us to devote our whole life and thought and energy to the task of making
peace, praying for the inspiration and the power to fulfill the destiny
for which we were created."
- from Week of Prayer for World Peace, 1978
Whats in the box this week:
Red Forono beets
Chard or kale
Sweet corn
Chinese Shunkyo rad-ishes (see Crop Notes)
Winter squash (Butter-nut)
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
Strawberries, apples and pears
Sat. Oct 26 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day
Nov. 20/23 (Weds/Sat) ***Last box !***
U-Pick Pumpkins: I
wanted to clear up some confusion about how you will get your pumpkins
this year. If you cannot pick one up at our October 26th "U-pick,"
you are welcome to drop by the farm anytime before or after this date
-- even after Halloween if there are any left! You are not limited to
the 26th. Unfortunately, this year we simply cannot deliver them with
your share, because our delivery truck is just not big enough to fit all
the shares, extra fruit, flowers AND pumpkins! I hope you can all make
it to the farm.
Annual Farm Survey: This year we wanted to simplify the survey
as much as possible for everyone, and so we are putting it directly on
the checklist at your pickup location! We will run it for two weeks, as
some members split shares and only pick up every other week, and we don't
want anyone to feel left out. We hope each of you will take the time to
complete this short survey, and if you have the time or inclination to
provide us with additional comments or suggestions, feel free to write
on the back of the checklist (or email or call). Your candid and honest
comments have been an extremely valuable contribution over the years to
guiding the development of the farm and its CSA. We would like to respond
to your comments in this newsletter, before the season is over, and let
you know what suggestions might be integrated into next seasons
program or otherwise affect future planning efforts. So, thanks in advance
for taking the time to give us your comments and feedback. - Tom
Up on the Farm
Farming: Last week the Kindergarten class from my sons school came
to visit the farm. On our way to the strawberry patch the Hungarian peppers
caught our attention, as most of them now have a deep red color. I subsequently
picked and bit into one, and remarked that they are sweet, hence their
name "Apple Peppers." Many of the children, at first a bit hesitant,
soon lost their shyness and started picking and tasting. As I often do
when I am surrounded by children, I emphasize how plants are living beings
which relate to each other and that they, too, have families and relatives,
although they may not always look alike. As I held up a pepper to let
the children guess what other family members they belonged to, I first
wasnt expecting an answer, and in my mind I started thinking, "potatoes,
tomatoes, and eggplant..." when I hear the child next me say convincingly,
"They belong to your family!" As we laughed in agreement, I
was struck by the realization that by naming, classifying and categorizing,
we forget to see the plants, and for that matter all life forms, as kin,
sharing one precious home, the Earth! One of my long-term goals is to
start saving seeds. This is not just to reduce our dependence on seed
companies, but more importantly to provide the continuity in the life
cycle of the plants grown on the farm. By saving seeds, we honor the full
life cycle of a plant which otherwise gets cut short as soon as parts
of it become harvestable for food, i.e. its leaves, roots, flowers, or
fruits. I see saving seeds more like raising a family where we not only
grow plants for food but also ensure healthy offspring that are potentially
better adapted to the local conditions, since seeds purchased from seed
companies come from plants often grown in different geographic locations
and under different environmental conditions. 
Crop Notes
Chinese Shunkyo Radishes:
This radish from North China is very distinctive for its smooth pink cylindrical
root and crisp, nutty flavor. At first bite it is unusually sweet, but
develops a fairly spicy flavor after that. In China radishes are often
eaten cooked and sliced or boiled in soups. I recommend you eat this radish
just like you would a regular one -- raw, on a sandwich, or in your salad.
Winter Squash: Some of you may not recognize the different varieties
of winter squash in your box, and I say this because last week somebody
wanted to know whether the Sweet Dumplings can be eaten, or if they just
served a decorative purpose. All the winter squash that come in your share
are wonderful to eat. Winter squash can be prepared in many different
ways. I typically like them baked, but they can also be mashed or pureed
and topped with fruits, nuts, seeds, cheese or bread crumbs. Almost any
squash puree will substitute for pumpkin in cookies, cakes, puddings,
and pies. Also, dont worry about accumulating them since they can
be stored for several months, late into the winter. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
This week, some more recipes
submitted by CSA members. One features broccoli (we haven't had this in
a while!), and all are good for using multiple box ingredients! - Debbie
Bean Soup
from member Lori Clemmons of Willow Glen. She says it's great with freshly
baked bread, and that her kids really like it!
3 cups mixed dried beans and peas
1 ham hock (optional)
lots of tomatoes, diced (I take skins off first)
1-2 heads Napa cabbage, shredded [I know we don't have this in the box
this week, but some of us may still have it in our fridge from last week.
If not, you can probably leave it out! Debbie]
3-5 carrots, diced
3 onions, diced
2 peppers, diced
4-6 cloves garlic, diced
4-6 potatoes, cut in chunks
3 celery stems, diced
3 tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. sage
water to cover
salt to taste
Soak the beans and peas overnight. Drain the water. Place in slow cooker
(the large size). Add remaining ingredients and water to cover. Cook on
high 7-8 hours, checking water level occasionally, adding more if needed.
I'm sure you could do this in a pot on top of the stove, I just happen
to like the slow-cooker method. If using ham hock, separate the meat from
the bone before serving and throw away the bone. The recipe is very forgiving
(add or subtract ingredients as you like), as long as you allow enough
time to cook the beans and peas till they're soft.
another recipe from Lori, who says, "I'm becoming a master at hiding
greens in all kinds of places! This recipe is very forgiving. You don't
have to use all of the veggies listed, and I'm sure you could add a few
more I haven't thought of. It's a good way to use up lots of things from
the box, and makes a huge pan with lots of leftovers for lunches."
1 lb. ground beef, cooked and drained, or meat substitute
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 onion, diced
3-5 cloves garlic, diced
full share of spinach or bok choy, shredded
2 zucchini, diced
5-6 carrots, diced
2-3 peppers, diced
4 cups pasta sauce, homemade or canned (we use Eden Organic Pizza-Pasta
5-6 tomatoes, skins removed, diced
1 package lasagna noodles, cooked
1 lb. mozzarella cheese, grated
1 lb. ricotta or cottage cheese
Sauté together meat (or meat substitute) with the veggies in olive
oil until tender. Add pasta sauce and tomatoes and let simmer for 30 minutes.
In large pan, put down a thin layer of sauce, then layer half each noodles,
sauce, and cheeses. Layer with remaining noodles, sauce, cheeses and bake
1 hour at 350 degrees F.
Oyster Beef and Broccoli over Rice
serves 2
from member Rick Ehrhart, also of Willow Glen, who sent me this and several
other great Chinese recipes that he and his wife make regularly. He says
they don't hesitate to substitute any veggies they happen to have on hand
for what is called for in the recipes! Note: ingredients are grouped "a",
"b", etc, because of the way they're presented in the cookbook
-- for ease of preparation - Debbie
1/2 lb. lean beef
a: 1 tbsp. soy sauce
a: 1 tbsp. cooking wine or sherry
a: 1 tbsp. cornstarch
b: 1 green onion, cut in 1 1/2" sections
b: 6 slices ginger root, peeled
c: 1/2 C water
c: 1 1/2 tbsp. oyster sauce
c: 1 1/2 tbsp. soy sauce
c: 1/2 tbsp. cooking wine or sherry
c: 2 tsp. cornstarch
c: 2 tsp. sugar
c: few drops of sesame oil
c: pinch of pepper
d: 1 C mushrooms
d: 1 C cut-up broccoli, blanched in boiling water until bright green and
slightly soft, but still crunchy
d: 12 slices carrot (blanched same way as broccoli, until slightly soft
but still crunchy)
2 C cooked rice
1. Cut the beef into 1" x 2" slices. Mix in "a" and
marinate. If the mixture is too dry, add a small amount of water. Mix
in 1 tbsp. oil before stir-frying to help prevent the meat from sticking
2. Heat 3 tbsp. oil in a preheated wok. Fry "b" until just fragrant
and add the meat. Stir-fry until the meat just changes color. Mix in "c"
and heat until bubbly, then mix in "d." Stir-fry quickly over
high heat, making sure the meat and vegetables are evenly coated with
the sauce.
3. Put half of the rice on each of two serving plates, and spoon the beef-vegetable
mixture over the top of each.
Note: other vegetables, such as celery, onion, green pepper, dried black
mushroom (soaked until soft) etc., may be substituted for those in "d."
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.