What's in the box(es) this week
Occasionally content will differ from this list (typically we make a substitution), but we do our best to give you an accurate projection.
If one share is scheduled to get larger quantities of certain items than the other two (or the next smaller) shares, these items will be marked with a "+" sign. Note that delicate share items like strawberries or cherry tomatoes are usually packed outside your box; see checklist in binder at your pick-up site for what to take.
For any items not from our farm, we will identify the source in parentheses.
***Click here for a picture of how to tell share sizes apart at your pick-up site***
Family (Large) Share Apples ++ (mix of Fujis and Pippins) Brussels sprouts Green cabbage Red cabbage Carrots Romanesco cauliflower Chard Lacinato (dinosaur) kale Meyer lemons ++ Lettuce + (Bibb and baby romaine) Parsnips Spicy dry-farmed tomato juice (will be inside your box)
Regular (Medium) Share Apples + (mix of Fujis and Pippins) Brussels sprouts Green cabbage Red cabbage Carrots Romanesco cauliflower Red Russian kale Meyer lemons + Lettuce + (Bibb and baby romaine) Spicy dry-farmed tomato juice (will be inside your box)
Budget (Small) Share Apples (mix of Fujis and Pippins) Brussels sprouts Green cabbage Carrots Romanesco cauliflower Chard Meyer lemon Spicy dry-farmed tomato juice (will be inside your box)
Bread Option
This week's bread will be three-seed whole wheat
Preserve Option
Two preserved items from Happy Girl Kitchen: this week - Kimchee and Strawberry Lemonade drink mix (see below for descriptions)
Winter Pasture-raised Chickens Chicken delivery SCHEDULE CHANGE. The third chicken delivery installment is being postponed to next week, Week 5/Jan26 instead of this week. Why the change? The reason is simply delivery mechanics: all the chicken coolers are still at the drop sites from the last chicken delivery, which happened to be the last week before we went on our 4-week break, so they need to be picked up (with this week's delivery) and brought back to the farm so we can load and deliver them next week! After that, there is just one remaining chicken delivery in the Winter season: Week 8 (Feb 16)
This Week's Preserve Option from Happy Girl Kitchen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kimchee: Fresh-fermented spiced cabbage-veggies mixture. Super-tasty! Refrigerate when you get it home: this is a live ferment, not heat-canned.
Strawberry marmalade: Made with Live Earth Farm's summer strawberries. Enjoy!
Farm Cycle Carries On - Wishing you all a Nourishing 2012

above: newly planted raspberry canes After a rejuvenating break we are ready to reengage as we prepare to harvest for this week's winter CSA shares. We're also preparing for the farm's 17th CSA season, which starts this April: I have a stack of 2012 seed catalogs on my desk all marked up, and that familiar excitement has taken hold once again, as I am planning, scheming, and ordering seeds.
The farm's sense of dormancy is only short lived. Unlike other parts of the country where the ground is covered by snow, our "winter farmscape" is marked by occasional frosty mornings, bare orchards, and green cover crops. The big difference this year, however, has been the utter lack of winter rain. Hillside grasslands which by now should be lush and green are still dry and brown; I feel like I am still waiting for the winter season to start.

above: dormant apricot, pear and Pippin apple orchards Fortunately rain is forecasted to arrive later in the week, so I hope this unusually long dry spell will come to an end. It is the first time we've ever had to get our irrigation pipes out of storage during winter; we need them to replenish the soil moisture not only for the vegetables -- but also for our winter cover crops, which is unheard of. Daytime temperatures have been warm, but again, fortunately, the clear nights have been frosty enough to prevent our fruit trees from breaking dormancy and starting to bloom too early.
Preparing meals with what grows in winter may be a bit more challenging to some, since our selection is limited to crops that are hardy enough to withstand the shorter and colder days of winter. But winter is my favorite season to eat roots, greens, and cole crops such as you will find in this week's share. Carrots, parsnips, kale, chard, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli are tastiest right now because they are naturally adapted to convert starches into sugars to protect their tissue from freezing temperatures. In addition, their slower growth rates tend to concentrate valuable antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. So don't be discouraged when you see predominantly green in your share. We always add other things to mix it up a little; the apples are really tasty, the carrots are crunchy and sweet and you will get to enjoy a little "summer in a jar" as you open this week's preserve of SPICY tomato juice, which was made from our dry-farmed tomatoes by Happy Girl Kitchen Company.
I am always thankful to be able to start the year farming without a huge burden of uncertainty hanging over my head. Live Earth Farm's resilience over the years is built upon an incredibly diverse, interconnected and supportive community of people, plants, and animals. We are committed to a food system that is healthy, tasty, and just, one where eaters (all of us) and producers are in a fair and mutually supportive relationship to celebrate and enjoy the nourishing gifts this land geneourously offers.
Enjoy the coming rains! - Tombelow: sprinklers in the winter cauliflower; Chella, ever watchful; Juanillo and Ruben enjoying some music on the job |
Winter CSA Delivery Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ALL deliveries are on Thursdays, so those of you who are used to picking up on Wednesdays or Fridays during the regular season will need to make the mental switch! Also, our full newsletter will only be on alternating weeks (as marked below): Week 1: Thurs Dec 1, 2011 (newsletter) Week 2: Thurs Dec 8, 2011 Week 3: Thurs Dec 15, 2011 (newsletter)
<no deliveries for four weeks over the winter holidays> Week 4: Thurs Jan 19, 2012 (newsletter) Week 5: Thurs Jan 26, 2012 Week 6: Thurs Feb 2, 2012 (newsletter) Week 7: Thurs Feb 9, 2012 Week 8: Thurs Feb 16, 2012 (newsletter) Week 9: Thurs Feb 23, 2012 Week 10: Thurs Mar 1, 2012 (newsletter)
<no deliveries the rest of March> Regular 2012 CSA season begins Wed/Thu/Fri April 4, 5 and 6, 2012
This schedule is also posted on our website, on the "How does it work?" page.
"Let's Cook!" Santa Cruz to feature Live Earth Farm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy New Year! There is a new cooking school in Santa Cruz that will be hosting a monthly "Farm-to-Table/CSA cooking" class. This coming February 2nd (Thursday) Live Earth Farm's CSA share will be featured and the class will be taught by Vibrant Foods Catering, the team of Karen Haralson and our current newsletter recipe-meister, Rebecca Mastoris.
The school is called "Let's Cook!", and focuses on the basis of S.O.L.E. (Sustainable, Organic, Local and Ethically-raised and treated animals and animal products), and always features local farms and local talent. Learn to use your seasonal produce in new and exciting ways. You can create food that is not only delicious but also nutritious!
Class size is limited to sixteen; this is not a sit-and-watch demonstration, but a full-on class where everyone gets hands-on cooking (and eating!) experience in their beautiful 2000 sq. ft. kitchen. Class is three hours long, all ingredients and equipment provided -- with the veggies coming from our farm, of course!
What: Farm-to-Table/CSA cooking class Date: Thursday Feb 2nd Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm Cost: $60 (click here to register) Where: 2880 Research Park Dr. #200, Santa Cruz 95073 Website: letscooksantacruz.com
And over the hill in Los Gatos... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile if you live 'over the hill' in Santa Clara County, Rebecca and Karen are resuming their monthly "Cooking from the CSA Box" demonstrations at Williams-Sonoma in downtown Los Gatos. Learn to make delicious, nutritious, easy meals using fresh produce from your CSA box. Oh yeah -- and you get to sample everything they show you how to make!
 What: "Cooking from the CSA box" Date: Sunday Jan 29 Time: 1pm - 3pm Cost: $20 Where: Williams-Sonoma, 122 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos For info and to register: www.vibrantfoodscatering.com
Discovery Program update, from the director ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy New Year LEF and LEFDP Community!
Thank you to those who supported us in 2011! In 2012 we are planning to provide all of the great programs we have offered to date including: Art on the Farm Camp, Field Trips, our drop-in programs, Wee Ones and Small Farmers; our home school program, and our special events like Sheep to Shawl, Summer Solstice, the Harvest Festival, and U-Picks.
We also hope to expand our fundraising efforts so that we may reach out to even more children and families in our community. With this, you can help.
You can purchase your garden seeds from Renee's Garden, using coupon code FR338A at checkout and they will donate 25% of your order to LEFDP.
Also, if you happen to know the right person you can help get us connected to new funding opportunities. Please let us know if you work for or know anyone on the board or involved with any of the following organizations: <> Union Bank or the Union Bank Foundation <> The Nell Newman Foundation <> Newman's Own Foundation If you know anyone at these organizations, please call or email Jessica: lefeducation@baymoon.com, 831-728-2032
Lastly, this Monday, January 16 we welcomed two new staff members to LEFDP. Emily Mastellone-Snyder is our new Education Programs Coordinator and Roger Tompkins is our Farmer and Gardener Assistant. They will take the helm while I am on maternity leave March through June. When I return in June my role will be slightly different as I focus my efforts on fundraising, new program development and oversight of the many aspects of running a successful non-profit organization. Please look forward to introductions to our newest staff members in upcoming newsletters.
- Jessica Ridgeway
An Intern's Experience, part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Austin Bronner
[Austin is a student at UCSC]
(if you missed reading it, click here for part 1, which ran in the Week 3 newsletter)
A typical work day at Live Earth would start with getting ready for the tour that will be taking place that day. The cider press is clean, permission slips are collected, and confused parent volunteers are directed where to park. As we circle up and attempt to temporarily quell young, excited spirits, we are ready to begin the tour. "Good morning! Welcome to Live Earth Farm.... Can anyone tell me what the word organic means?" Answers swarm everywhere as I pick a patient student with their hand raised. It always put a smile on my face when a student would respond with an answer that seemed beyond their capability. My goal is to emphasize that organic farming is not only beneficial to humans, but to the ecosystem and its plant and animal residents. But it almost seems as though many of the students already knew that. Another goal is to introduce new concepts and experiences that encourage new thoughts and perceptions for the students and perhaps even the parents and teachers. And of course emphasize the fact that it is important to establish a connection to, or at least an awareness of, where your food comes from; a lost dialogue in the 21st century.
We move on to talk about microclimates, try fresh tomatoes right off the vine, and gander at the teenage pullets. We make like a snake to meander through the greenhouse to examine our baby crops that are no more than two weeks old and starting to express their phenotype and outgrow their cotyledon. We look for a bees lunchbox and explain how the bees are not a nuisance, but a necessary part of agricultural production. As I explain how pollen-gathering bees can be doused with pesticides on a conventional farm, an inquisitive student beats me to the question, "what if a bird eats the bee?" I can see the connection being formulated before I can even answer. We walk to the citrus orchard where I tell the students we are going to go on an adventure. Kids love adventures. This adventure consists of a "sense walk" where the students will use all five of their senses to explore the world in which we live. We listen to the 'whhooosh' of the wind soaring through the neighboring eucalyptus grove, and the clucking of curious chickens. We see the breath-taking view of the Pajaro Valley as it extends to the mountains. We feel the waxy cuticles of the lemon tree leaves. And we scratch the surface of a lemon to unleash its invigorating aroma. "The original 'scratch and sniff!'" I tell them.
As our adventure continues I take the tour up to the solar panels to demonstrate sustainable practice and an example of biomimicry. The students are taught that the electricity comes from oil, but when it is solar generated oil becomes obsolete when making electricity, thus releasing tensions of oil dependency. Students also learn that humans can take concepts from nature and apply it to science to create tools to advance our society. Solar panels mimic a plant's leaf as it takes in sun and converts it into energy. When students are asked if they are as smart as a plant, I tell them to close their eyes, put up their little hands like leaves, and tell them to attempt to face them toward the sun just like a plant would. I get cruel satisfaction when I tell them to open their eyes. As we move on to tour the chicken coop, the students are reminded to stay "low and slow," with their voices low and their bodies slow. I tell them to sneak like ninjas. As I tell the kids to observe the different personalities between the various breeds of chickens, I enjoy watching the different personalities of the kids. There is always the kid who attempts to hold all of the chickens to show their chicken catching skills to their friends; there's the kid who doesn't want any chickens near them; and then there's always the kid who you have to tell to put back the egg they stole.
It's always difficult to rush everyone out of the chicken coop and I have to bribe them with apple picking. As we pick apples I explain to them about pruning, thinning, and other techniques that make the apples at Live Earth Farm unsurpassable. I tell everyone to save their cores for the surprise animal that we're about to see, but I always seem to let it slip that we're about to pay a visit to our goat friends. As the students excitedly gather around the goat paddocks, the goats appear to be just as elated to see little hands bearing apple cores.
Again, it is difficult to separate the people from the animals, and yet again I have to bribe them - this time, with fresh squeezed apple cider. We head to the cider press, which is a task of tribulation as we pass the jungle gym.
Everyone loves the cider press. I tell the kids, "this is what candy tries to be." The difficult part is making two lines - one line for the students throwing in the apples, and one line of students to crank the press. I almost always have to explain more than twice that everyone will be able to perform both jobs. As the apples begin to be hurled into the press and the wheels get cranking, the kids start to see the cider flow from the bottom of the press and into the pitcher, exciting the thirsty sugar mongers. When all of the students have had a turn throwing in apples and cranking the press wheel, it is time to crank out the cider by pressing the apple remains. Towards this time of the season, the yellow jackets have a keen sense of smell of cider. There is always one student on every tour that feels the immediate need to scream until the yellow jacket that has found its way into our delicious pitcher of cider is fished out. As I'm pouring cider, I make the most eager students take two ciders to give to two of their peers, and I tell them to come back for one for themselves after they have given their first two away.
Before I clean the cider press and feed the apple remains to the animals, we finish up with a closing circle. During this conclusive time, I am entertained to hear what each student learned on the tour and each of their favorite parts. The students rarely mentioned they learned the same thing, but typically the goats and cider pressing are at the top of the favorite list.
Debbie's breakfast parsnips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everyone, it's me with another recipe cameo... just had to tell you about this because it came out so tasty! It was truly serendipity at work: on the heels of my joy at discovering how to make hash-browns correctly, and with my crisper drawer laden with parsnips from the prior weeks' CSA boxes, I set out to see if I could make hash-browns from parsnips (this was back in December). So I essentially followed the same process as with potatoes, only instead of oil and butter I used just butter, and instead of sprinkling with salt and pepper, I sprinkled with nutmeg, to complement their natural sweetness. (I don't know, somehow the cooking parsnips just smelled like they'd go well with nutmeg.) Two things happened. One: I almost burned them; they got well browned on the first side! Two: they didn't hold together for beans, so I couldn't really flip them like a pancake or patty. What the heck. I just turned them over as best I could and cooked them 'til they were done (they go from whitish to more translucent, sorta the way onions do when sauteed). They smelled wonderful, so I scooped them out of the pan and into a bowl... drizzled 'em with a little maple syrup and poured milk over all like you would oatmeal or hot cereal... and it was delicious! The 'almost burned' business just made them real caramel-ey. Whod'a'thunkit?
Since were getting parsnips this week, I decided to make these for breakfast again with my few remaining parsnips (yep, they were a month old... and just fine), to verify it was as tasty as I remembered, and to document it for you. Here's the 'recipe':
Parsnips, scrubbed and then grated into a bowl (I don't peel them, just scrub with a veggie scrub brush) - figure roughly 1 C grated parsnips per person Butter Grated nutmeg milk, cream, half-and-half, sour cream or yogurt (what's in your fridge?) maple syrup or honey (optional)
Submerge grated parsnips in water, drain, and squeeze or press out excess water. Heat a heavy-bottomed skillet (I love my cast iron!) over medium heat. Melt a generous blob of butter in the pan - this is for more than just to 'preventing sticking' - it actually is for flavor too; the butter browns, adding to the caramel-ey flavor.
Just like with hash-browns, when the butter is bubbling, add the grated parsnips, spread them out in an even layer and press down gently with a spatula. Sprinkle them with nutmeg. Cook for about 5 minutes on the first side, then flip them over as best you can (to get the un-cooked side down against the hot pan and the browned bits on top). It'll be messy but that's okay - it all turns out great in the end! The second side takes less time to brown, maybe 3 minutes or so. (Note that I cook for two - if you're making a big batch in a big pan, it may take proportionally longer.)
Now when it is cold outside like it is now, I like to pop my bowls into the oven to pre-warm while I'm cooking, so when the 'breakfast parsnips' are done the bowls keep them warm 'n snuggly like a proper hot cereal even after adding milk or cream.
When the parsnips are done, scoop them into warmed bowls and serve like you would hot cereal. It's that easy! I'm sure this could be embellished upon too... I could see topping with a dollop of warmed applesauce, I could see topping with toasted chopped walnuts or pecans or some other nut... you can see the possibilities! But just simple and plain is tasty too. In the picture below, I decided to have mine with a little maple syrup and a dollop of sour cream, but only because I happened to have sour cream in my fridge that needed using up. I think when I first made this in December I had heavy cream around for holiday baking which was also approaching use-it-or-lose-it status so I used that... and boy was that good!
Cheers, Debbie

Debbie's BLT salad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, maybe one more recipe, then I'll turn it over to Rebecca.
This came about because I got a huge bag of salad mix at the farmers market on Sunday. I'd also just discovered a purveyor of pastured meats at the same market, and so got some bacon (which I haven't had for a long time because I won't buy it if it's not reliably from animals raised on pasture). And lastly... I had a dab of left-over roasted dry-farmed tomatoes (which I'd roasted and frozen last summer) in the fridge from something I'd made the other night. I would've made a regular ol' BLT except that wouldn't have used nearly enough of the lettuce, so I turned it on its head and made it into a salad instead! Here's how:
For the salad Lots of farm lettuce or salad greens of any sort (like arugula, say, or mizuna, tatsoi, that sort of thing), washed, dried, and torn into pieces; Crisped bacon Fresh bread garlic croutons (just need fresh bread and a garlic clove; see below)
For the dressing (again, this made salad for two... a LARGE salad for two) Couple tbsp. roasted tomatoes, skin removed (you could substitute tomato paste, or make the dressing without tomato in it and instead add cut-up pieces of plumped sundried tomatoes to the salad) Dollop of mayonnaise A few dashes vinegar (I used red wine vinegar) A squeeze of fresh lemon juice A tbsp. or two of good olive oil
To make the fresh bread garlic croutons, take a couple slices of any bread (I use my Companion Baker bread, or if I run out of that, I get Trader Joe's Pain Pascal Demi-miche; it's a simple sourdough of organic flour, water, and salt). Pop the bread in your toaster or toaster oven, toast fairly dark. Peel your garlic clove and cut in half. When the toast is done and still hot, rub the cut edge of the garlic liberally over all surfaces, then chop the toast into bite-sized cubes.
Combine dressing ingredients, toss salad greens generously with the dressing (nice and tomato-ey), then serve topped with croutons and bacon which has been torn into pieces. Yum! - Debbie

Rebecca's Recipes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings to everyone - It feels so good to be back! How wonderful it is to have the CSA box again! I get so spoiled receiving it every week; not going to the Farmer's market nearly as much when I get the box. I am so grateful for all the bounty available to us. I hope all had a peaceful rest and the new year will be filled with vibrant health and lots of happy cooking! Thursday will be a delightful day driving out to the farm to pick up my box - it is a lovely ritual I so look forward to after work. And then filling the kitchen -- and my belly -- with beautiful, amazing, alive food! A new year full of new culinary adventures awaits! Blessings to all and I look forward to hearing from you, Chef Rebecca [click here to email Rebecca]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First, some recipes that I've put in past newsletters which are already in the database and good for items in this week's shares: ROASTED CURRIED CAULIFLOWER (note that the recipe is serves 12, but can be easily halved) ASIAN CABBAGE CRUNCH (from "One Bite at a Time" by Rebecca Katz) COLLARDS or KALE with GREEN ONIONS and LEMON TAHINI SAUCEAnd here are some new recipes for you: ORANGE-CILANTRO CARROTS and PARSNIPSServes 4 3/4 lb. carrots, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise 3/4 lb. parsnips, halved lengthwise, and thinly sliced crosswise 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. coriander 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper 3/4 tsp. orange zest 1 C fresh orange juice 1 tbsp. honey 2 tsp. butter 1/2 tsp. sea salt 1/4 C chopped fresh mint 1. In a large skillet, combine the carrots, parsnips, garlic, corinder, cayenne, orange zest, orange juice, honey, butter, and salt. Cover and bring to a gentle boil over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. 2. Uncover and cook until the carrots are just tender and glazed, about 5 minutes more. Stir in mint and serve. LEMONY MINT-AVOCADO ENERGY SOUP (RAW)Serves 6 2 medium apples 1/2 medium lemon, juiced 2 C mixed baby greens 1 medium avocado 1 C mint 4 C water sea salt to taste 1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Adjust the consistency with additional water and flavor with salt or lemon as needed. SPICY CARROT-AVOCADO SOUP (RAW)Serves 6 2 C carrot juice, freshly juiced 2 C water 1 tbsp. minced ginger 1 large avocado 1/4 C cilantro 2 pinches cayenne 1/2 tsp. black pepper salt to taste lemon or lime juice to taste 1/2 C pine nuts chopped cilantro for garnish 1. In a blender, combine the first 7 ingredients and puree until smooth. Add salt and citrus to taste, plus more cayenne if needed. 2. Garnish with the pine nuts and cilantro. (you can substitute any nut you like for the pine nuts) LEMONY ALMOND COOKIESMakes 12 cookies This is a low-sugar, high protein dessert with healthy fat from the almonds. It is also gluten and dairy free. 1 C almonds, ground 2 large egg whites 1 pinch cream of tartar 2 tbsp. honey 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 tbsp. lemon zest 1 pinch sea salt 1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. Place almonds in a food processor with a fitted steel blade. Process the almonds until a fine meal forms. Be careful not to over process or the meal will get sticky. It should resemble cornmeal. 3. Using a standard mixer fitted with a whisk, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form, then gradually beat in honey, vanilla, and lemon zest. 4. With a spatula, gently fold in the ground almonds. 5. Drop 1 tbsp. of batter onto prepared sheet, spacing about 2 inches apart. Bake for 30 minutes. These cookies are soft right out of the oven, but harden as they cool. MOOSEWOOD APPLE CHUTNEYThis is an all-time favorite of mine from Molly Katzen's Moosewood Cookbook. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 1 1/2 lbs. apples 1 medium clove garlic, minced 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tbsp. fresh minced ginger 1 tsp. ground cloves or allspice 1/2 tsp. sea salt 1/2 C packed brown sugar 1/3 C raw apple cider vinegar cayenne to taste (optional) I put in about 1/4 C or more golden raisins 1. Coarsely chop the apples (peeling is optional). Place them in a medium-sized saucepan with all the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil then lower the heat to a simmer. 2. Simmer, uncovered for about 45 minutes, or until everything is very soft. Stir occasionally while it is cooking. You may need to add a little water towards the end of the cooking to prevent it from sticking. Cool, then transfer to a sterile jar with a lid. Chill. This will keep for weeks in the refrigerator. It is delicious with roasted herbed chicken or as a side. KALE APPLE LEEK TOPPINGThis makes a great topping for a buckwheat cracker (recipe below) or for a crepe. 1 leek, sliced into half moons 1 apple, grated 1/2 bunch of dino kale, chiffonaded [i.e. de-stem and stack leaves, roll them up like a cigar and thinly slice crosswise - Debbie] 1/4 C parsley, plus more for garnish 1 tbsp. ghee or butter 1 tbsp. olive oil lemon juice to keep the apples from browning 1/4 C creme fraiche 1. Add the ghee or butter to a medium saute pan and heat over medium high heat. Add the leeks and saute for 5 minutes, until tender. Add the apple and saute for another 2 minutes. Add the kale and cook until just wilted. Turn off the heat and add the parsley, olive oil, and sea salt and pepper to taste. 2. Once the mixture has cooled, mince it and mix in the creme fraiche. 3. Fill a pastry bag with a large opening and pipe the mixture onto a buckwheat cracker. Top with a small dollop of creme fraiche and minced parsley. BUCKWHEAT CRACKERSMakes about 50 crackers 1 tbsp. coconut oil 1 egg, room temperature 1/2 tbsp. water 1/2 tsp. sea salt 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 C grated cow cheddar 2/3 C buckwheat flour 1 tbsp. tapioca flour 1 tbsp. potato starch 1/3 tsp. xantham gum (optional; acts as a "binder"; available in health-food stores) 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Melt coconut oil over low heat, then cool so it will not cook the egg when mixed. Add the coconut oil and the egg to a small bowl with the water. 3. In a medium bowl, add the dry ingredients and mix. Add the wet ingredients and mix until a solid ball of dough forms. Cut the dough in half and roll each half into a ball. Wrap each with plastic wrap and allow to rest in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. 4. After the dough has rested, get out 2 baking sheets and 2 pieces of parchment paper. Using a piece of plastic wrap between the rolling pin and the dough, roll out the dough into a thin sheet, as thin as you can get without breaking (about 1/8th inch). Cut the dough with a 1 1/2 inch pastry cutter* and remove excess from the parchment paper**. Poke each cracker once with a toothpick. Place the parchment paper on the baking sheets and bake 20-25 minutes, or until lightly browned. Allow to cool and store in a sealed plastic bag. *or a biscuit cutter, or even cookie cutters **yes, you can roll dough trimmings back into a ball, chill re-roll and make more crackers [from Debbie: you could probably just cut the dough into squares too, which would leave no dough trimmings; if you did it this way, it's possible you might need to re-cut along your cut lines right when they come out of the oven, to make sure they haven't merged during baking. Then allow them to cool, break them apart and store as Rebecca says.] |
Visit our website's calendar page for more details, including photos and videos of past events. This is a great way to get the flavor of what it is like visiting the farm!
Live Earth Farm Discovery Program (LEFDP) activities Wee Ones 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10:30am - Noon [year-round, weather permitting] ($10 - $15 per family) Mothers, fathers, grandparents, caretakers of any kind... bring the babe in your arms to experience the diversity of our beautiful organic farm here in Watsonville. We will use our five senses to get to know the natural world around us. The farm is home to over 50 different fruits and vegetables, chicks, chickens, goats, and the many wild members of the Pajaro watershed. RSVP requested.
LEFDP office: (831) 728-2032 or email lefeducation@baymoon.com. Community Farm Days and Events Nothing currently planned for winter. We'll update you here if that changes!
"Cooking-from-your-box" classes
Join chefs and CSA members Rebecca Mastoris and Karen Haralson on the last Sunday of each month at Williams-Sonoma in Los Gatos for this fun and informative session on making great food from what comes in your Live Earth Farm CSA box. For info about the latest class, see "Upcoming Events" on Karen and Rebecca's Vibrant Food Catering website. |