lives on life. We all eat and are eaten. When we forget this we cry; when
we remember it, we can nourish one another."
- Jack Kornfield
Whats in the box this week:
Green beans
Summer squash
Bag of mixed fruit
Mystery item?
... and if you have an extra-fruit share:
Berries, and a bag of mixed fruit
Fri. Aug 24
First Bread-making from our Wood-fired Oven! starts 5pm
Sat. Aug 25
Tomato Salsa and Sauce-making Day starts at 10am
Sat. Sep 22 - Fall Equinox Celebration,
3pm - 9pm
Sat. Oct 20 - Halloween Pumpkin U-Pick,
all day |
Up on the Farm
had a visitor from Uzbekistan tour the farm last week. Uzbekistan is a
republic of the former Soviet Union, now independent for more than 10
years. Irin is a soil scientist and teaches Organic Farming in her country.
Through a translator she told us how conventional agriculture in her country
has impacted the environment in ways similar to this country, such as
creating soil erosion and desertification due to the build up-of salt
in the soil. Her objective is to empower small communities and families
to become self-sufficient by growing their own food and applying bio-intensive
and organic production techniques. She loved the taste of our Sungold
cherry tomatoes and of course our strawberries. At the end of her visit
she placed a traditional Uzbekistan hat on my head, which looked something
like what a priest would wear -- square, with hand-embroidered motifs
on all sides. It sure is encouraging to know that alternative farming
is spreading to all reaches of the Earth. 
Of Interest
Are we ready to join a revolution?
John Robbins, author of the well known bestseller "Diet for a New
America," has just published a new book titled: "The Food Revolution."
I heard John speak about his new book, and he has a very empowering and
compelling message. He calls on us to become more conscious about our
food choices, and his book is filled with well researched information
on which to base our dietary choices. He explains how our eating habits
can have a tremendous impact by creating a reality where we cherish and
care for our environment and conserve nature instead of destroying it.
He addresses the impacts of popular diets, genetically modified foods,
and Mad Cow disease on our health, and the benefits of healthy alternatives.
In his introduction he says, and I quote: "...I dont care whether
you call yourself a vegetarian, a vegan, or an asparagus. I care whether
you live in accord with your values ... whether your food choices ...
bring you health, uphold your spirit, and help you fulfill your true nature
and reason for being alive." I havent finished reading the
book yet, but it sure calls for a revolutionary and new way to approach
our relationship to food and the world. I encourage everyone to read this
book. It confirms many aspects fundamental to Community Supported Agricuture
Member to Member Forum
From your editor: Hi everyone
-- this newsletter was composed and prepared a week early because I will
be out of town during the window of time I normally have for doing so
(however I will be back in time to receive my copy on Saturday!). But
that is not the key issue I need to alert you to. As you know, I prepare
an electronic version of this newsletter every week and post it to the
web (as well as update the recipe database with the new week's recipes).
Both the newsletters and recipe database are on a separate server/website
from Live Earth Farm's. The concern here is that for the last week (or
more?) my ISP has been failing catastrophically, which means you have
not been/will not be able to connect to them until they correct the problems
they have been having. Also, I will not be able to post the newsletters
for weeks 15 and 16 until after I get back from my trip, at the earliest,
because I cannot access my website/server either. We are in the process
of changing ISPs, and so between the current ISP's failures and the transition
to the new one, your ability to access both newsletters and recipes may
be impaired, if not downright impossible. But hopefully for not too long
of a stretch! Note: Live Earth Farm's website is NOT affected by this,
just the newsletters/recipes. I will let you know when the situation is
rectified. Meanwhile, I apologize to those of you who cannot access this
information (such as the great photos of the bread oven-building process
on Week 14's newsletter!).
If you wish to communicate something to the rest of the CSA membership,
or start a dialog among members on a particular topic, you may use this
forum to do so. To submit something to be included here, please contact
the editor (see below) by Sunday to get it into the following weeks
Crop of the Week
Peppers are members of the Solanaceae family, along with other relatives
such as the tomato, eggplant, potato, and tomatillo. They are native to
Central and South America, and their use dates back to 5000B.C. The hot
peppers have had a major influence in both the Asian as well as the South
and Central American cuisine. Among our Mexican workers there is not a
dish that goes without the added spice of hot peppers. Even "Chewy,"
one of our farm dogs, who begs for a piece of their tacos, is getting
used to their hot sauce. Most of the intensity of a hot pepper resides
in the seeds and inner ribs. Remove these to reduce heat, retain them
in cooking for the full blast. This year we will have a selection of hot
Thai, Jalapeno, Serrano, and Habanero peppers. Among our sweet peppers,
which will turn beautiful colors of orange, red and yellow (at which time
they will also have the best flavor), we grow mostly Italian and Romanian
varieties, which are characterized by their more elongated and pointy
shape. Hot peppers and red sweet peppers also have an exceedingly high
content of both Vitamin A and C. 
from Debbies Kitchen . . . . .
. . . Have a recipe youd like to share? Contact
the newsletter editor.
Here is a lovely recipe from
"The Gardener's Cookbook" by Kathleen DeVanna Fish. I picked
it because, not only did it sound great, but it uses a lot of this week's
box ingredients: carrots, summer squash, tomatoes, red onion, garlic,
chard... and if Tom has the ability to add fresh oregano to our boxes,
all the better! - Debbie
Tuscan Vegetable Soup
serves 8
4 tbsp. olive oil
1 carrot, diced
1 celery stalk, diced
1 yellow squash, diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 red onion, diced
1 tsp. garlic, finely chopped
2 bay leaves
4 C chicken or vegetable stock
3 ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and roughly chopped
1 C cooked white beans
2 tbsp. fresh oregano, roughly chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 bunch Swiss chard, chopped
freshly grated parmesan
Sauté the cut vegetables in olive oil until they are clear. Add
the garlic, bay leaves, and stock. Bring soup to a simmer. When vegetables
are tender, add the tomato pieces, white beans and oregano. Adjust the
seasonings to taste. Before serving, add the Swiss chard and, if desired,
freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Oh my gosh, look at all this room I have left [in the paper version
of the newsletter]! Enough for another recipe. Let's see... here's another
one from "Gourmet Vegetarian Feasts" by Martha Rose Shulman.
Looks easy. Uses lots of carrots. The author says, "This is a very
simple French salad, and one of my favorites."- Debbie
Carottes Rapées (Grated Carrot Salad)
serves 4 - 6
2 lbs. carrots
2 tbsp. chopped chives
1-2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp. wine vinegar
1 small clove garlic, minced
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 tbsp. olive oil (or part olive oil, part safflower oil)
Grate carrots fine, either with a hand grater or a food processor. Toss
them with chives and parsley. Combine lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, mustard
salt and pepper and mix well. Whisk in oil and toss with carrots. Serve
at once or chill and serve, tossing once more before serving.
*Click Here*
for a link to a comprehensive listing of recipes from Live Earth Farm's
newsletters going back as far as our 1998 season! You can search for recipes
by harvest week OR by key ingredient. Recipe site is updated weekly.