natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be
alienated from this community is to be-come destitute in all that makes
us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence."
- Thomas Berry, from "The Dream of the Earth"
Whats in the standard share:
Chiogga beets
Bok choi
Napa (Chinese) cab-bage
Baby chard
Yellow Finn potatoes
Summer squash
Mystery Item
green beans next week!
... and if you have an extra-fruit option:
Strawberries and raspberries or blackberries
Aug 8, 9, 10 - Childrens Mini Camp
Friday evening to noon Sunday
Sat. Sep 20 - Fall Equinox Celebration
3pm - 9pm
with the Banana Slug String Band!
Sat. Oct 26 Halloween Pumpkin Palooza
all day.
the Banana Slug String Band will play here too!
The circle of people just
kept growing and growing and winding in all directions around six tables
filled with wonderful gifts of food. It was definitely the largest circle
ever gathered on this farm to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Every time
we form this circle I am inspired, and recognize how in celebration, even
if just for a brief moment in our busy lives, we transcend boundaries
and acknowledge our interconnectedness and that which gives us sustenance
to participate in the dance of life. Thank you for celebrating with us
in welcoming the summer season. Tom
[and from our intern, Linnea] As the circle expanded, Toms mothers
grasp continued to tighten around my hand. She stood there shocked and
amazed. All she could mutter was, "So many people!" I smiled
at her, she smiled back and then turned the smile to her son who was on
the opposite side of the circle. Toms father peered over her shoulder
and whispered to me, "Did you see the pictures from the first Summer
Solstice?" Just a few days ago the old photo album was brought down
from the shelf, and within the pages we found pictures of about fifteen
people gathered around a table smiling as they celebrated the farm's first
ever Summer Solstice. "Fifteen people," he said, "and look
on the Farm
Small Wonder. Never
does the keen sense of observation of children cease to surprise me when
they roam and search the farm for adventure and discovery. During Saturdays
celebration I felt a little tug on my arm and Kristin Schaffer's little
girl Linnea held up a fluttering moth in her hands, asking, "What
are these, farmer Tom?" The moth she held was an Oak moth, one of
thousands fluttering around and nesting in our oak tress right now. I
have been watching them with dismay since last fall when they first appeared,
noticing that the caterpillars can munch a tree bare of leaves. It didnt
take long before I felt another tug on my arm, and Linnea had returned
with her friend Morgan, to show me an egg, a pupae, a caterpillar and
a moth. Their faces where beaming at having discovered each stage in the
life cycle of this insect, and my worries about the pest problem melted
away as I noticed the beauty and magic these two young girls held in their
Kid's Corner
Tom has an accumulation of
questions from children and plans to address them here next week! 
Goat Cheese via your CSA
This is Debbie speaking. At
the Farm Fiesta two weeks ago we met a Live Earth Farm neighbor who raises
goats and makes her own cheeses and has for many years. We got to talking,
and we have agreed to offer her fresh cheeses to you, our CSA members,
to be delivered weekly with your share! Her name is Lynn Selness, and
she runs Summer Meadows Farm. Here is a note from Lynn:
Hello! Were happy to meet you and offer you a share of our snowy
white goat cheeses. Ive milked goats for 28 years to nourish my
7 children. We moved to the sunny slopes of Mt. Madonna with one of our
Nubian does, and in two seasons she became the matriarch of nine more
does -- no bucks! It seemed a sign from God that it was time to start
a milking herd and share our bounty with you! We are offering two cheeses
right now, both mild and rich (no "goaty" flavors), cultured
with my buttermilk: a French chevre, and a ricotta. We hope to also offer
a soft-molded cheese, but have not yet come up with a way to successfully
get it to you at this time. We'll keep you posted. Use our cheeses to
gourmet up a sandwich, quesadillas, Italian dishes, or eggs. We welcome
you to visit us and meet our happy goats. Youll feel like Heidi
surrounded by 18 sweet nuzzling kids in our high pastures at Summer Meadows
I milk my goats and make cheese every day, so to keep it all at maximum
freshness for you since deliveries are only twice a week, I will freeze
them (yes you can freeze goat cheese!). The frozen cheeses will be dropped
off at the farm the morning of delivery, and will be in a cooler at your
pick-up location, in a ziploc bag marked with the type of cheese, the
date made, and the name of the person who ordered it. To place your order,
call me, Lynn, at (831) 345-8033 and mail your check to Summer Meadows
Farm, 405 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. Your cheese will come with
your share the following week. Try a half-pound one-time sample for $6,
or get a half-pound a week for one month (4 weeks) for $24. Please keep
in mind I have a somewhat limited supply, so it will be first come first
served, but I and my goats will do our best to keep everyone supplied!
And now, from Debbie: Lynn gave me a sample of her fresh goat cheese at
the Farm Fiesta, and I can report that it was truly wonderful. I will
try to keep a small, regular blurb in the newsletter about the availability
of this goat cheese (as well as the almonds and al-mond butter from Anderson
Almonds which I talked to you about earlier in the season), so that people
who don't see the newsletter each week will still get the ordering info.
Remember place your order with Lynn, NOT us. We are just delivering
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
Napa cabbage is the newbie this week, and bok choi is back after a goodly
hiatus, so let's focus on those. - Debbie
About Chinese (Napa) Cabbage
from the All New All Purpose Joy of Cooking
The so-called Chinese cabbages compare to our common cabbage as romaine
lettuce compares to iceberg. Like icebergs, com-mon cabbages have round
heads with thick, crunchy, mild-tasting leaves. Like romaines, Chinese
cabbages have oblong heads with thin, juicy full-flavored leaves. The
Chinese cabbage we see most often is the pale green Napa cabbage... Store,
prepare and cook as for common cabbage but do not overcook, or their lovely
flavor and texture will be destroyed... Affinities are for other Asian
vegetables [like bok choi!] and flavors.
Cabbage and Potatoes with Smoked Ham
from same 'Joy of' as above!
4 to 6 servings
8 C water
4 Yellow Finn potatoes, washed and quar-tered (peeling optional)
2 tsp. salt
1 small head green cabbage, cut into sixths and cored [per advice above,
I think this is okay to try with Napa cabbage Debbie]
6 oz. smoked ham, coarsely chopped
3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
ground black pepper to taste
Put potatoes, water and salt together in a large saucepan and bring to
a boil. When boiling, add cabbage wedges, and simmer, uncovered, until
the potatoes are done (12 to 15 minutes). [If using the Napa cabbage,
I'd only add it for the last 5 to 6 minutes... remember, you don't want
to overcook it! Debbie] Drain and immediately toss with smoked
ham and parsley. Arrange on a platter and serve with lemon wedges or a
cruet of vinegar, and horseradish and/or mustard, or chutney.
Simple Cooked Chinese Cabbage
from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, by Deborah Madison
This Asian cabbage cooks quickly and is even milder than European varieties.
Allow 1 1/2 lbs. or more for 4 servings. Chop the whole cabbage, including
the firm white base, into strips of whatever width appeals to you. Heat
a few tablespoons water or rice wine in a wide skillet, add the cabbage,
and sprinkle with salt. Cook over medium-high heat, turning the leaves
with tongs, until wilted. Drain, then toss with dark sesame oil, roasted
peanut oil, or butter. Garnish with chopped parsley, cilantro or dill;
snipped chives; toasted sesame seeds, or Gomashio (a mixture of black
and white sesame seeds and sea salt).
Cold Chinese Cabbage with Cilantro
from Chez Panisse Vegetables by Alice Waters
Macerate finely diced shallots in white wine vinegar for 15 minutes or
so. Slice Chinese or Napa cabbage very thin, toss with the shallots and
vinegar, some good olive oil, and salt and pepper. Let the cabbage sit
about 10 minutes so it starts to wilt. Add a handful of fresh cilantro
leaves and serve.
Linnea's Favorite Bok Choi
from Linnea Beckett (our farm intern)
At the farm kitchen earlier this year, Linnea showed me her very favorite
way to eat bok choi. This is about as simple as it gets, and the beautiful
flavor and succulent texture really sings! Debbie
Separate bok choi stems from their base, wash well to remove all dirt,
and trim bottom as necessary. If it is baby bok choi, you can leave the
heads whole (or cut them in half lengthwise). In a wok or skillet, simmer
bok choi in a modest amount of water until just tender (the leaves are
bright green and the stems are just beginning to get translucent). Add
some shoyu or soy sauce to the water and serve! You can put them in a
bowl with tongs so people can help themselves, but Linnea likes to just
eat with her fingers (and roll her eyes with gustatory pleasure!)
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly during the season.