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NASA-AMES CENTER FOR MARS EXPLORATION Come here for Mars information, educational resources and exploration tools.

NASA: MANNED MISSION TO MARS Suggestions and recommendations for a manned mission to Mars are summarized here.

NASA: MARS EXPLORATION STUDY TEAM REFERENCE REPORT Read the full technical report on NASA's proposed mission to Mars (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

MARS SOCIETY If you're interested in exploring Mars, this is your headquarters. The Society offers many ways to get educated and get involved about Mars initiatives.

MARS ACADEMY The Academy offers several online courses on Mars Mission subjects, including propulsion, human factors, and life support systems.

MARS MILLENNIUM PROJECT Imagine creating a working community of 100 people on Mars in the year 2030 - what would it look like? Students share their visions.

NASA-JOHNSON SPACE CENTER: EARTH SCIENCE AND SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION DIVISION Find information on current planetary explorations and other space-related studies.


BIOSPHERICS Biospherics is the name for the study of biospheres - energetically open, materially closed life systems, natural or artificial. This site has definitions, research papers, and publications.

BIOSPHERE 2 This famous experimental biosphere in Arizona is now a research center for studies about Earth systems, run by Columbia University.

THE EDEN PROJECT This "living theatre" in England promotes understanding and responsible management of the vital relationship between plants, people and resources, leading towards a sustainable future.

RESEARCH ON SPACE ECOSYSTEMS AT PURDUE Purdue's National Specialized Center of Research and Training (NSCORT) was dedicated to the design and development of bioregenerative and Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) for long manned space missions. Read about their findings here.

RESEARCH ON BIOREGENERATIVE SYSTEMS AT RUTGERS NASA operates a National Specialized Center of Research and Training (NSCORT) for Bioregenerative Life Support (BLSS) in New Jersey, to help address problems of human life support associated with long space missions and lunar or Mars outposts.

ASTROBIOLOGY WEB A commercial clearinghouse for news and links about life in space.