the beginners mind there are many possibilities. In the experts
mind there are few."
- Shunryu Suzuki
Whats in the box this week:
Asian braising mix
Red and/or Chiogga beets
Bok choi
Collard greens
Purple kohlrabi
Red onions
Spring onions
Summer squash
Mystery Item
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
4 more baskets
of strawberries
Sat. Jun 22 -Farm Work Day, 9am - 4pm (breakfast at 8am)
RSVP by June 20th
Sat. Jun 22 - Summer Solstice Celebration 4pm - 10pm, with The Banana
Slug String Band!
Sat/Sun Aug. 3&4 - Childrens Mini Camp,
10m Saturday - noon Sunday. Optional early arrival Friday night.
Sat. Sep 21 - Fall Equinox Celebration,
3pm - 9pm
Sat. Oct 26 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day
We are pleased to welcome
two new interns to the Farm this season: Linnea Beckett, from Chico, California
(who recently graduated from college in Portland), and Andres Bermeo,
who is here from Ecuador to learn English and organic farming skills.
Neither skipped a beat as they jumped right in to help with the seemingly
endless stream of farm chores. Already they've been weeding the tomatoes,
harvesting fava beans, picking flowers and making bouquets, kneading bread
dough, delivering CSA shares and assisting me at the Willow Glen Farmer's
Market. We hope to expose them to as much of our farm life reality as
possible during their internship, and hope they each discover what they
most connect and harmonize with. I am sure the Farm will also benefit
from their presence -- not only from their physical energy (another way
to say sweat and hard work), but also from their unique skills, creative
ideas, and enthusiasm. We hope they have a wonderful season !!
Farm Work Day postponed: It seems the June 8th date was not a good one
for many of you, so we are rescheduling it for Saturday June 22nd, the
day of our Solstice celebration. Since many of you plan to come to the
celebration anyway, it may be easier to schedule them together. We'll
start at 9am, and serve breakfast at 8am. One project I think would be
fitting would be to plant our Pumpkin patch, so bring the children! This
way they can have their own patch, and the opportunity to watch its lifecycle.
Please RSVP by June 20th though, so we know how many workers to expect!
Up on the Farm
Fields Forever... Last year I complained about not having enough of them.
This year we are having a "bumper" season so far, and we can
"berrily" keep up with them! So I encourage everyone to think
about creative ways to consume and process more of strawberries. Let me
know if you are ready for baking, jamming, freezing, drying or chocolate
dipping (hmm)... we can drop off extra flats at your pick-up site (6 baskets
for $8).
In the last two weeks you may have noticed some variations in ripeness.
Some are a bit overripe, while others are still white on the shoulders.
The reason is that we are currently growing two new varieties besides
our standard Seascape. One is called Aromas (large and pointy), and the
other is Diamante (plump, shiny, with a more rounded tip and white/red
flesh). Both are everbearing varieties (i.e. not day length sensitive
and can flower and fruit year 'round). What we have noticed, however,
is that both of them take 1-2 days longer to fully ripen than the Seascape
variety. Typically we pick the whole patch at the same time (which is
more efficient), and we pick three times a week, watering in the off days
so its not too muddy when we pick (not fun to drag muddy boots around
with your back bent over). However the Diamantes and Aromas are not at
their full ripeness under the Seacape schedule, and are overripe if we
leave them on the vine for another 2-3 days until the next scheduled picking.
Consequently we will change our picking schedule, and hope to achieve
a more uniform ripeness in the next week. You also may have noticed a
few moldy berries in the last couple of weeks. This is primarily due to
the heat. When the berries are picked too warm or have a slight sunburn,
they tend to mold a bit quicker. 
Crop of the Week
Kohlrabi belongs to the cabbage family. Debbie calls it the "Sputnik
veggie" -- it has long-stemmed leaves which extend out and up like
spokes from a distinctly space-ship-shaped corm (that is actually a swollen
part of the stem which grows above ground, rather than part of the root
which grows in the ground like a beet or carrot). Kohlrabi comes in two
colors, purple or pale green. It originated in northern Europe, and is
fast growing and more drought tolerant than most brassicas. The corms
are best eaten young when they are the size of a tennis ball or smaller.
They should be peeled before cooking, especially if they are older, as
most of the fibers are in the outer parts of the corm. I personally like
it grated raw into my salad, a bit like Jicama. 
Member to Member Forum
Fellow member Maryjo Aloi of
San Jose, a practitioner of homeopathy, recently learned about (and wanted
to alert everyone to) the following upcoming legislation: "Did you
know that many alternative health care practitioners are doing something
which is technically illegal in the state of California by practicing
their professions? There is a bill going to the State Assembly Health
Committee this month called SB577. It will change the California medical
practice act to legitimize and enhance the professional atmosphere for
alternative practitioners, as well as encourage their interaction with
conventional medical practitioners. You can find information about this
bill at the California Health Freedom Coalition website www.californiahealthfreedom.org.
Please go there and find the information to write to Assemblywoman Helen
Thomson to urge the committee to vote in support of SB577! If you are
in support of this legislation, please do this as soon as possible as
this legislation will be coming before the committee very soon!"

from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Many members have commented
on the plethora of bok choi we've been getting, so I dug up a San Jose
Merc recipe for it which featured it as a main ingredient. Also, a variation
on carrot-apple salad, and another strawberry-using idea (for strawberry
storage tips, go to the recipe database on our website or click
here). - Debbie
Steamed hot and sour bok choi
(from "A Spoonful of Ginger," by Nina Simonds)
(modified slightly to suit our CSA bok choi)
Serves 6
2 1/2 lbs. of bok choi
2 1/2 tbsp. minced fresh ginger
2 1/2 tbsp. minced scallions, white part only
(I'd use Tom's spring onions Debbie)
For sauce:
1/4 C soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp. Chinese black vinegar OR Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 tbsp. minced garlic
3/4 tsp. hot chili paste OR dried chili flakes
Cut root base from bok choi and discard. Separate, rinse, and drain leaves.
Cut leaves in half lengthwise. Cut halves and stems into 2-inch sections.
Using your hands, toss fresh ginger and scallions with bok choi in a bowl.
Mix dressing ingredients together. Arrange bok choi on a heatproof plate
or a piece of parchment or wax paper in a steamer basket. Fill a pot or
wok with several inches of water and heat until boiling. Place bok choi
in steamer (if using a plate, set it on an empty tuna can with ends removed).
Put lid on steamer and cook 5-6 minutes, or until bok choi is tender.
Arrange steamed vegetable on a serving platter, spoon on dressing and
Beet-carrot-apple-raisin-walnut salad
A few years ago in this newsletter, I expounded on the flexibility and
fun of carrot-apple-raisin salad (8th
Harvest Week 1999). But this year, in my never ending quest for new
and different ways to use box veggies I serendipitously discovered that
adding grated raw beet to the mix was a charmer! (Not to mention another
great way to sneak those beets into your meals.) So try this: grate up
a few carrots and a raw beet (scrubbed and peeled lightly with a vegetable
peeler first). Add cut up apple, a handful of raisins, and some nuts (toasted
if you have the time and inclination! A few mintues in the toaster oven
does the trick). Stir in a dollop of mayo to incorporate everything and
serve! You can enhance the mayo with a little lemon juice, honey and cinnamon
for added yum.
Breakfast polenta with warm strawberry mash
(I made this one up last Saturday when trying to use up my 7th basket
of strawberries!)
Make yourself
a pot of soft polenta (lots of cookbooks explain how it's easy.).
Remove stems from/wash a bunch of strawberries, throw 'em in a pot and
smoosh 'em up with a potato masher. Add a dollop of maple syrup and simmer
over medium/med-low heat while you make that polenta. When polenta is
done, stir in some butter until melted and incorporated. Put a serving
of polenta in each bowl and top with a gen-erous spoonful of warm strawberry
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.