am only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on
ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place
this Earth would be..."
- Severn Cullis-Suzuki, age 12, Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, June 1992
Whats in the standard share:
Red Forono beets
Green beans
Red Potatoes
Mustards/stir-fry mix
Summer squash
Tomatoes (sungold cherry tomatoes, heirloom and red tomatoes)
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Peaches, strawberries, plums and raspberries
Aug 8, 9, 10 - Childrens Mini Camp
Friday evening to noon Sunday
Sat. Sep 20 - Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm - 9pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 26 Halloween Pumpkin Palooza
all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will play here too!
The art of waiting.
Last week I was in a constant hurry, impatient to get things done. We
all go through these cycles where we stay up late, get up early, skip
meals, cut corners, drive too fast, or work ourselves into a frenzy to
get something done in less time. By rushing from one thing to the next,
it seems one is constantly poised to seize the future. Plants arent
like that. As a farmer I may have schedules to get stressed out about,
but plants simply have cycles. One of the most important yet least mentioned
aspects of farming is the art of waiting. There is nothing passive about
this waiting. This waiting is filled with work that prepares or gives
condition for that which we are waiting for, to flower and give fruit
in the "fullness of time." As we wait our work is guided by
our understanding of the conditions and our ability to adapt to the natural
cycle of the seasons. Waiting for the right time, for example, means to
sow seeds when the temperature and moisture are ideal for germination,
to water and cultivate at the right stages of crop development, and to
harvest at the right frequency and optimum maturity to capture the best
flavor, nutritional value and freshness.
While cutting flowers on Friday I realized that the sunflowers towering
over my head started as small seeds planted in the greenhouse during the
cool days of April. Since then, they have simply taken each day at a time,
steadfastly progressing through each moment it takes them to grow through
their natural cycle. There is no forcing them by artificial means. As
I contemplate the beauty of a radiant giant sunflower with a honeybee
heavy with pollen resting on it, I am reminded of balance and harmony,
a lifestyle grounded in the sacred. I decide to be less impatient and
continue my practice in the art of waiting. Tom
of the Week
was re-reading last year's newsletters for inspiration and noticed our
TOMATOES ripened about three weeks earlier than last season's. Also I
came across a bit of tomato history which I thought would be interesting
to share again. This "pomme damour" or "love apple,"
as the French sometimes call it, is native to Ecuador and Peru and was
cultivated in Central and South America as early as the fifth century.
However, it only arrived in the United States a little over 200 years
ago with European explorers. The Spanish explorers brought the tomato
to Europe in the 1500s and only the Italians showed any interest in this
berry from South America. The rest of Europe considered the tomato as
a poisonous plant, probably because of its relation to the deadly nightshade
weed. Many of the nightshade species contain a chemical alkaloid, both
medicinal and toxic. Many plants that are important to us including
eggplant, peppers, potatoes, flowering nicotiana, and petunias
belong to this family. Luckily for us, however, the fruits of tomato,
peppers, and eggplant are completely safe to eat, even when they are green.
Only potato tubers can make you sick if you expose them to enough sunlight,
which makes their skin turn green. So here is an important storage tip
if you dont consume all the potatoes you receive weekly. Place them
in a paper bag (not plastic) in a cool and dark place to prevent them
from turning green. This way you can enjoy them for many months to come.
Do you realize that tomatoes are the ultimate antioxidant powerhouse?
The red color is formed by a pigment called lycopene a member of
the carotenoid family which turns out to be a powerful scavenger
of oxygen free radicals. Free radicals are supposed to be the primary
reason why we age and succumb to age-related conditions such as cancer
and heart disease. Scientist have shown that carotenoids, such as lycopene,
delays the onset of these degenerative diseases by boosting the body's
antioxidant capacity, and that cooked tomato products (including tomato
paste, tomato sauce, even pizza sauce) pack more bioavailable lycopene,
about four times greater than the raw fruit. 
Membership Drive
We still have shares available.
Please continue to spread the word and let friends, neighbors, co-workers
know about our CSA program. We try to always make brochures available
in the inside back pocket of your pick-up site binder, so feel free to
take a few to give out, or call us and we can send you a flyer to post
in your neighborhood's local shop or bulletin board.
Almonds or Goat Cheese
In both cases, contact
the seller directly to place your order and to pay (do not order through
Live Earth Farm). We will deliver your order (usually) the following
week with your share.
From Anderson Almonds, a certified organic, small, family-owned
and operated farm, you can get almonds or almond butter. Almonds are
available raw, roasted, or roasted and salted. Almond butter comes
in 15 oz. jars. Prices: 5 lbs. almonds + 1 jar almond butter,
$32; Almonds only (5 lbs.), $25. Almond butter only, $10, or a 6-pak
of jars for $32. A case (25 lbs.) of almonds (raw only) is $120.
Contact Mele (rhymes with 'jelly') Anderson at (209) 667-7494
or go to their website at www.andersonalmonds.com.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from
Live Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk cheeses. Currently available
are chevre, ricotta, and a queso blanco. All cheeses are left in a
cooler under an ice pack or two at your pick-up location (chevre may
sometimes be delivered frozen but this does not affect quality). Prices:
Chevre and ricotta are $6 per half-pound. Queso blanco is available
in 5" round 'bricks' about a pound each for $12 (or get a 'half
brick' for $6). Supply is somewhat limited. Contact Lynn Selness
at (831) 345-8033 to place your order, then mail your check to Summer
Meadows Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076 |
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
We're starting to get green beans and tomatoes like nobody's business,
so here are some ideas to get you through your bounty. First, a tomato
soup that's all about tomato (no stock, no spices or special flavorings).
I think I clipped it for that very reason. If you're looking for more
variety in tomato soup ideas, there are also Italian and Indian-style
tomato soups already on the recipe database (online). - Debbie
Tomato Soup with cream or without
adapted from "Soup A Way of Life" by Barbara Kafka
serves 6
1 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 medium onion
3 lbs. fresh tomatoes*
1 tbsp. kosher salt
1 C heavy cream, optional
*[If you have a food mill you can just cut them into chunks; the food
mill will separate out the seeds and skins. If you don't (I don't!), you'll
have to peel and seed the tomatoes before making this recipe. If you don't
know how to peel tomatoes, see recipe database, or call me! Debbie]
In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in onion and
cook, stirring occasionally, for 7 minutes. Stir tomatoes into onions,
raise heat and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, covered, for 45
minutes. Pass through fine disc of a food mill (or purée in a blender)
and return to pan. Heat soup through. Season with salt. If using, add
cream. If you like, you can garnish this soup with 1/4 C narrow strips
of basil, with chevril, or with croutons.
The following recipe was given to me last year by member Sue Burnham
(a regular contributor). She says it has a real unusual flavor, kind of
Lemon Green Beans with Cashews
from Kristin Jarden's Vegetarian Cookbook (Indian/vegetarian)
serves 4 to 6
about 1 1/2 lbs. green beans
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. ghee or oil
1/3 C cashews (chopped, broken or whole)
2 tsp. black mustard seeds
1 tbsp. ginger, minced
1 tbsp. ground coriander
1 to 2 whole dried chilies, slit (or 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper
1 pinch asifedita (fairly important)
3 tbsp. fresh cilantro, minced
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Trim beans and cut into 1" pieces. Sprinkle with salt and steam or
boil until tender, then drain. Heat oil in a wok or skillet over medium
heat, lightly fry cashews until golden. Remove with slotted spoon, drain
and set aside. Fry mustard seeds in same pan until they pop. Add ginger
and fry 20 seconds. Mix in ground coriander, chilies and asifedita, add
green beans, cilantro, lemon juice and cashews. Sauté another 5
to 7 minutes to heat through.
Okay, I lied [about the recipes being for green beans and tomatoes
only this week].
Here's a beet recipe. - Deb
(Also, FYI, in the paper version of this newsletter the below recipe was
truncated down to fit 'cause I was short on space. No key info was left
out, but all of Madhur's great commentary was! It was too good to leave
out here though, so I have re-written this recipe here in its entirety.)
Beets with Mint and Yogurt
from Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
serves 6 to 8
Madhur Jaffrey says, "a word of warning: I have a friend who at first
refused to eat this dish because of its color, a wild, alarming fuschia.
He complained that it did not look "natural." Since then he
has been persuaded. The taste, he said, won him over."
This is generally served at room temperature or chilled.
1 (8-ounce) beet or 2 smaller ones, boiled or roasted in foil
2 C plain yogurt
3/4 to 1 tsp. salt
freshly ground black
1/8 to 1/4 tsp. cayenne (optional)
2 1/2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh mint
1 tbsp. vegetable oil (I like to use olive oil)
3 small garlic cloves, peeled (or 1 large garlic clove, cut lenthwise
into 3 sections)
Peel the beet and grate it coarsely. Put the yogurt in a bolw and beat
it lightly with a fork or a whisk until it is smooth and creamy. Add the
salt, pepper to taste, and cayenne, if using. Mix. Add the mint and beet.
Mix gently.
Put the oil and garlic in a small frying pan and set over medium-high
heat. The garlic will eventually begin to sizzle. Press down on the garlic
with a spatula and let it sizzle some more, turning the pieces once or
twice, until they turn a medium brown. Now pour the flavored oil and garlic
into the bowl with the yogurt and mix.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.