

George pulls up in front of Café Electrica, and you and Jason get out. You two find Skullbaby lounging by her favorite computer. "Hey," she says. "'Bout time." She hits a key and up pop some URLs.

"Those green-faced people? Here's their website."

"I sent out an e-911, got some samaritans. One's a herp, whatever that means. Another talks about bats. Here, read their emails."

Email from Bob H.
Email from Janet T.


"Jason's email mentioned ‘cane toads.' So I surfed on cane toads and..." Skullbaby starts laughing. "Did you know they're like the national joke of Australia?"

Cane Toad Site

When you're finished with Skullbaby -

Go on to
your next visit

Call Katie The Librarian

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