What's in the box this week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Content differences between Family and Small shares are in red; items with a "+" in one size share are more in quantity than in the other. For any items not from our farm, we will identify the source in parentheses. Occasionally content will differ from this list (typically we make a substitution), but we do our best to give you an accurate projection.
Family Share Apples (Fuji) Arugula Asian greens - pak choi Red cabbage Carrots Celery (Lakeside Organic Gardens) Chard Cilantro Red Russian kale Leeks Lettuce (Little Gem) + Fresh rosemary Scallions Spinach Winter squash (Butternut) Mystery Item! [could be Brussels sprouts, or green beans, or eggplant, or summer squash, or broccolini!]
Small Share Apples (Fuji) Arugula Asian greens - pak choi Red cabbage Carrots Celery (Lakeside Organic Gardens) Chard Cilantro Red Russian kale Lettuce (Little Gem) Yellow onions (Pinnacle Farm) Winter squash (Butternut) Mystery Item! [could be Brussels sprouts, or green beans, or eggplant, or summer squash, or broccolini!]
Extra Fruit 1 qt. apple juice (Pinnacle Farm/Phil Foster Ranch) -- see "about the apple juice", below 1 bag Haas avocados (Marasalisi Farm) 1 bag apples (Gala/Fuji mix)
Bread Option This week's bread will be whole wheat with flax seeds
about the apple juice: this juice is a lovely organic blend of Braeburn, Johnagold and Fuji apples. Not our apples this time, but definitely local and organic. Made from a recipe that Happy Girl Kitchen perfected, Tom says it is absolutely delicious!
Live Earth Farm's 15th farming season: Wow, and Thank You All!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are completing another growing cycle, our 15th season, and nothing is more gratifying than to know the incredible support that has nurtured this farm since its inception. In 1996, it all started with 20 committed members (several of whom are still with us today) who decided to pick up their harvest shares here at the farm and support what at the time seemed like a fairly radical idea - eating organic, local, seasonally available fruits and vegetables, and sharing in the risks inherently associated with growing them. Today, 15 seasons later, as I compose the list of items that will go into this week's shares -- the last of the regular 2010 season -- it is still awe-inspiring to know that when we plant a seed in the ground, it is backed by the vitality of an entire community: a living network of supporters, everything from the often forgotten soil organisms to the diverse human community of fellow farmers, farm employee's, farm apprentices, farm suppliers, CSA members, farmer's market customers, artisan food producers, cooks, teachers, students, and friends. The food grown on this land becomes a common thread that links us all together, and with every meal we prepare, we also enjoy the pleasure and nourishment that comes from it. If food is the common thread that links all living organisms, then, as Wendell Berry so well states, "...eating is an agricultural act, and how we eat, determines, to a considerable extent, how the world is used." This simple but powerful act of taking charge and choosing what goes into our mouths is slowly transforming local and regional food systems. Today roughly 3000 CSA farms exist in the United States which strive to be socially and economically responsible, to educate and empower, while providing ecologically grown food. CSA farms are a viable alternative to the destructive industrial model of growing food, it is a participatory means to securing our food supply for today and future generations. So it is with heartfelt gratitude that all of us here thank you for supporting and participating in the seasonal journey of Live Earth Farm, and we hope you will stay connected for many more nourishing seasons to come. Black Elk who once said, "Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were." So, stay in touch, read our winter newsletters, sign up for the Winter CSA, and join us for the many upcoming farm events and celebrations over the course of next season (stay tuned for a schedule of winter events to be posted after Thanksgiving). Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving! - Tom below: beautiful late afternoon light on one of our winter crop fields; harvesting for this week's box; and what Brussels sprouts look like when still on the plant. Side note: There are still a few Winter Shares left, make sure you sign up by the end of November if you want to experience the seasonal offerings of winter. Stay tuned about events such as the sheep-shearing in March; if the weather permits, we'll have Community Days planting pear trees or raspberries, or teach you how to prune your dormant fruit trees. - Tom |
Are you sure you don't want a Winter Share?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [rerun from last week] Are you thinking about it but just feel you don't have enough information? Let me entice you! In addition to our own winter veggies -- a rotation of broccoli and cauliflower, fennel, red and golden beets, lettuces, our fabulous Brussels sprouts, the trusty cooking greens like chard, collards and kale [kale gets especially sweet and wonderful in winter!], cabbages and carrots, winter squashes (butternut, acorn, kabocha, sweet dumpling, hubbard), root veggies like parsnips, rutabagas and turnips, and the early green garlic -- we will continue to have fresh apples, plus other fruit like pineapple guavas, oranges and lemons, avocados; we'll have mushrooms from Far West Fungi, artichokes from Swanton Berry Farm, sprouts from New Natives, apple juice from Pinnacle Farms, plus one of my favorite winter goodies: celeriac, from Lakeside... and yes, as Tom mentioned, the shares themselves will include one jar of preserved 'summer' each week! Happy Girl Kitchen has put up our dry-farmed tomatoes (both crushed and pickled whole with basil), tomato juice, strawberry jam, raspberry jam, and dilly beans! We will continue to have the Bread Option from Companion Bakers, and the Preserves Option from Happy Girl Kitchen will will be two additional jars of preserved goodies each week! In addition to the above-mentioned treats, there will be apricot jam, ketchup, salsa, pickled peppers, spicy tomato juice, applesauce, sauerkraut and kimchi! All fabulous, all made with produce from our farm! Did I talk you into it? If so, just go to our website and click on " Join" or " Become a member" and there will be a sign-up button. Click, and follow the instructions, and you'll be all set. [Yes I know, there are no installment payments for the Winter Season, because it is only 10 weeks total... but if that is the only thing preventing you from signing up, give me a call 831.763.2448 or send me an email; we'll try to work out a payment plan.] - Debbie |
When does this season end? When does the next season start? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the last week of our 2010 Regular Season!
If you signed up for the Winter Season, those deliveries will begin the week after Thanksgiving, Thursday Dec 2nd. [Please note that during the Winter season, ALL deliveries are on Thursdays.] The Winter season is 10 delivery weeks total: the first three weeks in December, then no deliveries for the next three weeks over the Christmas/New Year's holidays, then 7 more deliveries starting the second week of January (Jan 13) and going through the end of February (Feb 24).
***No deliveries the entire month of March - farmers are taking a break!***
If you signed up for the 2011 Regular Season, those deliveries will begin the first week of April, 2011 (so, Weds/Thurs April 6/7). And as usual, will end the week before Thanksgiving again! ;-)
Companion Bakers Holiday Pies
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everybody, Erin Justus, the baker who brings us our Bread Share, is going to be making pies to order for Thanksgiving. Going to someone's home for the holidays and want to bring a fresh homemade pie? Or do you love pie but are not a baker? Check this out, from Erin: "Holiday pie orders are starting! There will be pie pick-ups at the Downtown Santa Cruz Farmers Market on Wednesday the 24th (day before Thanksgiving!), plus pick-ups in Soquel at the bakery, as well as deliveries if people are interested. Sign up! The last few years the pies went very FAST! Last day for Orders is November 19th! "Pie varieties are all organic and made with fresh local " Pie Ranch" flour, eggs and great jersey butter! All the fruits and pumpkins are harvested right from our own Farmers Markets. Pies are $18.00 and they are a 10-inch pie. Here are the varieties: <>Traditional Pumpkin Pie <> Pear & Cranberry Lattice <> Old Fashioned Apple with Lattice <> Cranberry Walnut Galette (open faced) <> Apple Galette (open faced) "Email us back at this address ( companionbakers@gmail.com) and let us know your name and order. We will have your pies ready with your name on it! Payment can be sent to our PO Box or we will except payment at the time of pick up. Thanks and Happy Holiday!" |
And now... a word from our apprentices!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahhh Fall! Now is the time when all the perennial plants and trees start to retreat back into their roots, taking all of their hard-earned nutrients from this seasons growth down with them, to hibernate and fuel another season when the sun shines high in the sky again. I feel like those trees I walk under every day. I am starting to retreat back into myself, reflecting on all of the knowledge and experience gained from this season of hard work, good food, lots of fermenting, and best of all, friendships forged in the strength of the soil. As I prepare to move on to become Farm Manager at Everett Family Farm, I feel so grateful to have had the chance to help steward this wonderful piece of land. Tom and the crew that works here have all helped me out tremendously, from teaching me more about the art of driving a tractor to plant disease ecology and slaughtering animals. And of course, I remember the celebrations, with all of us coming together to celebrate the whole reason we work so hard: growing and sharing the best food possible. When I start farming in a new place next year, my roots will be well fed from this years knowledge, and I will be able to spring forth with renewed strength and vigor. Thank you all, and thank you Live Earth Farm! - David Evershed  David and some of his goat friends!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi there! My name is Anna and I am a new apprentice at Live Earth Farm. I just started in October, but I already feel very much at home. It has been great working with the team and falling into the rhythm of the farm life: putting the beds to rest, taking care of the animals, nurturing brand new chickees, seeding for the spring, and preserving the food all in our spare time. I most recently completed an AmeriCorps position as a garden educator at Full Circle Farm in Sunnyvale. In fact, most of my background is in agricultural education. But I reached a point where I wanted to be in the fields working and feeling the earth more than just teaching. So here I am. And I couldn't be more excited for everything to come! My boyfriend, Jeff, and I are co-creating the new Young Farmer Program at Live Earth Farm in which we will be managing a small CSA for local offices. This is a great way for us to learn the whole process of running and maintaining a small-scale farm operation while also expanding the bounty of Live Earth Farm. You can check out our program on-line at www.liveearthfarm.net/youngfarmers. I look forward to seeing some of you on the farm! Until then, have a great winter. - Anna Vinitsky  photo credit: Leander Hopf
(if you're wondering what Anna and Jeff are up to, they're enjoying PBJ thumbprint cookies at last summer's LEFDP fundraiser)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh what a year it's been at Live Earth Farm! From goat kids to baby chicks, and lambs to new doggy tricks, Live Earth has provided a wonderful learning opportunity for me this year. I have enjoyed farming this season and am very excited to rest a little and prepare for the new season to come. I am staying on through the winter to help create the Young Farmer Program with Tom. My girlfriend Anna and I will be growing food for local offices to expand Live Earth's markets, and give us an opportunity to have more independence and decision making so we will have the experience to operate our own farm. This is a great opportunity and I am very excited about it. Thanks Tom! And thanks to all the Live Earth Farm supporters out there. If anyone works in a business office or knows someone that is interested in receiving shares at their office, our web page www.liveearthfarm.net/youngfarmers will be up soon (we are still putting it together) or you can email youngfarmers@baymoon.com and we'll give you more details. There is a five-person minimum per office to establish a delivery there. See you around the farm. - Jeff Boesch Click on this picture to see a great short youtube video Jeff shot of letting the chickens out onto pasture in the morning. Talk about eager!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Everyone! Wow, the end of another season is here. Indeed, there is much to be thankful for at Live Earth Farm. As we slip out of another season and into the shorter, colder winter months here on the farm, I hope to share with you all a few strong memories and learning experiences that have taken place this season. Some of the most memorable, as well as amusing moments on the farm include our animals. For us interns, every day starts with chores. The four of us have established a smooth rotation in which every person is responsible for the care of an animal group each week - either chickens, goats, sheep or baby chicks. Now, it's a running joke here between the apprentices that 2010 proved to be the year in which the farm got it's proper nickname - "Live Birth Farm". The package of Premier fencing delivered in the spring addressed to "Live Birth Farm" proved to be a serendipitous foreshadowing to all the changes and new life forms that have flourished on the farm this past season. Live Earth has always had animals, but this year there seemed to be a particularly abundant explosion of new life frolicking on the land. With that influx of new life came many new challenges and creative thinking opportunities for us all to integrate such new life onto the farm. Just to get an idea, this year we raised 200 laying hens, welcomed 8 new sheep and 11 baby lambs into our apricot orchard, integrated 18 goat kids among our existing herd of 10 mothers, raised Chella the infamous protector of the farm - and just recently we began brooding another flock of 200 laying hens. Whether we're moving chicken fencing, milking goats, tail docking lambs, washing eggs or hurdling ourselves over electric fences to evade "Rambo's" (our enormously ugly ram) charges in the sheep pen - our animals definitely keep us on our toes. However in this year's whirlwind of animal care has also come an enormous respect for the purpose of these animals among our larger organic food operation. You all know just as well as I do that Live Earth specializes in the growth of over 50 different kinds of organic fruits and vegetables. What you might not know is what an integral role the animals play in improving the health of the soil and integrity of the land on which we grow food. Our animals act like tractors mowing down grass on our fields and lightly till our land in search of food - eating nasty bugs, snail pests, and taking down evil weeds. Yet most importantly they are constantly providing the most nutrient-rich natural fertilizers (for free) all day long on our land. After working with these animals (which at this point are just an extension of our happy farm-family) all season long, I want to thank them for not only all the incredible products they provide for us - including meat, eggs, milk and wool - but to mostly thank them for the ways in which they help our land too. Plus, they never cease to amuse me on a bad day. I welcome you all to come check out our dynamic collection of animals here at Live Earth. Thanks for an incredible season and I'll see you all next year! - Taylor Brady  Taylor as "The Veggie Oracle" at the 2009 Summer Solstice Celebration
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And lastly... a shot of the whole crew, left to right: Scoobie, Taylor, David, Cella, Max, Anna and Jeff! |
Support Discovery Program through GoodShop.com
Hello Members! Jessica here. Thank you to all who have been participating in our Summer Art on the Farm Camp Survey (if you haven't yet, we're running it one more week - please see below). The Discovery Program is having a great year, expanding both our programs and our fund-raising capacity. Please read the following for one more way you can contribute to reaching our fund-raising goals.
Please make every gift count this holiday season. More than 1,600 top stores including Amazon, Toys R Us, Best Buy, Apple, Gap and more will donate a percentage of virtually every sale to the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program.
Just go to GoodShop.com, designate us as the cause you support and then click over to your favorite store. You pay nothing extra - and you can even save money as GoodShop lists thousands of money-saving coupons and free shipping offers.
Or, add our toolbar to your browser at http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar - and your purchases will count even if you forget to go to GoodShop first! There's no easier way to support us this holiday season! Please spread the word.
thanks! Jessica
Art on the Farm Day Camp 2010
Summer Camp on the Farm: survey
[last repeat; please participate in survey if you can!]
Hello Esteemed LEF CSA Community, We are working to plan next summer's summer camp season and we need your input. Please answer a few simple questions so that we can do our best to tailor our summer camp schedule to your (our CSA community's) needs. Of course, we will not be able to accommodate every single person, but if you get back to me we will do our very best. Participating in this survey does not obligate you to attend camp. Thank you! - Jessica
How to participate in this survey: Simply e-mail Jessica at LEFeducation@baymoon.com with the answers to the following questions:
1) Here are a few weeks we are thinking of offering camp. Which works best for your family? (Please choose two) June 13-17 June 20-24 July 5-8 (a 4 day week) July 11-15 July 18-22 August 8-12
2) We want to have camps for groups of ages, for example 4-6 year olds, 6-8 year olds, 8-11 year olds. What are the ages of your kids? (Please list)
3) Would you consider sending your different aged kids on different weeks?
4) Questions, Comments Concerns...
Notes from Debbie's Kitchen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What a great bunch of stories from our Apprentices - I hope you all take the time to read them. Wow, here we are at the end of yet another season... Thanksgiving is barely a week away (weren't we just scarfing down summer-ripened raspberries and strawberries a few short weeks ago?). As always, it has been a pleasure producing the newsletter and coming up with recipes to inspire you to cook with what you have. I hope everyone has a most wonderful Thanksgiving, and and that you take the time to spend it with family and friends around a delicious meal prepared with love. I'll be talking to you all again in two weeks... for the first newsletter of the Winter Season! - Debbie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'd like to start off with an unusual recipe for avocados, sent to me by member Mary Hall. Sounds delicious! [Alas I can't eat them myself :-( but hey, I have a vivid imagination and I can practically taste it just by reading the recipe!]
Avocado Pound Cakefrom a food blog called " Joy the Baker" makes two 9 x 4 x 3 loaves 3 C all-purpose flour 1/2 C yellow corn meal 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 3/4 C unsalted butter, softened 3 C sugar 4 large eggs 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract 3/4 C buttermilk flesh of 1 1/2 ripe avocados - just over a cup to a cup and a half, mashed Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour two loaf pans and set aside.
In a medium sized bowl, sift together flour, cornmeal, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside. Set the four eggs out on the counter to come to room temperature while you beat the butter and sugar.
In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat butter on medium speed until softened and pliable. Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes. Add the avocado and beat another minute to incorporate. Scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure that everything is thoroughly mixed.
Add the eggs one at a time, beating 1 minute after the addition of each egg. Beat in vanilla extract.
Reduce the mixer speed to low and add half of the flour mixture, all of the buttermilk, and then the rest of the flour mixture. Beat just until combined.
Divide the dough between the two loaf pans and place in the oven. Turn the oven down to 325 degrees F. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center of the cakes comes out clean. I checked my cakes every ten minutes or so after the 30 minute mark. Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then invert onto a cooling rack to cool completely. Sez Joy the Baker, "Can you taste the avocado after the cake is baked? Heck yes you can! It's subtle but distinct with a nice sweetness and a hint of crunch from cornmeal. I love this pound cake. It's a home run." Friend of the farm Kristina Pappas sent me this recipe for Swiss Chard, saying it was so good she practically ate the whole thing herself!Swiss Chard Gratinfrom Gourmet Magazine, Oct 2000 5 tbsp. unsalted butter 1 C fresh white bread crumbs 3 oz. Gruyre cheese, grated (1 cup) 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1 tbsp. finely chopped mixed fresh herbs (preferably chives, tarragon, and flat-leaf parsley) [Kristina used all fresh dill -- because that's what she got in her CSA box from Eatwell Farm -- and said it was absolutely delicious!] 1/8 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg 1 C chicken broth 1/2 C heavy cream [or half-and-half, sez Kristina] 1 tbsp. all-purpose flour 1 medium onion, finely chopped 3 lbs. Swiss chard, leaves and stems separated and both cut into 1-inch pieces 1 lb. spinach, coarse stems discarded, leaves coarsely chopped [you could probably use all Swiss chard too, without too much trouble] Melt 2 tbsp. butter and toss with bread crumbs, cheese, garlic, herbs, half of nutmeg, and salt and pepper to taste in a bowl. Boil broth in a small saucepan until reduced by half. Add cream and keep warm. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in a small heavy saucepan over moderate heat and stir in flour. Cook roux, whisking, 1 minute, then whisk in broth mixture and boil, whisking, 1 minute. Season sauce with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 400F. Cook onion in remaining 2 tbsp. butter in a wide 8-quart heavy pot over moderately low heat, stirring, until softened. Add chard stems, remaining nutmeg, and salt and pepper to taste and cook, stirring, until vegetables are tender but not browned, about 8 minutes. Increase heat to moderately high and add chard leaves and spinach by large handfuls, stirring, until all greens are wilted. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer vegetables to a colander to drain well and press out liquid with back of a large spoon. Toss vegetables with cream sauce and transfer to a buttered 12-inch oval gratin or 2-quart shallow baking dish, spreading evenly. Top vegetables with bread crumbs and bake in middle of oven until bubbling and topping is golden, about 20 minutes. Cooks' notes: 1. Gratin may be prepared, without baking, 4 hours ahead and chilled, covered. Bring to room temperature before baking. 2. Be sure to drain as much liquid as possible from vegetables so gratin isn't wet. Kristina also said she loved last week's Cabbage Soup with Apple and Thyme recipe -- she says she substituted leeks for the onion, used bacon drippings instead of stock, and then topped it with some crumbled bacon. See how easy it is to play with recipes and still make something good? I will never stop encouraging people to do this.Speaking of cabbage and of bacon, this next recipe is an absolutely wonderfully delicious way to use your red cabbage. I made this last week and it was just unbelievably good. Found it in my old 1978 "Joy of Cooking"... it wasn't in the index (error of omission); I just happened to be browsing the cabbage section and found it! It is simply called "Red Cabbage"... so undescriptive; I have renamed it. In the cookbook it says, "An old favorite to serve with game." So I hereby declare it a perfect side dish to that Thanksgiving 'game bird' turkey!Braised Red Cabbage with Apple, Caraway and Baconfrom the original 'Joy of Cooking', modified slightly serves 4 1 head red cabbage, cored, quartered and shredded 4 slices bacon, chopped 3 to 4 tbsp. finely chopped onion 2 apples, cored, quartered and thinly sliced 1/8 tsp. caraway seed 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 C red wine vinegar Cook chopped bacon over low heat until fat is rendered out, then add onion and saute until golden. Place shredded cabbage in an enameled cast-iron casserole; sprinkle with a little water [maybe 2 tbsp] cover, and simmer gently for 10 minutes to soften. Add the apples, caraway seeds, salt, vinegar, plus the onion and bacon, including the fat. Stir to mix ingredients, then cover again and simmer very slowly for about 1 hour. Add boiling water during cooking if necessary [it wasn't when I did it]. If liquid is left when the cabbage is done, uncover the pot and cook gently until it is absorbed. Here's an uber-quickie for using the pak choi as a very simple 'cooked greens' side dish. I made this tonight for dinner actually, along with Taylor's Baked Sweet Dumpling Squash with Butter and Rosemary and a lamb chop. Yum!Barely Steamed Pak Choi with lemon-soy-olive oil dressingIt is just like the title says... I just chopped some pak choi into big chunks (if you had baby bok choi I'd leave 'em whole) and steamed them a scant 2 minutes, until the greens are just barely wilted. They are so delicate, they will continue to cook a tad more in their own residual heat. Meanwhile in a separate small cup, whisk together with a fork a little lemon juice, soy sauce and a flavorful olive oil (I made one serving, so probably used half a tsp. or each, at most). Toss the just-steamed choi with the dressing, then plate it. That's it! Pictures are before-and-after of the baked sweet dumplings as well as the choi; they're not fancy photos; the food on the plate was not staged - I sat down and ate it shortly after snapping the photo! Before I forget, this is a favorite of mine; one I love to make for Thanksgiving. It is a recipe my friend and fellow CSA member Mark Stevens introduced me to back in 2003, and I really love it and have made it several times since then.Roasted Butternut Squash with Brown Butter and Sagesource unknown Serves 6 (but again, can be easily made in more or less quantity to suit) 3 lbs. butternut squash (about 2 small) 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, chopped (both Mark and I use lots more garlic!) Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp. unsalted butter 12 to 16 fresh sage leaves Heat oven to 475 degrees F. Peel squash and scoop out seeds. Cut flesh into strips about as wide as a finger, then toss w/oil, garlic, salt and pepper, and spread on a baking sheet. Roast, turning once, until squash is tender and well browned, about 30 minutes. Melt the butter over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until it begins to brown. When the butter is walnut-colored, pour into a bowl with the sage leaves. Pour over the squash, toss and serve. Note from Debbie: I like to crisp the sage leaves in the butter. If you add them at the beginning while you are browning it, they will get crispy and crunchy and fragrant. Try it either way! Lastly, in case we get Brussels sprouts as our "mystery veggie" this week, here is the kind of thing you won't see touted as a 'recipe' in any fancy food blog, but I guarantee you, it is good. It's something I wrote for the Winter newsletter, back in 2008, but still rings true. There are plenty of other interesting recipes in the database for Brussels sprouts, but really, everyone should try this at least once:Brussels, plain.I know this may seem like a no-brainer, but have you ever thought of not trying to do a fancy recipe and just cooking them and eating them plain? I did, and in doing so, proved to myself yet again that flavor is all about the quality and freshness of the ingredients! I just trimmed the bottoms off the sprouts, peeled off any outer unsightly leaves, cut them in half, and steamed them for just barely 5 minutes. Put them on a plate and sprinkled with a little salt - that's it! Folks it just doesn't get better than this: nutty, sprouty, a hint of sweetness... so good!! Anyone who thinks they don't like Brussels sprouts has to have had overcooked or old sprouts. There is no comparison. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! |
Visit our website's calendar page for more details, including photos and videos of past events. This is a great way to get the flavor of what it is like visiting the farm!
Live Earth Farm Discovery Program for WEE ONES 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10:30am - Noon [year-round] (free for children 0 - 3 yrs; $10 - $15 per adult)
Mothers, fathers, grandparents, caretakers of any kind... bring the babe in your arms to experience the diversity of our beautiful organic farm here in Watsonville. We will use our five senses to get to know the natural world around us. The farm is home to over 50 different fruits and vegetables, chicks, chickens, goats, piglets, and the many wild members of the Pajaro watershed.
For more information, contact Jessica at the LEFDP office: (831) 728-2032 or email her at lefeducation@baymoon.com.
 Happy Girl Kitchen Workshops at LEF (all workshops are from 10am to 3pm and include an organic lunch, as well as take-home items from what is made that day!)
No more workshops this year, but visit their website for the most current info! http://www.happygirlkitchen.com
Community Farm Days and Events All done for 2011. We'll update you as soon as we have a new schedule for 2011!
Medicinal Herb Walks/classes on the farm Hidden in amongst the veges, lurking below the fruit trees, at home in the oak woodlands, and planted in the hedgerows, Live Earth Farm is chock-full of medicinal plants. With literally hundreds of plants useful for treating common maladies and maintaining vital health, Live Earth Farm is an incredible place to go for an herbal adventure. Consider joining herbalist Darren Huckle L.Ac for a monthly series of fun, informative, herb walks and classes in spring 2011 where you will learn how to identify, taste and safely and effectively use medicinal plants common in Northern California.
For more info, contact Darren Huckle at rootsofwellness@gmail.com or 831.334.5177