forget that nature is, quite simply, the universal continuum, ourselves
inextricably included; it is that which mothered us into existence, which
will outsurvive us, and from which we have learned our destiny."
- Theodore Roszak from "Where the Wasteland Ends."
Whats in the box this week:
Three baskets of strawberries (Seascape, Diamante, Aromas)
Beets (Forono)
Bunch of bok choi
Small bunch of broccoli
Red cabbage
Green garlic
Spring onions
Stir-fry mix: mustard greens, baby rainbow chard, baby kale
Sat. May 18 - Open Farm Day, 1pm - 5pm
Sat. Jun 22 - Summer Solstice Celebration 4pm - 10pm, with The Banana
Slug String Band!
Sat/Sun Aug. 3&4 - Childrens Mini Camp,
10m Saturday - noon Sunday. Optional early arrival Friday night.
Sat. Sep 21 - Fall Equinox Celebration,
3pm - 9pm
Sat. Oct 26 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day
Welcome to Live Earth Farms
Seasonal Symphony No. 7. This is our 7th growing season and the farm is
burgeoning with the thrum and cadence of life. For the last few weeks
I feel like the farm has turned into a music hall and all the players
in the orchestra are tuning their instruments in preparation for the concert.
The air is filled with birdsong and on the farm we have been busy preparing
for the start of a new season. We are excited and a little nervous to
once again pick up our instruments and surrender to the powerful and magical
movement of Spring.
Every year I try to explore and share my thoughts on what Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) means. By creating a more direct relationship between
you and the farm, it gives us -- including those of us who work the farm
-- the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way to others who care (like
we do) about the food we eat. Being part of a CSA gives us the opportunity
to step outside of todays instant society, and to reconnect
with our environment and the seasonal cycle of life. Through CSA you can
experience how and where your food is grown, learn more about the complexities
of providing this food and celebrate, together with the children of this
community, the magic and wonders of nature we might otherwise forget.
We believe it is through this type of cooperation, between farm and community,
that a sustainable local food supply will become a reality.
Up on the Farm
greenhouse is packed with seedlings ready to be transplanted into the
freshly plowed fields which only a week ago were covered by a dense and
lush stand of winter cover crops. The cover crops, together with our compost,
are the cornerstones of a healthy soil. They nourish nature's fertility
factory: soil microbes, which break down organic matter into nutrients
such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, also provide a host of benefits
to the structure and health of the soil such as adding organic matter,
protecting the soil from erosion during the winter, and improving drainage.
Our son David looks at the 5- to 6-foot-high cover crop and sees a wonderful
playground. He loves to get lost in this almost impenetrable jungle of
fava beans, peas, vetch and oats... chopping for hours to create a labyrinth
of paths and secret hideouts.
Over the years the number of people who have visited the farm -- to experience
the many possibilities and to connect with the land and receive its bountiful
gifts -- has increased dramatically. In response, we have decided to remodel
the barn this winter. This will provide much more room to host and facilitate
community events such as our seasonal celebrations, workshops, mini-camps,
school visits, retreats, field work days, farm dinners, and other activities
such as canning, food drying and bread baking. We encourage your participation
throughout the season to get involved in many of this years community
activities (these will always be posted to the Live Earth Farm calendar).
We welcome you to visit and get to know the farm, and to let us know if
you are interested in helping out with many of our ongoing activities
throughout the season. 
Crop of the Week
Known as "the stinking rose", it is indispensable in any kitchen.
We have a beautiful stand of garlic between our pond and pear trees, bordered
by colorful chard. Garlic is generally planted in October, to be harvested
and dried about nine months later, at the beginning of summer. Green Garlic
is harvested now through June, when its flavor is very delicate and sweet.
Green Garlic looks very much like leeks -- lots of green stalk with a
slightly bulbous white or rose-streaked root end. Over the course of the
next two months you will be able to observe the individual cloves maturing
amongst the many onion-like layers of the bulb. Young garlic has a very
aromatic, mild, long flavor and blends beautifully with other vegetables
and makes excellent purees, soups, sauces and fillings for pasta. 
Member to Member Forum
Back again this year, our Member
to Member Forum is designed for you, our CSA members. If you wish to communicate
something to the rest of the membership, or start a dialog among members
on some issue, you may use this forum to do so. Please submit your info
to the editor (click here) by Monday
10am to get it into that weeks issue. Keep in mind that members
don't receive newsletters until the following Wednesday and Saturday (if
you're reporting on a timely event!).
We also welcome contributions to other parts of this newsletter. If you
have an interesting story or something topical to share with the rest
of us (such as last year's Pesticide Action Network and Solar Home Tour
stories), we'd love to hear from you! 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Hello to all you 'early-season'
members and congratulations! Believe it or not, we sold out of the April
share a few weeks ago, so those of you who signed up on time should give
yourselves a pat on the back for your foresight. Here then are a few recipes
to get you started with your first box of goodies! - Debbie.
Curried Yogurt Dip with Crisp Steamed Broccoli
serves 6
from Bon Appetit
(Start making this dip one day before you plan to serve it, since the
yogurt needs to drain and thicken overnight.)
3 C plain nonfat yogurt
1 1/2 tsp. olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 tsp. curry powder
3 C broccoli florets
Line a strainer with double-thick layer of cheesecloth, extending over
sides; set over deep bowl. Add yogurt to strainer. Chill overnight (liquid
will drain from yogurt and yogurt will thicken). Transfer yogurt to a
small bowl; discard liquid. Stir oil and garlic in small nonstick skillet
over medium heat 30 seconds. Stir in curry powder. Whisk curry mixture
into yogurt. Season with salt. Chill at least 1 hour and up to 1 day.
Steam broccoli until crisp-tender, about 2 minutes. Rinse under cold water.
Chill until cold. Serve with dip.
Most-excellent Red Cabbage Salad
from Debbie's own brain
This is something I came up with during the farm's off-season. Ever on
a mission for recipe ideas for this newsletter, I'd gotten some red cabbage
and was trying to come up with some simple-quick and still tasty ways
to prepare it. These flavors are evocative of Thai food (which I love!).
Also, the colors are lovely: bright purple speckled with green (and the
optional orange). I'm guessing on quantities, but these proportions should
be okay:
1 small red cabbage, finely shredded
3 finely sliced scallions or spring onions
Several sprigs of fresh cilantro, minced
A handful of fresh mint leaves, minced
1 tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar (see note)
1 tsp. fish sauce
Toss all ingredients together and it's ready to serve! (You can refrigerate
it for later if you like.) For added color and flavor, you could grate
up a carrot and toss that in too, but it's optional.
Note: If you don't have 'seasoned' rice vinegar, add a pinch each of sugar
and salt to regular rice vinegar.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.