What's in the box this week
Content differences between Family and Small
Shares are in red; items
with a "+" in
Family Shares are more in quantity than in Small; anticipated quantities, if
any, are in parentheses, as is the source of any produce not from Live Earth
Farm (LEF). Occasionally content will differ
from this list (typically we will make a substitution), but we do our best to
give you an accurate projection.
[go to recipe database]
Family Share Carrots (topped and bagged) Collard greens "Kermit" Eggplant <--- see Debbie's recipes Eggplant + Green beans Lettuce, redleaf and green Mei qing choi Mizuna
Hot peppers (Padron and Serrano) <---
bag to be marked with purple tape!
Sweet peppers + Radishes Red onions Spinach + Summer squash + Cherry tomatoes Dry-farmed tomatoes + Strawberries
Small Share Carrots Collard greens Eggplant Lettuce, redleaf or green Mei qing choi Mizuna
Hot peppers (Padron and Serrano) <--- bag to be marked with purple tape!
Sweet peppers Radishes Red onions Spinach Summer squash Cherry tomatoes Dry-farmed tomatoes One heirloom tomato <--- will be packed outside the box, like strawberries, and listed with the fruit on the checklist
Extra Fruit Option Strawberries, raspberries, and cherry tomatoes... no more watermelon until next week! (See blurb, below.) But remember, always go by quantities on checklist; things can change!
Fruit "Bounty" Option Strawberries, raspberries and cherry tomatoes (not necessarily in the same quantities as Extra Fruit) So remember, always go by quantities on checklist; things can change!
Bread This week's bread will be sesame whole wheat
Summer: a Season for "Love Apples"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the farm were a museum, tomatoes would be the featured
exhibit, capturing the essence of summer. As with all of nature's artworks, to fully
experience them one has to use all of one's senses. Holding and smelling a
freshly picked Striped German heirloom tomato, feeling the smooth delicate
skin, studying the brilliant colors and patterns, and savoring the distinct
flavors in a bite of a lightly salted slice is the only way to experience these
sublime masterpieces.
To bite into a sun-warmed, vine-ripened, dry-farmed tomato,
may appear as just a simple pleasure, however this juice-gushing taste experience
is the culmination of a complex and almost artistic dance between farmer and
nature. If there were to be awards for such a performance it is for those who
aim to grow for best flavor instead of size and yield. Growing dry-farmed tomatoes is one such
passionate pursuit for taste. Dry-farming tomatoes is a technique perfected a
couple of decades ago by Molino Creek, a farming cooperative, situated in the
coastal hills above Davenport. We
are fortunate to enjoy very similar microclimatic conditions on our farm as
those at Molino Creek. Dry farming
techniques involve proper spacing, soil moisture control with timely cultivation
practices, soil rotation and a number of different fertility practices applied
to the soil and directly to the plant. Under optimum conditions the plants,
although stressed from a lack of water, will stay healthy enough to yield, in
my opinion, the best tasting red tomatoes the land in this part of the world
has to offer.  Maybe, as some suggest, it wasn't the innocent apple that
seduced Adam but instead a juicy, drippy, red tomato that caused the human
couple to be kicked out of paradise. The seductive tomato was banned to the farthest
stretches of the earth, away from the cradle of humanity, somewhere into the
deep and impenetrable jungles of Central and South America. Only with the European discovery of
America in the 1500's did the tomato make its way back to Europe, Africa and
the Middle East. Once back in Europe, the suspicious Church Fathers immediately
"tasted" trouble, condemned the tomato as a scandalous and sinful indulgence,
and immediately banned it. On the other hand, the French admired its sensuous
appearance and were enticed by it, believing that the red fruit had aphrodisiac
powers, and called it "pomme d'amour" or love apple. Not until the 1800s did
the tomato finally gain broad culinary acceptance in Europe. Today, we probably
couldn't imagine anything more scandalous than not having tomatoes as part of
our diet. As much as we like to eat and cook with local foods, this is one crop
many of us would like to have year round. While with globalized trade we have
no problem finding them in supermarkets anytime of year, it is only now and for
the next couple of months that we can indulge in it's true flavor.
- Tom
Community Farm Day THIS Saturday, August 29th
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This may come as a late notice to some, but I am still
hoping you can make it to the Farm this Saturday, the 29th of August. The intention of this Saturday's
Community Farm Day is to harvest and enjoy two kinds of "apples" side-by-side.
We'll harvest both tomatoes (aka "Love Apples"), and kickoff
the beginning of the 2009 Apple season by starting the harvest of the first
crop of Galas. As usual, we'll begin gathering at 9 am by the hay bale
structure near the goat corral. Once everyone is assembled, we will take a
short tractor ride with baskets and harvest bags to the apple orchard and
tomato fields. Returning with our harvest, we will press apples into apple
juice and slice "Love Apples" onto pizza dough for later baking in the cob oven.
Meanwhile, for those of you who are interested in
alternative building techniques, at 10am our friend Claudine, who is a teacher
and expert in the use of cob, will help in the repair and continued
construction of our new cob oven. The oven, which was built last year, has
developed some serious cracks and we hope to repair them with Claudine's expert
help, so that it will last for many more years.
Please plan to bring your own food and drinks for lunch,
since we don't want to rely on the timing and supply of food we have harvested
and prepare during the day as 'lunch'.
Also, remember: I have requested no overnight campers Friday
the 28th, as I will just be getting back into town from travels with
my family. Thank you for your understanding.
If you plan on attending Saturday, please RSVP to me directly so I can get a sense of headcount for number of people attending. My email is thomas@baymoon.com.
- Tom
Watermelon update
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, so we had a few hiccups in last week's watermelon delivery; we were able to fit more on the truck on Wednesday than we thought, so almost all the Wednesday "Extra Fruit" folks got them. As a result, on Wednesday morning when I was preparing Thursday's reports, Tom assured me we could easily accommodate watermelons for all the Thursday "Extra Fruit" folks in the trucks. So I went ahead and plugged them into the delivery list accordingly, so as to save our drivers the time and trouble of having to hand write "1 watermelon" next to the name of each person who got one. (That's what we'd resorted to on Wednesday, because I need to prepare the reports the day before delivery, but we didn't know until the morning of - when the truck was being packed - how many would fit... and consequently which locations would get them). So now comes Thursday morning, and it turns out that although we had the room... we didn't have enough ripe watermelons! So scrambling was done and our drivers had to scratch out "1 watermelon" on lists for locations which weren't getting them. At one location (South San Jose - Larchmont) our driver didn't cross out the words, however, so I got many emails from people wondering where their melons were ;-) Fast forward to this week: Tom and Juan have determined the rest of the watermelons need a little more time on the vine to ripen to maximum juiciness (a couple members reported getting under-ripe melons; it's the first time we've grown them, so as you can see, there have been a few blips on the learning curve!), so we won't be delivering any this week; but next week we should be able to give all the remaining pickup locations their melons. So the following (now remember, this is for 'Extra Fruit' shares only) locations should get their watermelons next week: Wednesday: Scotts Valley - Skypark East Los Gatos Thursday: Cupertino Mtn. View Menlo Park Palo Alto (both locations) Sunnyvale Downtown San Jose South San Jose (both locations) Morgan Hill Gilroy
- Debbie
further info on the Williamson Act
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debbie here. Last week I used an expression 'Governor Schwarzenegger "terminates" Williamson Act' ~ but in reality he did not eliminate the legislation itself, just the reimbursal to counties. Alert member L. Peter Deutsch wrote me with this nice clear explanation, so I got his permission to share it with everyone. I also hope to get Tom to weigh in on this issue from the farmer's perspective as well... maybe next week? Here is Peter's part: "Actually, that [ Governor terminates Williamson Act] is not quite what happened. The Governor can't terminate the Williamson
Act (or any law) on his own, and the Act itself has not been terminated or even
"As you said, the Williamson Act is a state law, but
is actually implemented by the counties.
The counties contract with the landowners, and the state then gives the
counties some of the money to make good on those contracts. The role of the state $$ varies
enormously from county to county: some counties rely heavily on it, while
others have been foresighted enough to realize that the state is not a reliable
source of funding, and include as much of the contractual payments as possible
in their own budgets.
"What happened is that the Governor line-vetoed the budget
item for paying the reimbursements to the counties. The more counties have been handling the payments in their
own budgets, the less they are affected.
But there is still a big danger in that the counties, too, are strapped
for cash, and while they are required to make payments on existing contracts,
they may feel they can't afford to renew contracts or to enter into new ones.
"So the bottom line is exactly what you wrote:
both the Governor and the counties need to hear from us on this, especially
counties like Santa Clara and Santa Cruz, which have been under development pressure." - L. Peter Deutsch
Notes from Debbie's Kitchen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click here to go to recipe database.
Boy I can sure tell it's summer -- this week's shares are quite bountiful... practically bursting at the sides!
Anyway, let's see now, I've talked to you about playing with your
recipes (Week 18) and using recipes as a tool to make up your own (Week 20), so
this week I have a new lesson...
Adding things to recipes
I talked about this somewhat broadly in 'Playing with your recipes'
but want to re-emphasize it. Because when you get your food through a CSA, you
don't always have the luxury of having all the ingredients for a particular
recipe. Not only that, but people are always looking for ways to better use up
their veggies each week. It's this second aspect I'm trying to help people with
here, in my continuing desire to reestablish 'everyday cooking' in people's
I think it doesn't always occur to people that they can do this - stick
something in a recipe that wasn't there before - but really, it's a great way
to go. So many times I get emails from members who have done this and
discovered a whole new dish! The more often you do it, the more you get the
hang of it, then suddenly you have a new 'favorite' recipe!
Just a few weeks ago I 'added' radishes to the 'cucumber steak' recipe, and
potatoes to the 'green beans and pecans' recipe. I often add greens - either
leafy greens or even green beans - to pasta before topping with sauce. And
you know how much I love working vegetables into breakfast! Think about it. We
have recipes for putting beets into chocolate cakes and brownies, and
'sneaking' greens into stews, so really you are only limited by your
imagination. This technique really comes in handy when faced with something new
like the 'Kermit' eggplant; if you can't find recipes that specifically call
for them, you can just put them into other recipes! Don't be shy...
about Kermit Eggplant
These are small, round, striped
green-and-white eggplants, sometimes called Thai eggplant (and we mean small:
somewhere between a tennis ball and a golf ball... closer to golf ball!). They
are often used in Thai curries, but I'm guessing few of us are skilled at
making Thai curry, so I wanted to come up with some other ways to use them. I
did find some recipes for Thai curries but they had lots of exotic ingredients
and looked time consuming (though, as a friend pointed out, you could use
curry-paste from a jar). If you have the time, go for it, however I firmly
believe that they can be used lots of other ways too.
If you have a favorite coconut-milk-type curry you like to make (Indian, Asian,
with or without meat), by all means cut some Kermits into wedges and include
them for the last 5 or so minutes of cooking. Like most eggplant, the flesh
gets creamy in texture when cooked.
They would also be excellent roasted, such as in Mark and Mary's (Excellent!) Paprika Roasted Veggies.
I read in a few places that they can be eaten raw, so boned up my courage and
tried this. Didn't eat it like an apple; I cut off a small wedge and chewed
it... it tasted not bad, kinda similar to a raw green bean, actually.
Interesting, but nothing to write home about, so I probably won't be eating
them this way on a regular basis. But if you're curious, taste it yourself and
One important thing I did read is that the longer they're stored, the more
chance of them tasting bitter, so try to use them sooner rather than later so as
not to have an unfavorable experience! [I.e. no blaming 'bitter' on the Kermits
if you waited a week or more before to trying them!]
Sauteed Kermits with garlic, tomato and black pepper
Eggplant, in my experience, loves olive
oil, so this was what I tried first.
Kermit eggplants
olive oil
lots of freshly ground black pepper
optional slivered fresh basil leaves
Slice off top and bottom of Kermits; cut into quarters or sixths. Cut a few
small tomatoes into wedges, then halve the wedges. Heat a few blorps of olive
oil (don't be skimpy) in a skillet (I love cast-iron) fairly hot, and hot-saute
the eggplant, tossing and turning to get them browned on all sides. Add garlic
and sizzle 30 seconds or so, then toss in tomatoes and saute a bit more, just
til the tomatoes start to cook. Sprinkle with salt to taste, and add a generous
grinding of black pepper. Scatter with optional slivered fresh basil leaves.
Eat warm or room temperature.
Steamed Kermits with simple Thai-inspired sauce
The quantities I give here are just so you
have a proportional relationship.
4 to 6 Kermit eggplants
Optional bit of tomato or red pepper, for color
~ 1/2 tsp. fish sauce
~ 1 tsp. fresh lime juice
1 small garlic clove, peeled and put through a garlic press
1-2 tsps. or so minced cilantro
~ 1/4 tsp. sugar
~ 1 tsp. sesame oil
Hot chili of some sort, to taste (I used a few shakes of 'hot lime' sauce; you
could try tabasco, or chili oil, or finely minced hot chilies of some sort -
like the serranos we're getting this week maybe?)
Slice off top and bottom of Kermits; cut into wedges. Steam for 5 minutes, or
until translucent and soft. (If using red pepper, cut small slices of
compatible size to the Kermit wedges and steam along with.) Meanwhile combine
rest of sauce ingredients. When eggplant is done, toss with sauce (and if
you're using tomato instead of pepper, seed a small one and cut it into small
pieces and toss with everything at the end. Don't steam the tomato.) I ate this warm and it was good, but I
think it would be good cold as an appetizer too.
Kermit Eggplant Quesadillas
for 2 quesadillas
4 Kermit eggplants
1 tbsp. flour
salt and finely ground pepper
olive oil and butter
grated cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese you like to make quesadillas with)
diced seeded tomato
2 flour tortillas
Slice top and bottom off Kermits, then cut each into four slices. Mix flour,
salt and pepper in a bowl and dip slices to coat. (Alternatively you can put
everything in a small plastic or paper bag and 'shake' to coat.) Heat some
olive oil in a skillet and fry slices over medium heat about 2-3 minutes per
side, until lightly browned both sides. Transfer to a plate.
Now just make your quesadillas, slipping slices of cooked Kermit eggplant in
before flipping over. For the un-quesadilla-initiated: put a dab of butter in a
skillet over medium heat; lay in a tortilla and swirl a bit to make sure it is
coated lightly with the fat. Add grated cheese, and when it starts to melt, lay
eggplant slices, diced tomato and cilantro on one half and fold over. Flip
quesadilla in pan once or twice to be sure it's nicely browned on both sides,
then cut into wedges and serve with your favorite salsa.
Lastly on the subject of Kermit eggplants, here's a recipe out of a cookbook called "The Greenmarket Cookbook" (a
cookbook about the famous urban farmers market in Union Square, New York City)
Marinated Kermit Eggplants with Japanese Flavors
by Ilene Rosen
makes 4 servings as a side dish
"A balanced, sweet and pungent dish," says chef Rosen.
For the Japanese Vinaigrette:
1/4 C Japanese rice vinegar
1/4 C mirin (sweet rice wine)
1/4 C vegetable oil
3 tbsp. soy sauce
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp. sake, optional
In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredients.
For the Eggplant:
4 kermit eggplants, stems on
Cut an X in the bottom of each eggplant, extending up to the stem cap, cutting
through the flesh to almost quarter the eggplant, but leaving it attached at
the stem. Add the eggplants to the vinaigrette and marinate about 20 minutes,
tossing several times.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the eggplants on a baking sheet with
sides, reserving the marinade. Roast the eggplants until soft, 30 to 40
minutes. Toss with the reserved marinade and then drain. Serve warm or at room
We're getting the hot Padron peppers again
(as well as some serranos), so when member Sindy Ho wrote wanting to know if
Jennifer Gonzales had a muffin recipe to use with her suggestion of putting the
Padrons into muffins (see "Fun
with peppers", week 20), I asked Jennifer, and she gave me this recipe to
share. (Please remember, Padrons can
be very hot ~ : if you're arriving here for the first time, I suggest you read
about Padrons in Week 19 newsletter before proceeding.)
Jennifer Gonzales' Cornbread Muffins with hot peppers
(makes 1 dozen)
1/2 C butter or margarine
2/3 C sugar - or a little less is fine
2 medium eggs (beaten)
1 C buttermilk (Jennifer uses lowfat milk with 1 tablespoon white vinegar) [I
often substitute kefir or yogurt when I don't have buttermilk, but prefer whole fat dairy (why?) myself]
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 C yellow cornmeal
1 C whole grain wheat flour
Chopped peppers (seeds and membrane removed) chop into about 1/4 inch pieces -
my family likes lots of the peppers
Fresh or frozen corn kernels - about 1 cup
Melt the butter/margarine in a large pan. you will use this same pan to prepare
the batter. Remove the pan from
the heat, stir in the sugar, the beaten eggs, and the buttermilk. Stir in the cornmeal, the flour, and
the baking soda. Add the chopped peppers and the corn kernels.
Bake in muffin pan with paper liners, or in a greased 8x8 in. pan at 375
degrees for about 20 minutes for the muffins.
These are good with marmalade.
Jennifer Gonzales
Farrell's Green Beans in Garlic Mustard Dressing
(long time member Farrell Podgorsek sent
this in)
Blanch green beans in boiling water and transfer to an ice bath to cool. In a
large bowl make a vinaigrette with lemon juice, olive oil, mustard (I used
whole grain), salt and pepper. Set
a small amount of the dressing aside to dress the greens. Shake the excess
water off the beans [I'd even blot them dry in a cotton towel myself; I hate
watery dressing!] and transfer them to the bowl. Grate a large garlic clove
over the beans and add some minced onion - any color. Toss to blend and let sit
for a while to blend the flavors.
Meanwhile, toss any combination of mixed greens with the dressing. We used
lettuce and some arugula. Then serve the dressed beans on the dressed greens.
[Or you could just have the dressed green beans by themselves.]
**Money saving tip - use the almost empty mustard bottle to make your dressing
in. Simply add the other ingredients to the bottle, replace cap and shake.
You'll get all the bits of mustard that are stuck to the sides!**
Since we're getting serranos this week, now's
a great time to make fresh salsa! The only things not in the box you'll need
are limes (or lemons, in a pinch), and cilantro.
Salsa Fresca, revisited
(from week 14, 2000 newsletter, with new
fresh ripe tomatoes, diced [can use heirloom, dry-farmed... even the sungold
cherry tomatoes if you like!]
sweet onion, chopped
fresh cilantro, chopped or minced
chilies of some kind [finely mince your serrano]
fresh squeezed lime juice [I'll often use lemon if I don't have lime]
salt to taste
Once upon a time I used a food processor to make this, but that time has
passed; I find the salsa's consistency is really best if the ingredients are
chopped by hand. The tomatoes can be of any type as long as they are ripe and flavorful. As far as the onion
goes, sweet white onion is the best, but yellow or red will work as well.
Combine all ingredients, taste for any adjustments needed (more lime juice?
more chilies? more salt?) and serve promptly. It's very best when served fresh,
though some folks like to let it sit a little while for the flavors to mingle.
Lastly, here are two recipes from Fields of Greens, a great cookbook by
Annie Somerville of Greens Restaurant, in San Francisco:
Spinach and Roasted Pepper Frittata
serves eight to ten
"Roasted peppers add a lively twist to this savory Greek frittata. A hint of
fresh rosemary permeates the eggs and wilted spinach, while the tangy feta
cheese picks up all the flavors. Take it on a picnic or serve for a light
supper with a salad of vine-ripened tomatoes tossed with fruity olive oil, red
wine vinegar, Kalamata olives, and chopped garden mint."
1 1/2 tbsp. light olive oil
2 bunches spinach, stems removed and leaves washed, about 16 cups packed
Salt and pepper
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 yellow or red bell pepper, roasted, peeled and diced [use any of the farm's
sweet peppers, and since they tend to be small, I'd use 2 or 3. Click here if you don't know how to roast and peel
2 scallions, both white and green parts, thinly sliced on a diagonal [alternatively,
use very thinly sliced onion]
1 oz. Parmesan cheese, grated, about 1/3 C
3 oz. feta cheese, crumbled, about 3/4 C
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh rosemary
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
8 eggs, beaten
3 tbsp. Reduced Balsamic Vinegar (optional) [see below]
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Heat 1/2 tbsp. of the oil in a large skillet. Wilt the spinach over high heat
with 1/4 tsp. salt, a few pinches of pepper, and the garlic. Drain and cool the
spinach. Squeeze out the excess moisture a handful at a time and coarsely chop.
Place the spinach in a bowl with the peppers, scallions, Parmesan, feta,
rosemary and lemon juice. Stir the eggs into the mixture and add 1/4 tsp. salt
and a few pinches of pepper.
In a 9-inch saute pan with an ovenproof handle, heat the remaining tablespoon
of oil to just below the smoking point. Swirl the oil around the sides of the
pan to coat it, turn the heat down to low, then immediately pour the frittata
mixture into the pan. The pan should be hot enough so that the eggs sizzle when
they touch the oil. Cook the frittata over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes, until
the sides begin to set; transfer to the oven and bake, uncovered, for 20 to 25
minutes, until the frittata is golden and firm.
Loosen the frittata gently with a rubber spatula; the bottom will tend to stick
to the pan. Place a plate over the pan, flip it over, and turn the frittata
out. Brush with the vinegar if you like. Serve warm or cool to room
temperature. Cut into wedges and serve.
The frittata can also be cooked entirely in the oven. Pour into a lightly oiled
baking dish and bake for about 25 minutes, until the eggs are golden and set.
Reduced Balsamic Vinegar
"This has to be the simplest, most versatile sauce we [Annie/Greens
Restaurant] make. Balsamic vinegar - the ordinary kind, not the expensive aged
vinegar, which is already reduced - is reduced to a thin syrup and brushed over
warm frittatas, roasted onions and shallots, and grilled vegetables. The warm,
soft flesh of eggplant, mushrooms, and summer squash really soaks up the sweet,
tart flavor. The reduced vinegar will hold indefinitely, so make as little or
as much as you like."
In a small sauce pan over high heat, reduce the vinegar to half its original
volume. (For a more intensely flavored reduction, bring the volume down to
one-third.) Be careful that all of the vinegar doesn't boil away as you reduce
it. Cool and store in a sealed jar along with your other vinegars or
Raspberry-Almond Bread
makes 1 loaf
"The sweet tartness of raspberries and crunchy bites of toasted almonds
highlight this tender bread, which should be sliced warm from the oven. This
bread is gorgeous streaked with the beautiful deep red of the raspberries."
3/4 C whole almonds, unskinned, toasted
2 C fresh raspberries, about a 1-pint basket
1/4 lb. unsalted butter, softened
3/4 C sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 3/4 C unbleached white flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon, preferably fresh ground
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 C milk
1/2 C creme fraiche or sour cream
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9- by 5-inch loaf pan. Chop the almonds
into small pieces. Sort through the raspberries, but do not rinse them under
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, 1 at
a time, beating well after each addition, then add the almond extract. Sift the
dry ingredients together. Whisk the milk and creme fraiche together.
Alternately incorporate the dry ingredients and creme fraiche mixture into the
batter, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Gently stir in the fruit
and nuts.
Spread the batter into the loaf pan and bake for about 1 hour. The bread will
be lightly browned and a skewer inserted in the center will come out clean when
Variation: for a delicious variation, substitute apricots [original recipe says
'dried' but since we can get fresh in the summer...] for the raspberries. Just
cut the apricots into small pieces. [Annie has you plump dried apricots in hot
water, etc. etc. but I wanted to include the apricot variation only because
Live Earth Farm grows apricots!]
Here is the current schedule, and we will update the calendar here in the newsletter regularly. You can also get more information from the calendar on our website.
Farm Workshops/Lectures this is an idea that is still forming...
Possible subjects to include Permaculture, Fermented Foods, Farming with
the Wild... stay tuned!
Community Farm Days
Every month from May through October, 9am - 4pm, on these Saturdays: May 30th June 20th Farm - coinciding with our Solstice Celebration August 1st August 29th (sorry, late request: Tom asks there be "no sleep-overs" Friday August 28th!) September 26th October 24th - coinciding with our Harvest Celebration
Participants are welcome to arrive Friday evening and camp out overnight
to Saturday (except on the Friday before our Solstice and Harvest celebrations; we're too busy setting up). Please leave
your dogs at home too, thanks! The intent of Community Farm Days is
to increase the opportunity for members and their families to experience and
enjoy a slice of "life
on the farm" at different times of the year - kind of like our old
Mini Camp, but for members of all ages! Each month will have a different activity
focus, and will be announced in advance here in the newsletter. RSVP to Tom with the number of people attending and whether you'll be arriving Friday night or Saturday is requested. Call 831.760.0436 or email him at thomas@baymoon.com
NEW!! Live Earth Farm Discovery Program for WEE ONES 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10:30am - Noon (free for children 0 - 3 yrs; $5 - $10 per adult)
Mothers, fathers, grandparents, caretakers of any kind... bring the babe in your arms to experience the diversity of our beautiful organic farm here in Watsonville. We will use our five senses to get to know the natural world around us. The farm is home to over 50 different fruits and vegetables, chicks, chickens, goats, piglets, and the many wild members of the Pajaro watershed.
For more information, contact Jessica at the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program (831) 728-2032 or email her at lefeducation@baymoon.com.
Organic Farm Dinner Fundraiser for the Live Earth Farm Discovery Program Saturday September 12th ~ don't miss it!! Farm tour, feast, and silent auction! Seasonal Cooking for Health Workshop in the afternoon! click here to download flyer and learn more
Fall Harvest Celebration Saturday October 24th [and click here for a YouTube video of our Fall celebration!]