, ricotta, and a queso blanco. Cheese
and/or milk are left in a cooler under an ice pack at your pick-up
location (chevre is sometimes delivered frozen but this does not affect
quality). Prices: Chevre and ricotta are $6 per half-pound. Queso
blanco is available in 5" round 'bricks' about a pound each for
$12 (or get a 'half brick' for $6). A quart jar of milk is $3 (please
remember to return your empty jar to the cooler at your pick-up site
the following week!). Supply is somewhat limited. Contact Lynn Selness
at (831) 345-8033 to place an order, then mail a check to Summer Meadows
Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Member Diana Foss sent me this carrot recipe, which inspired the two that
follow. And in the space left over... how about a strawberry recipe! -
Diana's 'use-up-those-carrots!' Carrot Loaf
"I made a yummy carrot loaf today with at least two weeks' worth
of carrots, including lots of red ones. I shredded the carrots in the
food processor, added 1 cup of chopped mushrooms, two of the white onions
from the share (also chopped), 4 cloves of garlic (crushed), 1/2 cup of
mixed, chopped cilantro and parsley, about 4 oz of shredded jack cheese,
1 cup of breadcrumbs, 1/3 cup of olive oil and 2 eggs (It was a pantry-cleaning
recipe, as well). Then I added lots of lemon pepper, and salt just to
taste. I mixed it all up with my hands and pressed it into an oiled loaf
pan. I baked it for an hour (350 degrees) and served it with Romesco sauce.
It didn't hold together in neat slices (more eggs and cheese would solve
that) but it was very flavorful and fresh-tasting. And it really cleaned
out the carrot stash!"
Note from Debbie: Regarding 'not holding together,' I checked my old
Moosewood Cookbook and their ingredients for carrot loaf were similar
to Diana's, only they used 5 eggs! They also used cheddar instead of jack
cheese, although I expect other cheeses would easily be substitutable
(like Diana said -- it was a pantry cleaning recipe!). Regarding 'Romesco
sauce' -- I had never heard of this before, and so did a little online
research. I learned it is a traditional Spanish (Catalan) sauce made with
tomatoes, bread, almonds and/or hazelnuts, vinegar, olive oil and herbs
(and sometimes hot peppers). Although Diana's carrot loaf would be good
served with ANY favorite tomato sauce, since we're getting tomatoes in
force, here are two different Romesco Sauce recipes for you to choose
Romesco Sauce
edited* from "Tapas and More Great Dishes of Spain" by Janet
*The original
recipe is "Grilled Prawns with Romanesco Sauce" -- I just left
out the prawns and grilling instructions! - Debbie
"Romesco is a Catalan pepper sauce which is truly sensational, particularly
with grilled fish and shellfish. But it can accompany any grilled meat
or poultry or, thinned with a bit of water, dress salads or vegetables."
3 ripe medium tomatoes
1 head of garlic
2 tablespoons paprika, preferably Spanish
1 toasted chili pepper (seeds removed) or dried pepper flakes to taste
1 dozen almonds, blanched and peeled
2 dozen hazelnuts, skinned
1 slice country style bread, toasted
1 tablespoon parsley
2/3 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vinegar
Freshly ground pepper
Roast the tomatoes and garlic in a hot oven (400 degrees) until the tomatoes'
skins split, about 15 minutes. Remove. Skin the tomatoes, cut them in
half and remove seeds. Skin all of the garlic cloves. Put the tomatoes,
garlic, paprika, chili pepper, pepper flakes, almonds, hazelnuts, bread,
parsley and part of the olive oil into a food processor. Process until
you have a smooth puree. Beat in the remaining oil, salt, vinegar and
pepper. The sauce should be the consistency of thick cream. If too thick,
thin with a little water or white wine. This sauce can be made in advance.
Bring it to room temperature before serving.
Simple Romesco Sauce
from culinarycafe.com
yield: 3 to 4 cups
(the website said yield of 1 cup... I think not!)
2 large, thick slices country bread, crusts removed, cut into 1/2-inch
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
3/4 cup whole almonds
1 pound ripe tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup fruity Spanish olive oil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, soak the bread cubes in the vinegar
for 20 minutes. Toast the almonds for 10 to 15 minutes, watching closely.
Cool completely, then grind them in a mortar and pestle or food processor
until they are finely ground but not oily. Add the vinegar-soaked bread,
tomatoes, paprika, salt and pepper to the processor and grind together
briefly until evenly pureed. With the motor running, add the olive oil
in a thin stream.
Roasted Strawberry Clafouti
by Chef Brian Wolf
Makes 8 servings
"Roasting fresh strawberries concentrates the sugar and brings out
their glorious flavor."
3 C strawberries, rinsed, dried and hulled
1/4 C plus 1/3 C sugar
6 large eggs
1/2 C heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
2/3 C all-purpose flour
Confectioners' sugar
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a mixing bowl, toss the strawberries
with 1/4 C of the sugar. Arrange berries cut side down on a baking sheet
and bake until soft to the touch, about 10 minutes. Set aside. Lightly
butter a 10 1/2" quiche dish. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs,
cream, vanilla, salt, and 1/3 C sugar. Sift the flour on top and stir
just until blended; do not overmix. Arrange roasted berries in prepared
dish. Gradually pour egg mixture on top. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until
the batter is puffed and lightly golden. Let cool on a rack; it will shrink
down as it cools. Dust with confectioners' sugar, cut into wedges, and
serve warm or at room temp.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.