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"Careful!" you hear Jackie call to Brendan, and you turn to see the Canary beating to windward, straight toward you and the stricken Celeste.

"The rigging!" she cautions. "Do not foul the rigging," and you rush to secure the lines whipping about in the wind.

The Canary draws near as waves start to crash over the deck of the Celeste. Jackie stands ready on the bow with a pole in her hands.

"Terry," you shout into the cabin. "Leave it! Let's go!" There is no answer.

Then Terry, soaked to the skin, bursts up the companionway, one arm clutching some items to his chest. The Canary's bow looms close and Jackie extends her pole. "Hurry!"

Terry's free hand grabs the pole and with a leap, he's aboard the Canary. Jackie extends the pole again, you grab it, and with iron strength she pulls you over the widening gap to safety.Go To Next Page

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