doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the
world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
Whats in the box this week:
Pineapple guavas
Asian stir-fry mix
Red beets
Collards or Red Russian kale
Sweet corn
Mei quing choi (long-stemmed bok choi)
Potatoes (Yukon Gold or Yellow Finn)
Butternut squash
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
Strawberries and pears
Nov. 20/23 (Weds/Sat) ***Last box !***
It's November already, and
only three weeks remain to the CSA season... hard to believe! Survey results
are now all in, and we'll be compiling them to report back to you in next
week's newsletter. As I've said before, we use this information to help
us identify changes we need to make to continue improving Live Earth Farms
CSA. Thanks again everyone for your time and valuable feedback! - Tom
Up on the Farm
must be the first year we havent received rain in October. This
means we can extend our harvest and hope for a few more tomatoes, peppers,
sweet corn and green beans, however my mind is on covercropping the tilled
fields without having to irrigate. The soil is dry, and a little rain
would give the earth a much deserved relief. We're ready to plant next
years strawberry crop on a beautiful new piece of ground we just
started leasing this year. Its a small 3-acre piece of land with
a rich, deep, well drained, loamy soil, located in the foothills of Mt.
Madonna about 10 minutes from the farm. Since our plan for next year is
to not increase our CSA membership beyond what we have this year (which
is currently around 320 families), the addition of this land will allow
us to grow both more quantity and a larger diversity of crops next season.
Staple crops which require more land such as onions, broccoli, cauliflower,
summer squash, sugar snap peas and herbs (basil, cilantro, thyme, chives
and oregano) wont compete for space with our other crops, and so
will be available more regularly throughout the season. 
Crop Notes
In the box this week you will
find some strange looking green oval fruits. These are pineapple guavas,
also known as "Feijoas." They grow as dense shrubs or small
trees next to our fields and are brothers to the round, yellow tropical
guavas we find in Hawaii. Their aromatic flowers and fruit are both edible
and taste a little like pineapple. Keep them at room temperature, and
dont peel, since the rind is also edible and contains high levels
of vitamin C (but if you decide the rind is too tough for your taste,
just cut it in half and spoon out and eat the juicier flesh inside). 
Member to Member Forum
An essay on "Share,"
submitted by fellow member Miriam Goldberg:
This spring I signed up for my seasonal CSA share again. Delicious food,
dear friends and a general good feeling of participating in community
prompted me to renew my membership. I enjoy sharing the investment and
faith in community, encountering the seasons of planting, growing, and
harvesting, and 'sharing' the uncertainty, the joys, and the bounty. When
farmer Tom shares a few of the challenges of farming, it's an eye-opener
for me. Even more wide eyed, I face the personal challenges of how to
fit all of my share into my refrigerator, and how to cook certain unfamiliar
items. Finally I explore what freezes well so that I can honestly assess
how much my family can use and how much to 'share' immediately so others
can enjoy the share as well.
This summer, the word 'share' expanded. It snuck up on me the day Tom
and I walked through his apricot orchard, surrounded by pinky-gold and
yellow-gold fruit, some red tinged, some mottled, a few still with pale
green highlights. He talked about how short the apricot season was...
only about 2 weeks. The following week I returned to the farm and the
trees were green almost no fruit! No Chilean apricots here all
summer hanging in cold storage on thin limbs for months. They'd just come
and gone! I was so grateful to have been there the week before, enjoying
the ephemeral beauty of the fruit on the trees. And because I love apricots,
I took the experience as a personal gift. The trees and the Earth had
shared themselves with me, and I'd been there to receive. While I knew
that the Earth's sharing was not personal to me, I realized that to deeply
receive her gifts, I needed to let myself take it personally. In
the personal act of receiving, one opens, and one gets to know the giver.
I met the Earth in a new way.
Earth has her own style of seasonal dance, with quick steps and/or slow
rhythms... a sudden flourish, repetitive moves. In spring I tasted wintered-over
beets which had been held in the dark moist earth long enough to sweeten
and mellow a well-held gift, a hidden treasure. And that brief
profusion of apricots was a luscious gift, if one can meet her fully in
her moment of sharing. The tomatoes came later than I expected, and corn
much later (but it's still here!). And there was lots of intermittent
basil, and baskets of strawberries that varied in taste and texture, one
to the next. I could no longer predict what would be available, as I could
from the grocery store. This wasn't computerized consumption, this was
I used to look for my favorite foods, curiosity fueled by hopes and expectations.
I would focus on the human factor: my wants and wishes, and what Tom had
planted. I'd think about how he and his crew were handling the changes
in weather, the picking, the pack-ing. Now I am much more open to receiving
what the Earth spontaneously shares. I now open my box and think about
what she was able to give to us: how lettuce comes and goes and returns
in my box, and how potatoes appear in different shapes and colors over
the season. No longer judging the farmer by what he does and doesn't plant,
I am instead getting to know the Earth's unpredictable gifts. It isn't
the farmer who controls the share, it is the Earth. And she shares in
her own time, according to her own relationships with the sun,
the wind, the water, the fog, the temperature and she shares with
me as she shares and receives from the worms, the bugs, the birds, the
compost, and the farmer and his crew. She is a vast being with many relationships,
much bigger than the farmer, and she dances with him.
What does it mean that he dances with her? What kind of
surrender, encouragement, direction, curiosity? At a minimum, it requires
a lot of relaxation and trust. Trust that one can go with the flow if
one dances along in step. Something begins to harmonize in me as I consider
how much variety and unpredictability the Earth offers. As I have let
myself eat more in the rhythms of Earth's sharing, I feel closer to the
uncertainty and also to the bounty, the miracle. One week I eat lots of
potatoes. I love them, and when I consider that they get to snuggle into
the earth for such a long time, nestling in and absorbing her riches,
I get to know her better and love her more. When I eat huge portions of
greens one week, and not the next, I marvel at my versatility as well
as hers. Control is less important than receiving her share. To dance
with the Earth is to dance with uncertainty, faith, and the miracle of
Peppers in November? This month's bouquet green, yellow, orange,
red reminded me of Earth's summertime gifts: basil, apricots, peaches,
raspberries. Their almost startling sweetness this late in the season
showed me yet again her unpredictable generosity, and her unique style
of sharing. I look forward to the surprises in my last 'share' box, the
end of the CSA season of sharing. I will prepare as many of Earth's spontaneous
sharings for this year's Thanksgiving celebration, and will remember her
unpredictable and generous dance, which we all have the good fortune to
participate in with such richness. And I'll offer a wish that we all deepen
our abilities to give, to receive... and to share in the mystery of life.

from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Just a few interesting recipes
from my own files this week - Debbie
Spicy Roasted Squash
from "the Naked
Chef," by Jamie Oliver (edited slightly)
1 medium/large butternut squash (2-3 lbs.)
2 tsp. coriander seeds
2 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. fennel seeds
2 small dried red chiles (or to taste)
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. freshly ground pepper
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp. olive oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash squash, then cut in half lengthwise.
Scoop out seeds. Cut squash lengthwise into quarters, then cut quarters
in half you should have approximately 1-inch, boat-shaped wedges
of squash. Put them in a bowl. Put all dried herbs and spices in a mortar
and pestle and pound them up with the salt and pepper to make a fine powder.
Once you've done this, add garlic clove and pound it into the spices.
Scrape out contents into the bowl and add oil. Toss squash thoroughly
in herb and spice mixture, making sure all pieces are well coated. Place
squash pieces in a row, skin side down, on baking tray. Roast 30 minutes,
or until tender. The spicy flavor will cook into the squash, and it will
crisp slightly. Serve hot, as a side dish.
Cornmeal and Kale Spoon Bread with Red Peppers
serves 4
(modified from a Bon Appetit clipping)
1 bunch kale, washed, leaves stripped from stems (discard stems)
1/2 tbsp. olive oil
3/4 C sliced green onions
1/2 C corn kernels (fresh, or frozen/thawed)
1/4 C chopped roasted red peppers (make your own*, or use the kind from
a jar)
1 small garlic clove, minced
1 C water
3/4 C yellow cornmeal
1 1/4 C milk, or half milk, half water
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1/2 C grated cheddar cheese
1/2 tsp. hot pepper sauce
Cook kale in a large pot of salted water until tender, 8-10 minutes. Drain,
cool, squeeze dry and finely chop. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet
over medium-high heat. Add onions, corn, red peppers and garlic; stir
2-3 minutes. Mix in kale. Remove from heat. Whisk water and cornmeal in
a bowl to blend. Bring milk and salt to a simmer in a heavy large saucepan
over medium heat. Gradually whisk in cornmeal mixture. Stir until mixture
boils and thickens, about 5 minutes. Cool slightly. Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Grease a baking dish. Whisk eggs in a large bowl to blend; gradually
whisk in warm cornmeal mixture. Stir in kale mixture, cheese and hot pepper
sauce. Transfer to prepared dish; smooth top. Bake until set and golden,
30-35 minutes. Serve warm.
*see "How
to roast peppers" on the recipe database if you want to try it
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.