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The Alma Bowl Proposal
(aka The "Tamien Place" High-Rises) -
Get your Red-Hot Information Here!
by Ken Eklund (for the Tamien Vision Coalition)
September 2003


Download the
Print out and give to
your neighbors.


Letters sent to
the Mayor and
City Council


Letters sent to
the Mercury News
and other


Dozens speak at
the Public Hearing
on Sept. 10!


Read the Offical
Protest Documents:
-Part One (3 pages)
-Part Two (27 pages)


Read Ken Yeager's
position statement
and his
opinion column
calling for citywide
debate on high-rises


Commentary by
Alison England,
NWGNA President


Notes on the
July 17 meeting that
neighborhoods organized
to get facts on the
Alma Bowl proposal

What's going on?
Why do y'all oppose the project?


Because the people in the area want better development than this.

NEW - The current Alma Bowl proposal FAILS on several vital levels. Read Alison England's excellent summary of project shortcomings in design and process.

Read Ken Yeager's cogent analysis of the project area's history and situation.

The current Alma Bowl proposal brings no benefit to its neighborhood, and it's clearly incompatible with its surroundings. Worst of all, it underachieves on the City's long-term goal for transit. Read what Roy Molseed, Senior Environmental Planner, says about mixed land uses in the Tamien area.

Parking, traffic, safety issues too.

Doesn't it make sense to
put high-density housing
near transit?

2. Yes. But just because a project is high-density and is located near a transit stop doesn't mean it's a good idea. It can be a terrible design, an unnecessarily harsh traffic burden, incompatible with its setting, isolated from its community, and unsuited to the Tamien transit vision. Read the Protest Documents...

How many neighborhoods
are in the Tamien Vision Coalition?

3. At least six: Tamien, Goodyear-Mastic, Alma, Gardner, Willow Glen and North Willow Glen, plus support or participation from Washington, New Horizon, Berryessa, and others.  

So what do you guys want?
Are you just trying to kill development?

4. No. Definitely not. The Tamien area neighborhoods want development. But along with development, we want the City to deliver on its long-broken promise to put a park in the Washington-Tamien-Alma area of District 3. And we want the City to hold to the "transit village" vision for Tamien Station they spent so much money to develop. Read our position statement...

Okay, this is bad.
The City has broken trust
with the people in the Tamien area
and the developer is trying to make
a buck off it. What can I do?
I'm just one guy (gal).

5. Neighborhood people need to remind the City of who exactly elects them. City Council is set to decide the issue on Tuesday, September 30 at City Hall. See the Protest Flyer...

Boy! This is kind of an
important issue! How come
I've never read an article about
Alma Bowl in the Mercury News?

6. Good question! You'll need to ask them. Email the editor of the Mercury News (or the METRO, if you prefer) and ask for a story about how the City's new path for development at Tamien compares with the "transit village" vision endorsed by both City and neighborhoods in the 1995 Specific Plan....  
Copyright 2003