What's in the box(es) this week
Occasionally content will differ from this list (typically we make a substitution), but we do our best to give you an accurate projection.
If one share is scheduled to get larger quantities of certain items than the other two shares, these items will be marked with a "+" sign. Note that delicate share items like strawberries or cherry tomatoes are usually packed outside your box; see checklist in binder at your pick-up site for what to take.
For any items not from our farm, we will identify the source in parentheses.
***Click here for a picture of how to tell share sizes apart at your pick-up site***
Family Share Arugula Beets Cauliflower Chard Sungold cherry tomatoes Cilantro Leeks Lettuce Potatoes (Yellow Finn) Radicchio French breakfast radishes Spinach Summer Squash Sungold cherry tomatoes (will be packed outside your box - see checklist!) Dry-farmed tomatoes
Small Share Arugula Asian stir-fry mix (tatsoi/mizuna) Carrots Cauliflower Chard Cilantro Leeks Lettuce French breakfast radishes Sungold cherry tomatoes (will be packed outside your box - see checklist!) Summer squash Dry-farmed tomatoes +
Budget Share Arugula Asian stir-fry mix (tatsoi/mizuna) Beets Cauliflower Cilantro Lettuce Potatoes (Yellow Finn) French breakfast radishes Summer squash
Dry-farmed tomatoes
Bread Option
This week's bread will be whole wheat with flax seed
Extra Fruit Option
Strawberries, raspberries and sungold cherry tomatoes
Meat Chickens The next delivery of meat chickens is next month (Sept 7-8-9).
A Choice between Two Pleasure Apples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although here on the farm we are accustomed to fog-clothed summer mornings, the marine layer hugging the coast this year hasn't followed the familiar pattern of rolling back by midday to leave us with sunny afternoons. The last two weeks we have been shivering... and concerned about our tomatoes. Not only are they ripening more slowly, but the longer-than-normal periods of wet foliage caused by a daily dose of heavy drizzle has me particularly worried about a nasty fungal infestation known as Late Blight. Late Blight played a big role in the Irish potato famine in the 1850's, during which millions of people in Ireland starved or were forced to emigrate. The pathogen is well named: Phytophtora Infestans. 'Phytophtora' in Latin means 'plant destroyer,' and 'Infestans' needs no translation. This pathogen causes a fungal blight which, under favorable conditions, can be explosive, i.e. it could quickly devastate a crop of our favorite nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or eggplants. While cool, rainy conditions are especially favorable for Late Blight, it can also develop in the absence of rain under conditions similar to what we are experiencing this summer: cool temperatures, and relative humidity around 90 percent. We are monitoring all our nightshades once or twice a week, and so far we have found only a few plants among our dry-farmed tomatoes with signs of infestation (and quickly removed them). The cherry tomatoes look healthy and so do the heirlooms tomatoes. However, certain areas of the farm such as
Early and Late stages of Phytophtora Infestans in parts of Jeff and Anna's tomato patch.
| the tomato patch Jeff and Anna (of the Young Farmers Program) planted are showing more advanced symptoms of the disease. Only the return of some much needed sun and warmer temperatures will hold "Phytophtora, the Plant Destroyer" (sounds like a good title for a horror movie) in check. But let me not bore you by talking entirely about the weather, pests and diseases -- subjects us farmers, if prompted, will spend endless hours discussing.
A few days ago while sampling a dry-farmed tomato, I happened to be near our orchard of Gala apples... and a particular red one, glowing in the late afternoon sunlight, caught my attention. Holding my munched-on tomato in one hand, I picked and bit into that crunchy Gala with the other. Suddenly I felt like Adam in the Garden of Eden -- Eve was nowhere to be found -- succumbing to the temptation of these two irresistibly delicious fruit. Some people joke that, rather than the innocent apple, it was probably the juicy, drippy, red tomato which got Adam and Eve cast out of paradise, away from the cradle of humanity, and deep into the impenetrable jungles of Central and South America, where botanists today trace the origin of the tomato. It wasn't until the 1500s that the Spanish conquistadors brought the tomato back to Europe, from whence it spread to the rest of the world. Once the tempting red tomato was back in Europe, the suspicious Church Fathers of course "tasted" trouble and immediately condemned it as a scandalous and sinful indulgence -- and banned it. On the other hand, the French admired its sensuous appearance and were enticed by it, believing that the red fruit had aphrodisiac powers, and so called it 'pomme d'amour' or love apple. Not until the 1800s did the tomato finally gain broad culinary acceptance in Europe. Today, we probably couldn't imagine anything more scandalous than not having tomatoes as part of our diet.
So, standing there and having to choose between these two types of "pleasure apples", I am choosing the tomato right now; the Galas, which are not in season quite yet, will have to wait while I am 'banned' to indulge in what may be a too-short season of these exquisite love apples. To bite into a sun-warmed, vine-ripened, dry-farmed tomato may seem to be nothing extrordinary, however this juice-gushing taste experience is the culmination of a complex "dance" between farmer and nature. If there were to be awards given for such a performance, they should go to those whose aim was to grow for best flavor, instead of size and yield. Growing dry-farmed tomatoes is one such passionate pursuit of taste. Dry-farming tomatoes is a technique perfected a couple of decades ago by Molino Creek, a farming cooperative, situated in the coastal hills above Davenport. We are fortunate to enjoy very similar microclimatic conditions. Dry-farming techniques involve proper spacing, soil moisture control, timely cultivation practices, soil rotation and a number of different fertility practices. Under optimum conditions the plants, although stressed from a lack of water, will stay healthy enough to yield, in my opinion, the best tasting red tomatoes in the world. Hope you all have a 'tempting' moment when you open your share this week!
- Tom
Photos taken by Tom's wife, Constance.
Community Farm Day "Totally Tomatoes" - this Saturday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tom's ode to the love-apple should have all of you primed and ready to come out to the farm for our annual Tomato U-Pick day! The cooler conditions he talks about may result in a per-family harvest limit, but Tom will make that determination Saturday morning. We hope the sun shines warmly all week so we can have lots and lots of ripe, succulent dry-farmed tomatoes for the picking.
When: Saturday August 27th, 10am - 4pm
Where: come to our "Main" Green Valley Entrance (1275 Green Valley Rd. - see pictures, below) Follow signs for parking, and to get to the U-pick field. Cost: $1.50/lb (1st 5 lbs. free). And yes, eating while picking is allowed! :-) Harvest limit: between 50 and 100 lbs. per family (Tom will decide Saturday) What else: <> Tom will do tractor ride/farm tours at 11am and 2pm <> Bring hats, sunscreen, etc. for protection from the elements <> Bring your own lunch and picnic on the farm if you like! <> Bring your own bags or boxes for harvesting (LEF will not provide them) <> Don't forget to bring cash for paying (exact change helps!) <> Bring your own salt if you want to snack on tomatoes in the field! :-) <> We ask that you do not bring dogs to our farm; please leave them at home - thanks!
Tick, tick, tick... countdown to Fundraiser: three weeks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The LEF Discovery Program Third Annual "In The Fields" Food-And-Wine-Tasting Fundraiser will be here sooner than you know it! Mark your calendar, save the date: Saturday September 10th, from 3pm - 6pm, then click below to purchase your tickets! If you are planning to attend, please purchase your tickets soon if at all possible, so that we can have a head-count and plan - thanks! Don't know what we're talking about? Click here for details, pictures, and to purchase tickets!
<> Did you know there's also going to be a barn dance afterwards? <> Did you know you can attend the barn dance even if you're not attending the fundraiser (dance tickets are only $10)? <> Did you know a dance ticket is included in the cost of the fundraiser ticket? <> Did you know there's also going to be a silent auction, with great items from local artists, artisans and producers? <> Did you know there will be separate child care during the fundraiser for kids 3 and above, including fun farm activities and pizza-making in our wood-fired oven ($20 per family, not per child)?
<> Did you know if you buy or sell 5 tickets you can get a 6th for free?? Spread the word and invite friends! Please support this great cause; The Live Earth Farm Discovery Program is a 501(c)3 non-profit - all contributions go towards bringing school children from under-served communities onto the farm to discover the joy of eating fresh and healthy organic food and experience the wonders of the earth. Hope to see you there, and thanks for your support!
[If you cannot attend but wish to support our educational nonprofit you can always make a donation or become a sponsor. We appreciate donations of any size!]
"Cooking-from-your-CSA-Box" class this Sunday in Los Gatos! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Are you a relative newby to cooking out of a CSA share? Still a bit tentative about how to go about using all the produce you get each week? Want to build your confidence in that arena? Here's your perfect opportunity. Once again, chefs Rebecca Mastoris (yes, our recipe-writing Rebecca) and Karen Haralson will convene at Williams-Sonoma in Los Gatos and offer to teach you how to make delicious, nutritious, easy meals from what's in your box! As before, this will be a very up-close-and-personal class; you will be working with the same kind of ingredients as you would receive this time of year in your CSA share, watching, tasting, sampling (lots!), taking home recipes... ask as many questions as you like! Classes are now held monthly, the last Sunday of each month. Mark your calendars!
Where: Williams-Sonoma, 122 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos When: Sunday August 28th, 1 to 3pm Cost: a nominal $15
Space is limited to 30; please pre-register so they know how many to plan for. You can register directly from Karen and Rebecca's Vibrant Foods Catering website, or you can email Karen at ktese@cruzio.com if you have questions or want to make alternative payment arrangements. Below: the infinitely variable quinoa salad, and chefs Karen (left) and Rebecca (right).
Rebecca's Recipes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings to all on yet another cold, winter-like morning. I certainly am not prepared for so much dreary weather. I am hoping for sun later today; we all need that beautiful vitamin D the sun so willingly provides. What a fantastic box this week! The Asian greens are just amazing -- last week I was eating them straight out of the box, driving down the road, looking like a goat with the greens hanging out of my mouth! (I couldn't get enough!) ;-) Again, how blessed I feel we are, to receive a steady supply of such verdant abundance. As always, may you all have a wonderful week full of vibrant eating from the farm! Blessings to all, Rebecca
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VERY BERRY GOOD TREATS Makes 16 bars These slightly sticky cookies bars are rich with berries. And they have less than one gram of fat per bar.
1 3/4 C rolled oats 4 C berries 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground cloves 1/4 C arrowroot (or thickener of choice) 1/4 C apple juice concentrate or fresh juice 16 whole berries for garnish
1. preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly boil an 8-inch square baking pan. 2. In a blender or food processor, grind the oats to a coarse powder. 3. Combine the ground oats and remaining ingredients (except the berries, which are for garnish) in a large bowl and mix well. 4. Spread the batter into the baking pan. Decorate the surface with the 16 evenly spaced berries. 5. Bake until firm, about 35-45 minutes.
6. Let cool, then cut into squares with one berry topping each.
CURRY CAULIFLOWER SOUP Serves 6 Cauliflower is a wonderful vegetable that's full of cancer-fighting enzymes. Roasting cauliflower avoids the sulfur-smell caused when steaming, and also produces an unbelieveably sweet flavor. [I'll second that! Roasted cauliflower is hands-down more delicious than steamed. - Debbie]
1 head cauliflower, cut into florets 3 tbsp. olive oil sea salt 1 C finely diced yellow onion 2 carrots, diced small 2 potatoes, cubed small 1 C finely diced celery 1 tsp. curry powder 1/4 tsp. coriander ground 1/4 tsp ground cumin 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon 6 C broth of choice
1. preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. Toss the cauliflower with 1 tbsp. of olive oil and 1/4 tsp. of salt, then spread in an even layer on the prepared pan. Bake until the cauliflower is tender, about 25 minutes. 3. While the cauliflower is roasting, heat he remaining olive oil in a saute pan over medium heat, then add the onion and a pinch of salt and saute until translucent, about 3 minutes. Add the carrots, celery, potatoes, and 1/4 tsp. salt and saute until the vegetables begin to brown, about 12 minutes. 4. Add the curry powder, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and another pinch of salt and and stir until the spices have coated the vegetables. Pour in 1/2 C of the broth to de-glaze the pan, then cook until the liquid is reduced by half. Remove from the heat. 5. Pour 3 C of the remaining broth into a blender, then add half of the vegetables and roasted cauliflower. Blend until smooth, then pour the mixture into a soup pot and repeat the process with the remaining 2 1/2 C broth and the remaining vegetables and cauliflower. For a thinner consistency, add another cup of broth. 6. Gently reheat he soup over low heat. You may want to add a spritz of lemon juice, or additional salt, to taste.
EMERALD GREENS with ORANGE Serves 4 Sauteeing chard in olive oil -- or any other green, for that matter -- makes the flavor and consistency much more palate-friendly. Adding orange to the mix makes the greens especially yummy, and that's a great thing because greens and the phytochemicals they contain are a must-have for maintaining health.
2 tbsp. olive oil 1 tsp. minced garlic pinch of red pepper flakes 2 tbsp. dried cranberries 1/4 C freshly squeezed orange juice 6 C chard leaves, stems removed, chopped into bite-sized pieces (I chop and include the stems, too; it is up to you. You can also easily use a combination of greens with this recipe; it would be delicious with Asian greens and arugula and spinach too; just let your taste buds decide!) 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1/2 tsp. orange zest 1/4 tsp. maple syrup
1. Heat the oil in a large saute pan over medium heat, then add the garlic, red pepper flakes, cranberries, and orange juice, and saute for 30 seconds, just until aromatic. 2. Add the greens, salt, and zest and saute until the color of the chard (or greens) begins to darken and intensify. 3. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the greens to a bowl, then bring the liquid in the pan to a boil. When the liquid shrinks in from the sides of the pan and thickens a bit, stir the greens back in , then stir in the maple syrup. Do a taste check. Serve immediately.
There is a school of thought -- and increasing scientific evidence -- that the more vibrant the color, the more nutrition there is to be found in the food [blue M&Ms not withstanding ;-) Debbie]. You can substitute lemon or lime juice for the orange juice.
SHREDDED BEET and CARROT SALAD 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp. olive oil 1/2 tsp. minced fresh ginger 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1 C shredded carrot 1 C peeled and shredded raw beet 2 tbsp. chopped fresh mint
1. Whisk the orange juice, lemon juice, olive oil, ginger, and salt together until thoroughly combined. 2. Put the carrots in a mixing bowl, drizzle with half the dressing, and toss until evenly coated. 3. Place the carrots on one side of a shallow serving bowl. 4. Put the beets in the mixing bowl and drizzle with the remaining dressing, and toss until well coated. Place the beets in the serving bowl next to carrots for a beautiful contrast of red and orange. 5. Top all with the mint before serving.
EASY EGGS in a CUP Baked or shirred eggs have been around forever. In this recipe, baking eggs over a little sauteed spinach with some feta cheese and a shaving of nutmeg creates a dish that looks and tastes beautiful. Just the sight of these eggs nestled in colorful ramekins is enough to bring the most reluctant eater back to the table. To further enhance the yum factor, serve topped with Basil-Lemon Drizzle (recipe below).
1 tbsp. olive oil 1/2 C finely diced red onion 1 tsp. minced garlic sea salt pinch of freshly grated nutmeg 1/4 C crumbled feta cheese (optional) 4 eggs pinch of freshly ground pepper
[...and, of course, spinach! Rebecca accidentally left this out and I didn't catch the omission until after the newsletter was sent. My apologies Rebecca! As far as quantities go, just figure a generous handful per ramekin. - Debbie]
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Heat the oil in a saute pan over medium heat, then add the onion, garlic and saute until translucent, about 3 minutes. 3. Stir in the garlic and saute for and additional 30 seconds, then stir in the spinach and a pinch of salt and cook until wilted and tender, about another 30 seconds. Remove from the heat and stir in the nutmeg. 4. Lightly grease 4 small ramekins with olive oil. For each ramekin, spoon in a quarter of the spinach mixture, then crumble about 1 tbsp. of the feta cheese on top. 5. Gently crack 1 egg on top of the cheese in each, then sprinkle all with pepper and a pinch of salt. 6. Bake for 12-14 minutes, until very little liquid remains and moves around while you shake the ramekin. 7. Allow to cool for 3 minutes, then run a knife around the edge of each ramekin to loosen the eggs. Using your knife to help support the eggs, carefully transfer to a plate and serve immediately. Top with Basil-Lemon Drizzle if so desired.
Basil-Lemon Drizzle When it comes to lemon zest, basil, and lemon juice you have a condiment that brightens and brings flavor to anything you put it on top of -- veggies, chicken, fish... But it isn't just packed with flavor, it's also loaded with cancer-fighting properties, including anti-inflammatory agents in the basil and anti-oxidants in the lemon. Makes one-half cup.
1 C loosely packed fresh basil leaves 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 /4 C olive oil 1 tsp. maple syrup 1/4 tsp. sea salt
1. Put all the ingredients in a food processor and process until well blended. Variation: for a richer drizzle that is more pesto-like, add 1/4 C pecans or walnuts when you process the ingredients.
CURRIED HUMMUS and VEGETABLE PINWHEELS 4-8 spelt or whole wheat tortillas (or any type of your choice) 1 C curried hummus (recipe below), or avocado smashed instead of the hummus 2 C spinach or other greens of choice 3/4 C shredded carrot 3/4 C seeded and grated cucumber There are any number of additions you can make: shredded cooked chicken, thinly sliced peppers, chopped cilantro (a must!), thinly sliced lettuce leaves, thinly sliced radicchio, grated beets, chopped tomatoes... just choose what makes you happy! These wraps are a quick pick-me-up. Oh, and sometimes I add thinly sliced mango...
1. Place a tortilla on a flat work surface. Spread 1/4 C of the hummus or avocado (or both!), leaving a 3/4-inch border all the way around. 2. Lay one-forth of the spinach (or other greens), carrots, cucumber, and other ingredients of choice over the hummus/avocado and roll up into a tube, sushi style. 3. Glue down the top edge with a smear of the hummus (or water). 4. Trim the ends, then using a very sharp knife, slice the roll in half on the diagonal or, alternatively, cut crosswise into 1-inch pinwheels. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
Curried Hummus Chickpeas are rich in protein and essential amino acids for keeping the body strong, while the sesame seeds in the tahini have high levels of anticancer phytochemicals; and since the seeds are ground to a paste, they are easy to digest.
1/4 C currants (optional) 2 C cooked garbanzos (chickpeas) or one 15-oz. can, drained, rinsed and mixed with a spritz of fresh lemon juice (you can get great ORGANIC garbanzos in the can at Trader Joe's if you don't have the time to cook the dried ones) 2 tbsp. water 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tbsp. tahini (sesame paste found in health food stores or in nut butter section) 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tsp. curry powder 1 tsp. ground ginger 1/2 tsp. sea salt
1. Place the currants in a small bowl of hot water to plump. 2. Combine the chickpeas, water, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil, curry powder, ginger and salt in a food processor and process until smooth. 3. Transfer to a bowl and check for seasoning. Add a spritz of lemon if it needs a little extra zing. 4. Before serving the hummus, drain the currants and stir them in to the hummus. The currants are totally optional, but I think they add a nice texture and interesting flair.
CILANTRO LIME VINAIGRETTE This vinaigrette has a dual purpose: it makes a great marinade for chicken and fish, as well as being wonderful salad dressing!
3 1/2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice 2 tsp. brown rice vinegar (or any that you have) 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1/4 tsp ground cumin 3/4 tsp. honey 1/4 C olive oil 2 tsp. finely chopped cilantro (or more to taste)
1. Combine all of the ingredients and whisk until thoroughly blended.
I drizzle this vinaigrette over a bowl of tatsoi, mizuna, spinach, arugula, and radicchio with matchstick-cut radishes, diagonal cut onions, and lots of the little Sungold cherry tomatoes we have been getting. I sprinkle the salad with toasted sunflower seeds and serve. You can make this a complete meal by adding cooked, chopped or shredded chicken.
TOMATO, LEEK, AND ONION SOUP Yes, another soup recipe! I am cold and this is warming, tasty, and easy to make; soup is such a nice food to always have available...
1/4 C olive oil 2 medium sized onions, diced 2 leeks, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tbsp. chopped, fresh parsley 1 tsp. minced, fresh thyme 1 bay leaf 2 C tomatoes, diced 3 C stock of choice soy sauce to taste 1-2 tsp. honey chopped fresh parsley chopped scallion tops
1. in a large skillet, heat the oil and saute the onions, leeks, and garlic until translucent but not brown. 2. Combine the sauteed vegetables, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, tomatoes, and stock in a 2-quart saucepan. Cover and simmer until the tomatoes are cooked and the flavors are well combined, 20-30 minutes. Remove the bay leaf. 3. Season with the soy sauce and honey. Garnish with parsley and scallions before serving.
RED BEET-PICKLED EGGS Serves 4 This recipe facinates me and I really like it. I like using food for natural dyes, so this is fun: dying food with food. You can use any of the greens from the CSA along with the lettuce to serve.
1 tsp. dry mustard 1 tsp. ground allspice 1 tsp. ground ginger 2 tbsp. cider vinegar 2 C sliced cooked beets 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled out of their shells, but otherwise left whole lettuce leaves and other greens
1. Mix together mustard, allspice, ginger, honey, and vinegar. Heat to boiling. 2. Pour over the beets and set aside to cool. 3. Once cool, nestle the hard-boiled eggs down into the beets and refrigerate overnight. Shake the container occasionally so the eggs will color evenly. 4. To serve, cut the eggs in half lengthwise and arrange on a bed made from the lettuce leaves and/or other greens, and the beet slices.
Visit our website's calendar page for more details, including photos and videos of past events. This is a great way to get the flavor of what it is like visiting the farm!
Live Earth Farm Discovery Program (LEFDP) activities Wee Ones 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10:30am - Noon [year-round] (free for children 0 - 3 yrs; $10 - $15 per family) Mothers, fathers, grandparents, caretakers of any kind... bring the babe in your arms to experience the diversity of our beautiful organic farm here in Watsonville. We will use our five senses to get to know the natural world around us. The farm is home to over 50 different fruits and vegetables, chicks, chickens, goats, piglets, and the many wild members of the Pajaro watershed. RSVP requested.
Art on the Farm Camp Three weeks to choose from: June 13th-17th, June 20th-24th, or July 11th-15th all camps from 9am - 4pm daily
( click here for cost and scheduling info) We'll be engaging campers in creative expression among our 100 organic acres of fruits, vegetables, farm animals, and wild spaces. During the week campers will plant, harvest, and create in the kitchen and beyond; make cheese, make masks, print, paint, and sculpt with natural materials. For questions about any LEFDP event or activities, contact Jessica at the LEFDP office: (831) 728-2032 or email her at lefeducation@baymoon.com.
Happy Girl Kitchen Workshops at LEF (all workshops include an organic lunch, as well as take-home items from what is made that day -- these workshops are not to be missed!)
April 16 - Sauerkraut, Kimchee and Kombucha May 7 - Cheese June 11 - Jam with Available Berries July 9 - Jam with Apricots and Berries August 13 - Pickles August 14 - Pickles August 20 - Tomatoes August 21 - Tomatoes (to sign up for any workshop, simply click on its name, above)
Contact Jordan if you have any questions: jordan@happygirlkitchen.com http://www.happygirlkitchen.com Follow Happy Girl on Twitter! @happygirl_co
Community Farm Days and Events this calendar was revised 7/4/11; please note changes
April 23rd - Sheep to Shawl April 27th - Community Night @ Saturn Cafe for LEFDP June 4th - Community Farm Day - U-pick strawberries June 18th - Summer Solstice Celebration July 30th - Community Farm Day - From Seed to Bread Aug 27th - Community Farm Day - U-pick tomatoes (our "Totally Tomatoes" day) Sept 10th - "Celebrating Generations of Farmers" farm-fresh food and wine pairing fundraiser for LEFDP [click on link for more info and to buy tickets!] Oct 22nd - Fall Harvest Festival and U-pick apples and pumpkins
"Cooking-from-your-box" classes
Join chefs and CSA members Rebecca Mastoris and Karen Haralson on the last Sunday of each month at Williams-Sonoma in Los Gatos for this fun and informative session on making great food from what comes in your Live Earth Farm CSA box. For info about the latest class, see "Upcoming Events" on Karen and Rebecca's Vibrant Food Catering website. Medicinal Herb Walks/classes on the farm
April 2nd - Herbs of Live Earth May 14th - Herbal Basics of Stress Management June 25th - Herbal Preparations For more info, contact Darren Huckle at rootsofwellness@gmail.com or 831.334.5177 or visit his website at www.rootsofwellness.net