remember with gratitude the fruits of the labors of others, which I have
shared as a part of the normal experience of daily living."
- Howard Thurman, Blessings at Year End (from A Grateful Heart)
Whats in the box this week:
Asian greens
Cabbage (red)
Green beans
Mystery Item?
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
Dried apples, fresh apples, guavas
Last shares (Week 30): All members (incl. Los Gatos & Willow
Glen) will pick up on Weds Nov. 21 (day before Thanksgiving), and must
let us know by Sunday Nov. 18 if they want to receive this last share (if
we don't hear from you, your share will be donated). There will be a place
you can 'check off' on the checklist at your pick-up site, OR you can call
the farm at (831) 763-2448. See newsletter week 27 for explanation of why
we are doing this. |
Last Reminder: Some
of you still have not let us know whether or not you wish to receive your
last (Thanksgiving) share next week. If you havent done so, please
call us or check off your choice on the sign-off sheet at your drop-off
site. We must hear from you one way or the other by Sunday Nov. 18th.
We will not pack your share if we havent heard from you!! Also,
many of you still havent filled out the farm survey. Please take
a few minutes and fill it out. Your feedback is important for us. If you
need an extra copy please take one from the extras attached to the clipboard.
Thank you.
Up on the Farm
couple of weeks ago when showing a visitor the farm, we walked by the
compost pile behind our barn. Instinctively I stuck my hand in the pile
and grabbed a handful of the stuff -- warm, moist, dark, and loose --
sticking my nose into it and running it through my fingers, assessing
the quality of the pile. My visitor, with a puzzled look on his face,
asked what I was doing. I encouraged him to do the same thing, while I
explained how compost helps me grow better soil. Thinking of soil is at
the heart of growing food. Raised in the city, I first learned about agriculture
through books, and by listening to experts, consultants and farm advisors.
But none of that taught me how to actually relate to the world of soil
and plants. In more traditional agrarian societies a child learned by
riding on its mothers back while she was working in the fields...
whereas most of us learned nothing of the kind, strapped instead into
the back seats of our cars, stuck in traffic. I remember when I enrolled
in a seven months farming/gardening apprenticeship at UC Santa Cruz. Much
of what I learned was what good soil looks, feels, and smells like. "If
you eat, soil is your business," explains Michael Abelman, organic
farmer extraordinaire of Fairview Gardens, in his book "On Good Land".
"We need to reconnect with our roots," he says, "and a
wonderful way to do so is to grow food for yourself and your family."
I listened anxiously to the weather report predicting rain for this weekend,
as I hurried back from delivering our shares in Willow Glen and Los Gatos
last Saturday to spread compost in the fields and sow our winter cover
crop. This may be our last chance before next spring to work the soil
for planting. We all worked feverishly as we saw the grey clouds move
in. By late afternoon the first drops started falling as I was making
the last pass to cover the seed. We all felt this deep satisfaction for
having beat the rain and left the soil in good shape for its winter rest.

Member to Member Forum
ONE more issue after this one
last chance to get your communiqués in to the rest of the
membership before the season ends!!
If you wish to communicate something to the rest of the CSA membership,
or start a dialog among members on a particular topic, you may use this
forum to do so. Please submit info to the editor (click
here) by Monday morning 10am to get it into that weeks issue.
Keep in mind that members don't receive newsletters until the following
Wednesday and Saturday (if you're reporting on a timely event).
Crop of the Week
we proudly announce the return of our popular, good looking, nourishing,
and long-storing... RED CABBAGE. Since we didnt have much cabbage
this year I know they will be a hit in the last two shares of the season.
Cabbage is perhaps the most globally cultivated of all the plants in the
brassica (mustard) family. It is eaten in almost every country around
the world. With many different varieties available, cabbage adapts to
many climates. Fermented cabbage dishes, such as sauerkraut in northern
Europe and kim chee in Korea, were an early and widespread form of food
preservation that has nourished humanity for centuries. The fall variety
of cabbage will grow into tight, dense heads and therefore store for a
longer period -- from 3 weeks to sometimes 2 months. Although composed
of 90% water, cabbage holds a significant quantity of vitamins and minerals
such as vitamin A and C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Red cabbage
has more vitamin C than its green cousin, and tastes wonderful grated
raw into your salad. Cabbage also has medicinal value as a digestive aid
and intestinal cleanser. - Adapted from "From Asparagus to Zucchini"
by the Madison CSA Coalition. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Lots of good recipes this
week! - Debbie
I guess we need at least one red cabbage recipe here, but remember
there are other good ones on the recipe
page of the website.
Red Cabbage Slaw
from Taqueria Gila Monster Restaurant
makes 3 4 quarts
1 head red cabbage
1 lb. carrots
1 bunch cilantro
1/3 C freshly squeezed lime juice
1/3 C apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. ancho chili powder
Quarter and core red cabbage. Slice thinly by hand or in a food processor.
Peel and grate carrots. Chop cilantro. Toss all ingredients. Let stand
one hour before serving. Toss again. Serve as a garnish for tacos, as
a side dish for sandwiches, or as a picnic salad.
The following recipe was recommended to me last year by fellow CSA
member Sue Burnham. I've made it and it's easy and delicious, and since
we've been getting lots of peppers, it seemed like the ideal candidate
for the newsletter!
Pepper Sauce
excerpted from Enchanted Broccoli Forest
6 medium-sized peppers, assorted colors
3 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. dried thyme
3 cloves garlic
freshly ground black pepper and crushed red pepper, to taste
1 - 2 tbsp. red wine or balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 C tomatoes (optional)
Remove stems, seeds and inner membranes (ribs) from peppers then cut into
long strips. Heat oil in a large, deep skillet or dutch oven. Add peppers,
salt and herbs and cook over medium heat about 5 minutes until just barely
tender. Add garlic, cook 5 more minutes. Stir in ground black and crushed
dried red peppers and vinegar to taste. Serve over pasta or rice, or room
temperature over thick slices of sourdough bread!
Preparation tip: if serving over pasta, start pasta water boiling as you
begin the sauce it cooks up pretty quickly.
I liked the sound of this one since we're getting lemons this week!
Chard stuffed with lemon rice
(from an undated SJ Merc. clipping)
serves 8 as a side dish
8 large chard leaves, stems cut away at the bottom
1 C arborio rice
1 large egg yolk
1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. grated lemon zest
2 tbsp. lemon juice
(preparation tip: remember to zest the lemon before you juice it!!
4 tbsp. unsalted butter
16 large sage leaves
Bring 4 quarts water to a boil in a large pot. Add 2 tsp. salt and the
chard leaves. Cook just until chard is tender, about 2 minutes. With a
slotted spoon, carefully transfer chard to a clean kitchen towel. Lay
chard flat and blot dry. Cool completely. Add
rice to pot with boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, until
rice is tender, about 15 minutes (water will not be all absorbed). While
rice is cooking, whisk egg yolk, cheese, lemon zest and juice together
in a small bowl. When rice is tender, drain and return to pot. Stir in
egg mixture until rice is evenly coated. Add 1 tbsp. butter, stir to melt/distribute,
and add salt to taste. Cool rice mixture for several minutes. Place 1/3
C rice mixture in center of each chard leaf. Fold edges over to seal and
make neat bundles. Heat remaining 3 tbsp. butter and sage in a large skillet
over medium heat. When sage leaves are lightly crisped, use a fork to
transfer them to a small plate. Add chard bundles to empty pan, seam side
down, and sauté, turning once, until lightly browned, about 4 minutes.
Transfer chard bundles to a serving platter, and garnish with fried sage
leaves. Serve immediately.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.