that grows holds perfection but a little moment."
- William Shakespeare
Whats in the standard share:
Forono beets
Green beans
Lettuce (butter or ro-maine)
Potatoes (blue & white)
Summer squash
Sorry about last week's missing spinach; the heat yellowed it terribly
so we had to substitute. Look for a new crop of spinach in a few weeks.
- Tom
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Strawberries, raspber-ries and Sungold cherry tomatoes!
Aug 8, 9, 10 - Childrens Mini Camp
Friday evening to noon Sunday
Sat. Sep 20 - Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm - 9pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 26 Halloween Pumpkin Palooza
all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will play here too!
DRIVE: We still have 30 CSA shares available to meet our projected
membership for this year. If everyone can think of one person or family
in their community who would enjoy trying a share, I am sure well
meet our goal for the season. Thank you for your support, and please contact
us if you have any ideas on how to increase our outreach within your community.
Farmer Tom
Mini Camp
7pm Friday Aug. 8th to Noon
Sunday Aug. 10th
Mini Camp is around the corner and we are ready to receive registrations
for this year! Like last year, we will limit this event to around 12 families,
so be sure to sign up soon if you want to participate. The journey starts
on Friday evening, August 8th, with a potluck at around 7pm. The first
evening is a time to relax into the peacefulness of the farm and to set
up tents around the fire. For the more adventurous ones, you can wander
out and set tents hidden among the tomatoes and the flowers. Saturday
is dedicated to harvesting and cooking together everything edible on the
farm for our lunch and dinner. As you can guess this goal is at the same
time ambitious and fun, bringing us to explore all corners of the land
equipped with harvesting baskets (sized to the harvester's eating capacity!),
water bottles and hats. It is a time to enjoy being together, to meet
other CSA members, and to allow the children to set the pace... it is
great fun and we hope that you can join us!!! Saturday evening is spent
around the fire and if the mood is right and the moon shines upon us,
we have in the past gone for night walks in the fields. Musicians are
called to duties, so bring your guitars, drums or flutes, and don't be
shy with your voice!! Sunday morning is leisurely and may be spent making
and eating breads with berries.
Somewhere along the journey, we will try to give space to some artistic
activities so that both children and adults may express some of the many
earthly impressions that continuously feed our senses on the farm. Visits
to the farm animals (chickens, goats and pony) is a must to make sure
that no living creature is left out of the party! Also after a haaaard
day of harvesting, be prepared to jump in the pool!
Special farm projects that we are considering for Mini Camp weekend are:
re-vamping "Toasty," our wood-fired bread oven (this would involve
a lot of playing with dirt!), making drums, giving Peanut (the pony) his
once-a-year bath and "beauty" treatment (if sunny), identifying,
drawing and/or collecting leaves of fruit trees (with some fruit tasting
along the way naturally), pizza making (if Toasty is not re-vamped), making
jam, or, any other ideas? If you are signing up for the camp and want
to do a project, please let us know!
The cost is $40 per adult and $20 per child with a maximum of $100 per
family, and includes all the meals except the Friday evening pot-luck.
If you want to accompany your meals with a glass of beer or wine, please
bring it with you as we will not provide any alcohol. Register with Constance
at (831) 763 2340 to reserve your place and to give your input. We are
always looking for ways to make our farm events an expression of the community's
inspiration. See you soon...... Constance.
Member to Member Forum
(from Sara and Charles Limbach
of Prunedale.) We have been getting a box of vegetables from Tom since
my oldest was three. He is now almost ten. Back then, my husband and I
had to really work to get through a box. Now our three kids do a pretty
good job of helping us out, but getting kids to eat vegetables can be
tricky. Here are a few tips I've come up with over the years:
The hardest part of getting kids to eat anything new is the mental attitude
- getting over the "I don't like that" idea. Once they have
decided that "green is good" the possibilities are endless.
My two main techniques during this phase are "Disguise" and
For "Disguise," the food processor is key. Cook up all those
greens or zucchini or whatever you are trying to get rid of and slip some
into everything. Of course soup works great, but my kids won't eat soup
so I have to get more creative. Most kids can be convinced to eat pesto,
so that is a good way to start. This summer when the basil is plentiful,
start making lots of fresh pesto (not the oily store-bought kind). Put
in lots of cheese and pine nuts. Once you've got them hooked, start slipping
in other green things. They'll never even notice. Once they don't mind
"green," you can have green potatoes, green rice, green sauce
on meat, etc. I made a great concoction of greens, lots of garlic, cream
and spices which works well on chicken, rice or pasta.
With "Distraction," you keep things interesting by using foods
you know they like, and which help to sweeten up otherwise not so interesting
food. We use things like pineapple, raisins, dried cranberries, toasted
almonds, coconut, pine nuts, cashews, orange slices, peanut butter and
frozen corn. Don't be afraid to use them liberally at first; they are
all pretty healthy foods (even if they are sweet), and once you've gotten
the kids hooked you can slowly cut back. Some of our favorite combinations
are chard with raisins and pine nuts; pureed greens with coconut milk,
curry, coconut and toasted almonds; broccoli with peanut sauce (peanut
butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and molasses); beets with a sauce made
from orange juice concentrate and ginger. A friend highly recommends chard
with pineapple and peanut butter! And of course fresh fruits and nuts
go well in salads.
Another good idea is to include the kids in the preparation process. It
gives them "ownership." "Do you like the salad I made,
Dad?" My son has taken an interest in making salad dressings and
will always eat salad when he's made the dressing. Just remember, the
"Disguise" technique doesn't work so well with them in the kitchen
Well, good luck and happy eating! - the Limbach Family 
Ordering Almonds or Goat
both cases, contact the seller directly to place your order and to pay
(do not order through Live Earth Farm). We will deliver your order (usually)
the following week with your share.
From Anderson Almonds, a certified organic, small, family-owned
and operated farm, you can get almonds or almond but-ter. Almonds are
available raw, roasted, or roasted and salted. Almond butter comes in
15 oz. jars. Prices: 5 lbs. almonds
+ 1 jar almond butter, $32; Almonds only (5 lbs.), $25. Almond butter
only, $10, or a 6-pak of jars for $32. A case (25 lbs.) of almonds (raw
only) is $120. Contact Mele (rhymes
with 'jelly') Anderson at (209) 667-7494 or go to their website at www.andersonalmonds.com.
From Summer Meadows Farm, just across the Pajaro Valley from Live
Earth Farm, you can get raw goat milk chevre or ri-cotta, made fresh then
frozen, and delivered (frozen) and left in a cooler at your pick-up site.
Prices: either cheese is $6 for a
half-pound, or get a half-pound a week for 4 weeks for $24. Supply is
somewhat limited. Contact Lynn Selness
at (831) 345-8033 to place your order, then mail your check to Summer
Meadows Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Here is a great recipe from member Mark Stevens of Saratoga. Debbie
Beet and Gorgonzola Potato Salad
6 to 8 medium thin-skinned potatoes (such as Yukon Gold or Yellow Finn)
4 medium to large beets
1/3 lb. gorgonzola cheese
1 small red onion, fine dice
1/4 C olive oil
1/4 C red wine vinegar (7% acidity)
1-2 tbsp. horseradish
Dried thyme to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Roast potatoes and beets in oven at 425 degrees for 50-60 minutes (until
soft when pierced). Let cool. Dice to bite size and mix with diced onion
and gorgonzola cheese. Some people like to skin the beets (which you should
only do after the roasting), which is quite messy, but has a nicer presentation.
Prepare dressing, and toss. Can be served immediately, but flavors blend
better if refrigerated overnight.
Mark's notes on variations: This is a very forgiving recipe. I like to
keep the potato-to-beet ratio at about 2:1 in volume, but this is flexible.
The red onion can be shallot (make sure the dice is quite fine), green
garlic (which is very nice), baby leeks, green onion or anything with
a bite. The beet stems can also be chopped fine and added for color and
texture. Garlic is also a nice addition to the dressing. The gorgonzola
can be replaced with any bleu cheese, or with feta, and the amount can
be increased (how can you have too much cheese?).
Debbie's "Instant" Soft Strawberry Ice Cream
If you're like me and froze all those extra strawberries when we were
up to our eyeballs in them, and now dinner's over and you're hankering
for a quick dessert, this recipe is for you. And the best part is, you
don't need an ice cream machine (just a food processor), and bam! boom!
you got fresh homemade ice cream in a matter of minutes!
Chunk up some frozen strawberries (they're pretty hard, but not nearly
as hard as ice cubes -- I just used a big chopping knife; remember to
keep your fingers out of the way!). Put berry chunks into a food processor
with a spoonful or two of sugar. Pour in some milk, buttermilk, yogurt,
cream or water (for sorbet!), or heck -- I bet even a dessert wine or
liquor would be good too! [I used a combination of buttermilk and 1% milk
when I did it]. Process/pulse until berries start to break down (it'll
be a little noisy until the pieces get smaller). With processor running,
add a slow stream of additional liquid and process until thick and smooth
(it should be the consistency of soft ice cream). It is now ready to eat
no cranking, no need to 'ripen' in the freezer. Woo-hoo!!
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.