Sandy Denim, Puzzled



"Story?" you say. "I'm collecting information for City Councilman Pierce."

"Oh," Sandy says. "Oh. Sorry, but I have to put you ashore. And find the magazine people, wherever they are."

She paddles the canoe up to the shore, and you look for a place to land. "Hey," you say, "look at those. Aren't those frog eggs? Looks like a lot of them."

She glances into the water. "Yeah, those are eggs. All in a mass, right?"



"Er – no," you say. "In big long strings."

"Hunh?" She looks more closely. "I'm not sure what those are," she says finally. "They look like frog eggs but - never noticed them before."

You leave her puzzling over the phenomenon as you walk back to the road. In a minute the big black car pulls up. "Time to make our next visit," Carolyn says.

Go on to
your next visit

Call Katie The Librarian

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