the bee, we hurry to our tasks,
The earth awakens to the cold edge of steel
No days labor completed, no repose by night
Will the beauty of the expectant seed be re-vealed?"
- -Denesse Willey (a Central Valley farmer)
Whats in the box this week:
Strawberries (2 baskets)
Rainbow chard
Chives (w/flower)
Green garlic
Mustard or collard greens
Red leaf lettuce
Green onions
Mystery Item
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
three additional baskets
of strawberries!
Sat. Jun 8 - a Farm Work Day! from 8am on
Sat. Jun 22 - Summer Solstice Celebration 4pm - 10pm, with The Banana
Slug String Band!
Sat/Sun Aug. 3&4 - Childrens Mini Camp,
10m Saturday - noon Sunday. Optional early arrival Friday night.
Sat. Sep 21 - Fall Equinox Celebration,
3pm - 9pm
Sat. Oct 26 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day
It was wonderful to see so
many people visit the farm Saturday. I think it was our best attended
farm event yet! With the help of many volunteers and blessed by sunny,
clear skies (unlike today's wind and rain), Open Farm Day was another
joyful and spirited celebration. Although it may not seem like much, breaking
out of the regular farming routine to set up the farm to receive large
groups of people requires an extra effort from all of us. Without the
help and attention and of all the volunteers, our farm events would not
be possible. It is because of their help that we can open and share this
wonderful space with the rest of the community. If you would like to help
in future farm activities, events, or in the field, please let us know.
We welcome and enjoy your help throughout the season. Meanwhile, here's
a few words from Constance on the event:
Once upon a time there was a dream called Community Supported Agriculture.
The 'dream' part was COMMUNITY, because in our society, individual achievement
seems to be promoted above all else. Well, last Saturday the dream came
true! Our Open Farm Day event demonstrated how, even beyond its mandate
of support, community is actually the driving force behind the farm's
existence! Okay, enough philosophizing. Let's get to the specifics!
<> Toastie (our oven) came alive thanks to Ken and Charles who continuously
produced warm loaves of bread (more than 15!) to feed the hungry crowds.
Thanks also to the children (of all ages!) who became bakers for the afternoon
by helping Ken to form loaves. <> Peanut, our pony, sends a personal
"thanks!" to Doug for leading him up and down the hill innumerable
times with his precious little-kid cargo. Thanks a carrot-bunch, Doug!
<> Speaking of animals, a blind drawing from names submitted by
the children produced the name "Cutey" for our now 7-day-old
kid (baby goat), who enjoyed being petted by many small hands. But the
real treat was that two more kids were newly born the morning of Open
Farm Day! Thanks to you all for respecting their privacy on their first
day on Earth. <>Our chicks were a hit too, and a BIG THANKS goes
to Gail, a true Mother Hen, for so wonderfully helping the children hold
and pet the little fluff-balls with care. <> Gratitude goes to Shirley
and Debbie who volunteered to be available the whole time for answering
new-member questions and helping with registrations. Both are long-time
members, and have helped (and had fun) at many a farm event. <>
Thanks to Michelle who set up an incredible play station for the children
to let their creative imagination find expression thru shaping, sculpting,
smearing and playing with different natural materials collected on the
farm. <> Thanks to Tom, who came at the beginning of the event and
helped us a lot with parking, to Jann, Debbie and Doug who arrived well
before the event and took a lot of last-minute preparation pressure off
our backs, to Sarah who made delicious strawberry pies, and to Lisa who
helped with the blind strawberry tasting game. Thanks also to Kristen,
Mary Jo and all the others who came to make Open Farm Day a true COMMUNITY-supported
event. Why is all this important? Because Community is the first word,
and also the intention in our program. So thanks again, everyone, for
making this dream come true! (And if you did not make it this time, mark
your calendar June 22 for our Summer Solstice Celebration!!!) See you
soon -- Constance.
Of Interest
the Farm walks on Saturday I was asked many "how to" questions
on growing techniques such as planting, watering, fertilizing, weeding,
pest and disease control. But I also got a sense that actually seeing
the vegetables in their natural state, growing in the soil together with
all the other crops and weeds in a large field, was to many a discovery.
Many seemed surprised as I described the way we make compost from horse,
turkey and cow manure, and that the foundation of any healthy farming
organism starts by growing a healthy soil. I enjoyed the discussion on
water, farm workers, and large-scale versus small-scale farming systems,
and felt there wasnt enough time to get into any of these subject
in greater detail. I would like to continue exploring these and other
related subjects in our newsletter. If you would like also to continue
this discussion, send us your questions, comments, issues, and suggestions
by e-mail: farmers@cruzio.com, phone: 831.763.2448, or regular mail. Remember,
there is no such thing as a dumb question. 
Crop News
Asian greens/mustard greens/baby
kale mix: last week you received a bag full of these. We are experimenting
with them this year by growing them on a regular basis as a mix, and cutting
them when they are still young and tender so they can be used as part
of your salad, stir-fry or braise. They are fast growing, cool season
crops with a mild, pungent flavor and a wonderful texture and color --
jag-ged and curly leaves in green, red and purple, and unusual names like
Hon Tsai Tai,Tatsoi, and Komatsuna. They belong to the bras-sica family,
and Debbies many recipes on our website can lead you to some creative
preparations. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks! 
Member to Member Forum
At Open Farm Day, someone who
is not a member (but who wants to be) mentioned she would love to be connected
up with someone else who would like to split a share, as she cannot consume
an entire one herself. I told her this forum would be the perfect place
to put the word out, as many members (I think) are in touch with people
in the same situation. Ideally she would like to split a share with someone
at the Aptos pick-up location. Anyone around there know someone who might
want to split a share? 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Open Farm Day sure generated
a bunch of buzz about all sorts of things, but while chatting with one
member (who was busy stirring up a vat of straw-berry-pie filling at the
time), the conversation inevitably came around to Tom's wonderful strawberries
and how many ways they can be used (since we're getting so many of them
these days!). When I mentioned strawberry daiquiris, he asked if I could
put that recipe in the newsletter, so... for a brief respite from green
things, here 'tis! - Debbie
Strawberry Daiquiris
makes one blender full
1 basket of red, ripe strawberries, rinsed and hulled
5 oz. dark rum, or to taste
3 tbsp. brown sugar
juice of 1 large lemon (or 2 small)
juice of 1 large lime (or 2 small)
ice, preferably crushed (some blenders handle cubes just fine though)
Place all ingredients, ice last, in a blender, and blend. Serve up in
any pretty stem glass you have (margarita and martini glasses work well),
and garnish with a berry sliced partway up from the bottom and slipped
over the rim of the glass. Daiquiris are intended to be tart, but if this
is too tart for your taste, add a bit more brown sugar.
For children, virgin daiquiris could be made try a spoonful or
two of mo-lasses in place of the rum (both are processed from sugar cane!).
Other Box-content Ideas
Fellow member Heddi Craft sent in a food diary (no room to print it this
week), but added a few wonderful pointers at the end which I thought would
be worth sharing with others:
"There are several things we prepare that can use almost any veggie
in the box. We have a formula for pasta with a light cream sauce (only
1/2 c. cream) [I'll try to get her recipe Debbie] that you add
whatever veggies you desire. We also make veggie lasagna, fritatas or
quiches, veggie pot pie, and a garlic broth based soup. I've also discovered
making my own wraps for lunch using a large tortilla, hummus and/or tofu
spread, lettuce, and whatever raw diced or shredded vegetables look interesting."
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.