the world wearies, and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the
- Minnie Aumonier (from Zen Gardening by Veronika Ray)
Whats in the box this week:
Strawberries (2 baskets)
Baby bok choi
Spring onions
French breakfast radishes
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
three additional baskets
of strawberries!
Sat. May 18 - Open Farm Day, 1pm - 5pm
Sat. Jun 8 - a Farm Work Day! 8am on
Sat. Jun 22 - Summer Solstice Celebration 4pm - 10pm
Sat/Sun Aug. 3&4 - Childrens Mini Camp,
10m Saturday - noon Sunday. Optional early arrival Friday night.
Sat. Sep 21 - Fall Equinox Celebration,
3pm - 9pm
Sat. Oct 26 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day
Come and enjoy a moment at
the farm on OPEN FARM DAY, which is coming right up: Saturday May 18th,
from 1 to 5pm. Its a great opportunity to see first hand who, where
and how your food is grown. Take the time to stroll through the fields,
pick strawberries, smell the onions and garlic or visit our pregnant goats
(possibly even play with the baby goats by then!). Children are welcome
to explore and play, and Peanut our pony will faithfully take the youngest
visitors for a ride. Farmer Tom will give tours for all interested to
hear his take on farming, crops and critters and how it all got started.
Well demonstrate how to bake in a wood-fired oven, and serve freshly-made
"Agua Fresca" from our very own sweet strawberries.
We are looking for musicians who would like to fill the air with song
and rhythm for this event. The Banana Slug String Band has a busy schedule
this year and will not be able to play during our regularly scheduled
events. Please call us if you or someone you know would be interested
in playing.
Also, HELP IS NEEDED on OPEN FARM DAY! We are in great need of CSA volunteers
to help us welcome the public, organize games with the children, bake
bread, oversee strawberry tastings, and/or generally help with logistics.
If you have had the desire to help us in our work, this is your opportunity!
Not only can you volunteer to make this CSA known to others, but you may
be able to enjoy a few of our activities as well! If you want to help,
call Constance at (831) 763-2340. Thanks in advance!
Up on the Farm
blackberries are in full bloom and some of the early varieties are already
filled with green immature berries. Many of the raspberries are starting
to show flower buds as well. This year the red and golden raspberries
and blackberries which we planted two seasons ago will be in full production,
some as early as June. In the fields there is a long procession of weeds
to be controlled: pigweed, mustard, mallow, sorrel, bermuda grass and
more. I think of the famous Japanese natural farming advocate Fukuoaka,
who promotes not doing anything about them, and to just let nature control
the outcome of the food production system. But I just can't stand by and
watch my freshly sown beets being choked out by an ocean of weeds. Although
I know control is only an illusion when it comes to nature, I realize
this is what makes life as a farmer an exciting adventure, full of twists
and turns. Every season on the farm is a fresh beginning. There are no
guarantees of what might happen. 
****Attention Scotts Valley pick-up location members: this delivery
site is located at a private home which houses a family with 3 beautiful
little girls. The family is one of our first CSA families, always a great
supporter, and we are very grateful for their continuous enthusiasm for
our work. PLEASE respect this family's privacy and quiet time by picking
up your share no later than 8pm on Wednesday. All boxes left after 8pm
will be taken away and donated to a family in need or a shelter.****
Member to Member Forum
CSA member Diana Foss reports back to us on how she used up the contents
of her box last week. It's just she and her husband, plus their six-year-old
son and three-year-old daughter. Here's her story:
"It's safe to say that my son eats nothing at all from the CSA. My
daughter eats strawberries in her lunch box and does like raw veggies,
but mostly it's plain pasta and quesadillas for her. But we grownups manage
to devour the veggies fine on our own. (I'm pretty fanatical about using
everything up!)
"Saturday 27 April: The week begins with unpacking the box
at pickup. Oooh, lots of strawberries! I'll put the kale, cress, onions
and favas together, the spinach with the leeks and green garlic, and the
broccoli can stand alone. I'd found a recipe last week for chard gnoc-chi
(at recipesource.com, a great site) that called for lots of chard, so
last week's chard joins this week's bunch, plus the tops of the beets.
The lettuce will be salads, of course.
"I cooked up a storm today, making about 150 chard gnocchi (which
went into the freezer) and then a batch of strawberry jam with our extra
fruit share. Making jam is really easy; four baskets of strawberries,
a package of pectin and 8 1/2 cups of sugar makes 12 half-pint jars of
jam better than anything you can buy. Then after all that, I went out
for sushi at dinnertime. But the veggies are all ready!
"Sunday 28 April: For lunch, ate leftover borscht made earlier
with the last two weeks' worth of beets. Then went out to dinner again.
When will these veggies get cooked?!
"Monday 29 April: Looking grim. Una Mas tacos for lunch and
plain quesadillas for dinner.
"Tuesday 30 April: Aha! Salad for lunch, with shredded carrot,
cherry tomatoes and sugar snap peas (all bought elsewhere), but the pickled
beets are leftover from last summer's Festival of Beets. Then for dinner
a spinach, leek and green garlic gratin. I sautéed the leeks and
garlic, sliced into rounds, until soft, then added the washed spinach
and stirred until it was wilted and the water evaporated. I browned a
chicken breast cut into pieces and put the whole lot into a casserole,
topped it with some blobs of ricotta cheese and bread crumbs, then baked
at 350 for a half hour. Pretty good. Served two with no leftovers.
"Wednesday 1 May: More borscht for lunch. Last serving left
in the fridge. Skipped dinner.
"Thursday 2 May: Got down to business. Another salad for lunch,
with the second head of lettuce (and all of the other non-share stuff
as described on Tuesday). Then for dinner, pasta with kale, cress and
favas. I sautéed the onions until brown, then added the washed
kale and cress and cooked until they were very soft. Only half of the
favas needed to have their skins removed; I added them at the very end
along with several crushed cloves of garlic. Then I tossed the veggies
with cooked orichietti and crumbled ricotta salata and a bit of the pasta
cooking water.
"Friday 3 May: Leftover pasta for lunch, then Chinese takeout
for dinner, due to a nasty cold. That leaves the beets and the broccoli,
both of which can stand being left in the fridge.
"Saturday 4 May: Strawberries as big as canned hams! More
broccoli! But no beets. This week it will be easy to catch up. I foresee
a big salad with the big head of lettuce, a small one for lunch with the
other. Broccoli with garlic sauce and crepes with pureed broccoli. Cooked
greens and leeks, probably for lunch. And pipián verde with the
cilantro and the bag of pepitas I have in my pantry. Maybe some of those
chard gnocchi, since more chard didn't appear. And either chocolate beet
cake or a pasta filled with roasted beets (also from recipesource.com).
Now how many days is that?"
Remember, if you wish to communicate something to the rest of the CSA
membership, you may use this forum to do so. To submit something to be
included here, please contact the editor (click
here) by Monday 10am to get it into the following weeks newsletter.
(nothing this week!)
a burning question about the farm, organic farming, CSAs, something in
your box, or anything you think we can answer, call or email us and we'll
see if we can't answer it here!.
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
How 'bout some arugula ideas?
Arugula Ideas
Although I've seen recipes where it is cooked, hands down I prefer it
raw, as a salad green or bedding for cooked meat or fish, pasta or grains.
In salads, it pairs nicely with fruit, cheese and nuts. For example, consider
making a salad with arugula (washed and spun dry), sliced strawberries,
a few thinly sliced rings of spring onions, some crumbled goat cheese,
and toasted walnuts. Toss this with a simple balsamic dressing (balsamic
and strawberries love each other!!): balsamic vinegar, a dab of dijon
mustard, maybe a touch of honey, a light olive or other vegetable oil,
and a pinch of salt. A savory alternative: arugula and lettuce, feta and
kalamata olives, with a dressing of lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic, olive
oil, and lots of minced cilantro (from last week's share!).
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.