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"Hold on," Terry shouts to Jackie, then turns to you.

"Look," he says. "Didn't you hear her?

"There's a guy over there who's coughing blood. You never heard of tuberculosis? TB? It's the second leading cause of death in the world. Has been for some time." You've never seen him so worked up.

"And there are strains of TB that are resistant to antibiotics." He pauses. "Look," he says again. "You can go if you must. We both know I'm fine running the Celeste on my own. But if you go on board that boat, you're not coming back to the Celeste, and that's final."

What do you say?

<> "You're right. Let's just get what details we can from Jackie."

<> "Sorry, Terry, but I'm going to go check this out. Maybe I can help Jackie out. Thanks for a great trip."

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